Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 704 Jade Business

Chapter 704 Jade Business

Qiao Muqing had no way to raise Su Tian's heart openly, so she could only help her earn more money and let her spend it as she wanted. If she wanted to spend it for herself, she could give it to the elf. Even if she didn't have a private jet, she could do whatever she wanted. The kind that can be bought, how could he make Tian Xin worry about money, this assist is very good for him, and it is his duty to do so!

Su Tian nodded heartily, this is what she wanted, "Thank you, Brother Mu Qing, I will rely on your help. I don't intend to let my family know about this new business, you understand."

Qiao Muqing had a clear expression: "Are you afraid that they will stop you? Or do you follow Cao's heart?"

Anyway, it's nothing more than these two situations, the Su family cares about Su Tian's heart, it's really not easy to make it public, but if he doesn't tell the Su family, he has to consider whether to tell the family.

The Qiao family knew about it, so it was very difficult not to tell the Su family about it, but this matter was only made known to the family after the fact. With Qiao's mother's character, I am afraid that this will be a very difficult test.However, judging from what Tian Xin meant, she was afraid that no one except Qiao Muqing would want to know.

At this time, between his family and Su Tianxin, Qiao Muqing must have chosen Su Tianxin's side without hesitation. It can't be stopped.

Besides, Qiao Duheng, father of Qiao, is usually so attached to his mother. Compared with his mother, sons and the like don't exist at all. Anyway, father Qiao doesn't see them.

In this way, Qiao Muqing is on Su Tianxin's side, no matter what consequences the family members know, it can be regarded as a family tradition.

Like father and son, no one else.

"Have you thought about what kind of business to do?" Qiao Muqing knew that Su Tian had a new goal in his heart, so he definitely didn't just talk about it casually.She should have something to rely on, or a relatively preliminary idea.

I saw that when Tianxin opened the modeling studio before, although it was an impulsive decision, but after the studio was finally set up, it was obvious that Su Tianxin didn't make a random decision, she still had some ideas .

Due to the success of the previous studio project, Qiao Muqing recognized Su Tianxin's talent in business.He wasn't busy expressing what he could do and what he could help, but to see what Tian Xin had planned.

With Qiao Muqing's cooperation, Su Tianxin almost used him as an older brother.

Although Qiao Muqing was reluctant to take on this role, he finally felt more trusted, which was considered an improvement.

"I want to start a jade business. You also know that the little mouse gave me some antique gems before. The little mouse has a good eye, and they are all good things." Naturally, Su Tianxin would not tell her about her special abilities. Qiao Muqing, this is not a matter of trust, but a matter of principle.

"I've seen that the things that the little mouse gave you are indeed good things. Do you want to start a jewelry business?" Qiao Muqing guessed along his words.

"Basically, it's just a jade business. There are too many types of jewelry, and the origin of colored gemstones is not in Huaguo. This is not a big advantage. We plan to do jade business. Whether it is Hetian jade or jadeite, the purchasing power of Chinese people is relatively strong. There are also a lot of people here, and the industry line is relatively complete, so it is easier for us to enter the market." It is not that Su Tianxin has never considered red, blue and emerald stones, but that is not their home field.

(End of this chapter)

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