Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 667 Avette's Vision

Chapter 667 Avette's Vision

Everyone is curious whether these boxes are antiques or gold, but no one can tell them.


As early as when the first batch of boxes were salvaged, Avette had already stated that these things would belong to Su Tianxin.

Although the old castle was gifted to him by the queen before, he gave it to Tian Xin as a birthday present. The sunken ship was originally discovered by Su Tianxin and the others when they came on vacation.

All of these things should belong to Su Tianxin.

Even the salvage team observed the sunken ship and said that the sunken ship should have arrived near this sea area recently.Looking at the traces, it seems to have been dragged over, but there are still some inexplicable ones.

What kind of large fish in the sea will drag the sunken ship over for no reason?

Because of Fran, a friend who works in the Special Practices Administration, Evitt has actually become used to things that cannot be explained by science at some point.

Since the last time Tianxin went to Country F, Fran called and briefly said that Tianxin might be targeted by demon mages because he brought two elves. She is a real ordinary girl.

And regarding the matter of accepting Su Tianxin as a student, Avette always felt that his decision was extremely correct.

Everett initially thought he might have a special student.A student with magician talent, a student who uses magician talent to make snacks.This thought made him extremely excited at the time, so he chose to accept Su Tianxin as a student without hesitation.

As early as the first time we met, he felt that this little girl had a kind of ability and appeal that ordinary people did not have. At that time, he even joked that she was a magician who knew magic.

Of course, most of those who heard his words at that time only heard the superficial meaning, thinking that he was a compliment. After all, who would think that there are really magicians in this world?

At that time, only his old friend Fran understood the second meaning when he introduced Su Tianxin in this way.At the strong invitation of Avette, he personally flew to Huaguo to meet this little girl who was said by an old friend to have the feeling of a magician.

After all, Fran's usual work is so busy, and the nature of the work is extremely special.If it's just for a little girl's apprentice banquet, even if there is no real special reason for Avette's repeated urgings, he will not easily leave his jurisdiction for a visit.

At that time, in Avette's eyes, Su Tianxin might really be a magician who could use magic.It's just that her magician is all used in making snacks.

Although this idea seems crazy to ordinary people, Avette really felt this way at that time.

If it were someone else, it would be a guess at best, or a random guess.But Evitt is different, because of friends like Fran and his own personal experience, all this becomes a little more convincing.

Fran was convinced by him, he knew that Evitt had really come into contact with magicians and had seen magicians use magic.

Avette so solemnly let Fran, an old friend, see the little girl from Huaguo with his own eyes, and Fran did not put it off but actually went.It's a pity that at the banquet at that time, Fran didn't see the talent of a magician in the little girl. The two old friends chatted and finally still insisted on their views.

(End of this chapter)

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