Chapter 660

The thing of regional blood is really amazing. When the two of them were elves, the difference in language was obvious, but now it can be seen from the appearance.

Little Pearl feels that no matter whether he can communicate with Linggencao or not, he should thank the other party out of emotion and reason.

Originally, Xiao Haixing should thank him, but the other party has already blew himself up and lost this opportunity, so he should remember this gratitude to Su Tianxin.

"Little Bean Sprout, oh no, is Xiaoxiancao still crying now? I think we should coax it? Without it, we wouldn't have raised so much all at once, and the little mouse wouldn't be able to get away so easily. Transformed into a human form."

Little Grass Grass: 555...Finally, we don't call it Little Bean Sprout anymore, it's Grass Grass Immortal, and it's right to call it Grass Immortal.It is called Xiaoxiancao, and whoever calls it Xiaodou sprouts in the future will cry for him!

Su Tian didn't expect Little Bean Sprouts, oh, it's not that Xiaoxiancao cares about names so much?With so much less spiritual power and no name to make her care so much, then she... It seems that she really shouldn't be called Little Bean Sprout, after all, the little girl needs to be coaxed.

"Xiao Xiancao, can you hear me?"

Su Tianxin tried to call it out, although Little Pearl and the others stopped making noise, but Su Tianxin couldn't stand the constant crying of Little Grass in her head.She thought about coaxing the little guy first, no matter if it was losing his temper or crying because of his name, she couldn't stand it.

Xiaoxiancao: I heard you, I heard you called me little bean sprouts several times just now, but I will forgive you if you change it now, I am Xiaoxiancao, please don’t call me by my name again. Otherwise, I will cry for you to see, but not for you to hear!

Su Tian forgot that spirits could hear her inner thoughts.So Xiaoxiancao was really angry with her all the time because of it, Su Tianxin gave up, she took back what she called it little bean sprouts just now, and said she would not change it.

Although it is now in the shape of a bean sprout, but Little Pearl said, they were able to increase their spiritual power so quickly and their cultivation base also increased, this is all thanks to the little fairy grass, she should not bully the little fairy grass of.

"Xiao Xiancao, I'm sorry, I won't call you that anymore. Thank you for your forgiveness. But you are always in my palm, can you come out in the future?"

Suddenly, the fairy grass grew in the palm of Su Tian's heart, and she always felt obedient.This is not the same as Yuandan.

Yuan Dan itself has no consciousness, it is a space for storing and operating spiritual power.But Xiaoxiancao obviously has its own consciousness like the elves, so if it stays in Su Tianxin's body like this, she is afraid that it will be bad for her.

She had heard about Duoshe.In case this spiritual root grass lived in Su Tianxin's palm for a long time and she developed a different heart, then no one would really love her.

Xiao Xiancao thought for a while: I probably won't be able to get out.Because I have recognized the Lord, although I still have consciousness now, I have given you my spiritual roots, and I can only keep my spiritual consciousness alive by relying on you.Even if I cultivate, I'm afraid I can only cultivate my body without spiritual roots.

Su Tianxin heard the key sentence, admit the Lord?Does Xiao Xiancao mean that it has recognized itself as its master?

Su Tian asked this question consciously, and Xiao Xiancao gave her an affirmative answer.

It turns out that the spirit root grass is not only difficult to meet but also difficult to catch, because the small fairy grass is indeed a spirit grass that grows in the fairy world.It was originally a spiritual herb that the queen mother arranged for the fairy to plant in the garden to absorb the fairy energy of the flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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