Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 679 Su Tianxin's Habit

Chapter 679 Su Tianxin's Habit

Su Tianxin looked at the little Pearl who had an expression of knowingly asking, and really wanted to punch someone: "Why would I know? Did you tell me?"

No one told her about this kind of thing, how could she, a mortal, know?

Seeing Su Tianxin's unkind expression, Little Pearl realized that he seemed to have forgotten, "Did I forget to tell you?"

"What do you say?"

"Oh, see how I forgot it. Next time, next time I will definitely not forget it again."

Little Pearl just now thought that Su Tianxin was a little surprised to hear that the spirit root grass can live forever, as if it was the first time she heard it, but now she knew that he forgot to mention it, so naturally she didn't dare to be embarrassed, so hurry up Coax the little girl, it's okay for a woman to coax her.

Su Tian didn't believe him, "If the same thing happens next time, you don't need to tell me, I will know it myself."

After finishing speaking, Su Tian didn't want to talk to them, "Change back, I'm going to take a lunch break."

Although it is not a person in the full sense, and the elf has been with her for a while, it is not unheard of to take a nap at night.But if she didn't return to her original shape, even if no one else came to see the two boys in her room, she wouldn't be able to sleep.

It's okay to stay with her, but they can't go out when she sleeps, or they will change back to their original shape.

The elf didn't think too much about it.To them, it doesn't matter whether they look like human beings or their original appearance. Recently, they have become human more often, and this is also to adapt to the feeling of being human more quickly, not because they like being human.

The little mouse felt very fresh because it had just transformed into a human form. It was always a small one before, and his field of vision was only within that small square inch.Although he is an elf whose five senses are much more sensitive than humans, this vision alone does not affect his ability to see the world.

But now that he is an adult, he has grown taller, and this feeling is really different from before. If Miss Tianxin hadn't told them not to let them wander around, the little mouse would have wanted to go out and have a good time outside. Yes, especially in this old castle, he always felt that there seemed to be some secrets in the old castle, but he couldn't tell by intuition. He asked Little Pearl, and Little Pearl said she didn't feel anything.

The appearance of the little elves in human form is basically like this. If they go out wandering and run into someone at home or Qiao Muqing, it is easy to be suspicious of Su Tian's intention to take people with him in the future. One more thing is worse than one less thing. The elves want to go back to Huaguo to wander casually, let them go out for three months and then go home.

When the two elves heard that Su Tianxin would let them go out for three months, they endured it. After all, Huaguo has a vast land and rich resources, and this small country is incomparable. Tolerate a few days for three months to eat and drink. Everyone knows that they have fun How to choose, not to mention the elf?

The little mouse swallowed, he was already thinking about the delicacies in Huaguo: "Miss Tianxin, when shall we go back to Huaguo?"

"Can you just call me Tianxin, don't call me Miss Sister, it sounds awkward."

Su Tianxin was educated by her fans before, what does "Miss Sister" mean.It's okay for the fans to shout, it's weird for the people around me to shout like that.

The little mouse didn't understand: "I learned it from Little Pearl."

"I learned it from someone else, at the airport. It was fun to see you when those people called you that. Why were you so harsh when it was our turn?"

Little Pearl is still wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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