Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 687 Cowardly Wei Yanzhi

Chapter 687 Cowardly Wei Yanzhi

Although Wei Yanzhi's eyes did not stare at Su Tianxin all the time, his eyes were a bit straightforward, unlike his usual self, Su Tianxin thought he was waiting for the answer to the question just now and smiled, "Senior, do you still care about us?" What are you talking about behind your back? I thought that a powerful person like you would not care about good or bad for a long time."

Wei Yanzhi answered directly: "You don't have to care what others say, but you still have to pay attention to what you say."

Su Tian was stunned for a moment, Wei Yanzhi's words...

"After all, I am very tall in your heart, am I not? If someone speaks ill of me in front of you, I have to find a way to explain it."

Wei Yanzhi originally wanted to speak his mind on this topic, but when he saw Su Tianxin's reaction, he sighed inwardly and returned the words.

Su Tian breathed a sigh of relief and startled her. She thought that Wei Yan would say "because you are special in my heart" or "I care about your opinion" in the next sentence. After all, his expression just now was a little too serious. It doesn't even sound like a joke.

After hearing Wei Yan's last sentence, Su Tian could understand what he just said.She should be regarded as a good friend of Wei Yanzhi, and there is no one who doesn't care about a friend's opinion.

Sure enough, you can't watch any messy idol dramas, what's on your mind.She has to talk about her mother when she goes back, don't watch those dramas at home all the time, she is affected so much by glancing at her occasionally, let alone her mother.

Su Tian's mind wandered through her mind in a mess for half a minute, seeing Wei Yanzhi smiling with his usual attitude, her mind regained her sobriety.

"Don't worry, Beibei and the others are all saying good things about you. You are our model senior, and everyone admires you. Besides, aren't you still a great painter? You have a brilliant image in their hearts, it's impossible it is bad."

After Su Tian's heart relaxed, his attitude changed back to the previous casual attitude.

Wei Yanzhi poured a cup of tea and put it in front of her, "Then I have to continue to set up for Gao Guangweizheng, otherwise it would be bad if I let the children down."

Su Tianxin was amused by his words, "You don't need to set yourself up as you are now. But sometimes I really admire you. You said that you were born as a top student or really proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and you look so... ...You are handsome, you have a good temper, do you have any shortcomings? Why don't you tell me quietly, I won't tell others."

This talking posture is the same as when chatting with Su Beibei, Su Tian really thinks that Wei Yanzhi is a rare friend who can chat easily.It is the only one among boys.

Wei Yanzhi stood up to Su Tian's heart and spoke highly of him before, the discomfort in his heart just now was smoothed away, and he was even amused by her naughty last sentence.

But he was quite cooperative, "I am a human being and not a god, of course I have shortcomings..."

As soon as Su Tian heard it, she said, "Tell me what is the shortcoming, hurry up!"

Wei Yanzhi curled his lips into a smile: "My shortcoming is timidity."

——Always afraid that you will refuse, you will alienate me, and you will never treat me as a friend again, I dare not say it, dare not confess...

Su Tian was taken aback for a moment: "Really? I didn't see it. Are you afraid of the dark? Or are you afraid of bugs and mice? In this way, there is finally one thing that you are very good at. I am brave and I am not afraid of these things."

Wei Yanzhi felt sour in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and continued to joke: "You have more than one advantage over me, you are not as good-looking as you are. Don't everyone say that good looks are justice, you said that you have good looks. It all counts."

(End of this chapter)

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