Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 691 The studio is a bit small

Chapter 691 The studio is a bit small

Wei Yanzhi looked at the whole box of porcelain in the photo and knew that although the gift Su Tianxin gave him was expensive, for Su Tianxin at this stage, this gift was really an expression of his heart, not selected according to value. He might really have to accept the gift.

But what about going back?What did grandpa say when he asked the question?You can't talk about the treasure of the sunken ship. Wei Yanzhi probably understands that if he accepts this gift, he has to find a good reason, and he can't hide it from his family.

Simply hand it over to the master. Anyway, it is his return gift in exchange for the pot, so it is right to hand it over to him.

"I've accepted the gift, thank you. Maybe I can get some of your blessing and good luck."

Wei Yanzhi didn't refuse anymore and solemnly thanked him for accepting it.

"That's right. You don't have to worry so much between friends. I'm rich now, so hang out with me."

Su Tianxin joked.

"Then Mr. Su, do we need to rehearse for next week's activities?"

Wei Yanzhi is a good follower, and he has indeed been following Su Tian's heart lately.He is still waiting for Su Tianxin to pay his salary.

"Miss Xiaojin also said that we should go to rehearse on Monday. Do you have time? The school will start next week. Will you go to school next week? But there is no job to welcome new students this semester. Are you okay? "

Qiao's Game Company's event will be next week, and after the end, Su Tianxin and the others will start school.

Wei Yanzhi thought about going to school next Monday, "I will go to school first on Monday, and then I will go to the studio to find you. Let's rehearse briefly. We are old partners, so it should be fine."

They had performed together in the New Year, and Wei Yanzhi felt that there was no problem with his tacit understanding with Tian Xin, as long as he practiced again at the end.

Su Tianxin: "No problem, I'll wait for you at the studio. Usually I don't think so, but when I need it, I feel that the studio's house is still a bit small, and there is not even a rehearsal room."

Recently, the studio is full of appointments every day. Occasionally, someone cancels the appointment temporarily and makes up the appointment.The business is really good. Everyone suggested hiring a few more stylists to expand the studio's ability to accept orders. Unfortunately, the studio is not big enough and the venue is limited.Not to mention that occasionally Su Tianxin took over the game company's activities and wanted to call people over for a simple rehearsal, but she could only do so in her office, not even a rehearsal room.

Wei Yanzhi persuaded her: "This kind of thing can't be rushed. It's better to start a business on a smaller scale. I heard that you borrowed this house. It's a good idea to test the waters with a small investment. Afterwards, the business will get better and better. You can also buy a big property and move there.”

Su Tian nodded heartily, "I thought so too. Besides, when I started my business, I didn't have that much money in my hand, so I didn't have the ability to do it all at once. I borrowed this house from Brother Mu Qing. It’s also close to the school, for me and Beibei at this stage, if we want to take care of both school and studio, it’s better to be closer.”

Su Tianxin's thoughts are still very clear, making money is important, but she and Su Beibei are still in school, even if they don't go to graduate school, there are still three and a half years of undergraduate studies, the studio is too far away, it is unrealistic to run every day .

Wei Yanzhi also nodded, "That's right, you are still students, and learning is the main task at this stage, and you have to distinguish between primary and secondary. Although there is Miss Jin taking care of the studio for you, I still have to go there often. Too far is definitely not appropriate."

(End of this chapter)

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