Chapter 657

"Shh, don't shout, don't shout! I'm little pearl Su Hai, you don't know him, don't you know me too?"

A boy stepped forward and grabbed Su Tianxin.

"Don't touch me!"

With a whoosh, the boy who called himself Little Pearl just now disappeared, and Little Pearl appeared in front of Su Tianxin.

This... Could it really be a little pearl?

Su Tianxin suddenly felt a little unreal, it's not that she didn't know how little pearl turned into a human being, she was just a young boy, the boy just now was obviously about the same age as her.

Looking at the younger child, he is still a foreigner, with blond hair and blue eyes, maybe...

"Hey, Miss Tianxin, I'm a little mouse, I'm Richard."

After speaking, he turned back into a little hamster.


"Boom boom boom! Tianxin, are you okay?"

Su Tianxin yelled too loudly just now, her mother thought something happened to her, so she hurried over to check.

"Oh, I just took a shower and took a break to watch TV."

Su Tian opened the door heartily, her mother came in and checked that there was nothing wrong, so she told her to change clothes and go downstairs for dinner, it's almost time.

Su Tian agreed, and said that he would go down after a while.

Mom left, Su Tianxin closed the door, and asked the two elves curiously: "I just went to take a bath, what's going on with you two?"

"We don't know what's going on. Just a few minutes after you went to take a bath, the aura on both of us soared, and then I changed, and the little mouse turned into a human form."

ask him?He was more confused than Su Tian.Little Pearl told her everything she knew.

Su Tian didn't understand anymore, so she just went to take a bath to make the two of them spiritually boost?

Suddenly she thought of something, stretched out her hand and looked, huh?Spirit root grass gone?

"My spirit root grass is gone! Could it be the effect of the spirit root grass?"

After Su Tianxin came back for a long time, she was busy trying to save Little Starfish, and then she had a detoxification reaction after swallowing Little Starfish's Yuan Pill. She ran to the bathroom several times, and then went to take a bath and almost forgot about the Spirit Root Grass.Thinking about it now, I found that the spirit root grass was gone.

"Impossible? Spirit root grass needs to be refined, and you don't even know how to... No, you have Yuan Dan now! I know, it was the Yuan Dan you swallowed that refined the spirit root grass The aura in your body has skyrocketed, and we have benefited accordingly."

Little Pearl never thought that she would follow the owner she recognized in the cultivation process and make rapid progress by leaps and bounds, tsk tsk, but this feeling is really cool.

In the past, he looked down on those guys who signed contracts with their owners and humans. Relying on the contract relationship with humans to obtain the weak spiritual power blessings from heaven and earth, they just muddled along and stopped practicing. It was really hopeless.

Now little Pearl understands that with the right owner and the right mortal, not only will her practice not be dragged down and become lazy, it will be like getting a good magic weapon for cultivation, which is much faster than practicing by herself.


Little Pearl wanted to raise her head to the sky and howl a few times.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, and I don't know if it's your luck or my luck. So, I can practice in the future? Is the spirit root grass just refined by me or is it still in my body?" ? Didn’t you say that the spiritual root grass can continuously produce spiritual energy? Wouldn’t it be a pity if it was completely refined?”

(End of this chapter)

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