Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 684 The Devil's Mage's Chip

Chapter 684 The Devil's Mage's Chip

That night, in a certain alley in Country F——

Two men in black robes tapped lightly on the wall three times, a brick fell down by itself, and with a light touch, a path opened from the middle to the two sides of the wall, and the two walked in and closed the brick by themselves. The masonry was patched back by itself. At this moment, the wall can no longer see any abnormalities from the outside, just like all such small alleys in the city, it is pitch black.

"Did you find the starfish I chased a few days ago?"

A blond haired blue-eyed man whose face was so pale that there was no blood in it, and there was blood seeping out of the corners of his eyes when he looked carefully, he was panting for a long time after saying these words, and then he was speechless.He closed his eyes and silently recited the spell, then opened his eyes and his complexion improved a lot.

This is the soul-returning curse.

"No, that starfish has already escaped the range we can pursue. Although it won't live long, I'm afraid it can't be used by you."

The man in the black robe said this without any fluctuations in his voice.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to catch me. What should I do now? If I don't swallow the elf I owe at midnight tonight, I'm afraid my cultivation base will plummet and there will be no room for recovery. Don't forget that this is not You still rely on me to help you with my own affairs. I have your baby in my hand, and you can't do anything without it. "

The blond man knew early on that the man in the black robe would not really want to help, they were just using each other.Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, and he still had a bargaining chip in his hand. He didn't believe that the other party didn't want to get back his precious magic weapon. Without that magic weapon, they might have nothing to snatch the spiritual energy from that Huaguo man.

If he can't live, it's not good for anyone to think about it. If he wants to become a demon, everyone should be together.

"Where is my master's magic weapon? Since it is a cooperative relationship, is it unkind for you to do this?"

Another younger black-robed man spoke up. He knew that the master's magic weapon could not be lost for nothing, but the master carried it with him every day and really didn't know what kind of spell the demon mage used to steal the master's magic weapon.

"Honest? I ran around for you, but I missed my big business, but you didn't do your best to help me find the elves for me to devour. If you didn't come out to help in time when I caught the little starfish that day, I would have made up for it long ago." This time the aura of backlash is gone."

Everyone is not doing something righteous, and what they do is also regarded as crooked by the world, so don't say anything about it.

It's just a joke for an Eastern evil cultivator to discuss honesty with a Western demon mage.

"What are you afraid of, Mir? Are you afraid that I will harm you?"

The older evil cultivator laughed.

"I was afraid that you would harm me. Shao Zhen and we are not good people. There are demons living in each other's hearts. Aren't you also guarding against me? It's a pity that I succeeded. Needless to say anything else now, you capture the elves, Naturally, I will take out your magic weapon when you need to use it. I can't use your thing in my hands, I just want what I want. "

The demon mage named Mir seems to be more honest than the evil cultivator.

"You hand over your things first."

Tu Qing, the apprentice who was following Shao Zhen, stepped forward and said viciously.

"You are not qualified enough to tell me the conditions. This is a matter between me and your master."

With a wave of the magic wand in Mir's hand, Tu Qing flew out and stood in the alley. The room was Mir's territory just now, even though he was seriously injured by backlash, he still had the ability to throw Tu Qing out. .

Tu Qing underestimated him.

(End of this chapter)

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