Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 723 The Queen's Favoritism

Chapter 723 The Queen's Favoritism

Su Tianxin woke up early the next morning to make some snacks, and today it turned out to be a small Chinese snack—mung bean cake.

In this way, dim sum is not considered as homework for Mr. Avette.

It is true that things need to be handed in for homework, but the recipe of mung bean cake was not taught by Mr. Avette, but his homework for Su Tianxin to learn by name.

In fact, this matter has something to do with the Queen of Country Y.

After Evitt returned to China, he talked to the Queen about the salvage of the sunken ship. Of course, he also briefly mentioned the treasure found on the sunken ship. Of course, there is no way to report the exact value, but he probably also reported a The range, let the Queen know that the value of the things salvaged this time is indeed not low.

However, many of the things he wears are bought from the country of Hua. This time he was able to find the treasure of the shipwreck in country D, which is a territory of country Y. The main reason is that he has a particularly lucky student.

Speaking of his student, Avette is not stingy with praise and pride.Although the queen had heard him show off her student before, every time I heard Avette speak, I felt that I could tell new tricks.

While the daughter was amused by her nephew showing off his students, she also became more and more interested in this little girl.

Although the queen was a little surprised by so many things salvaged from the sunken ship, the wealth of the royal family did not make the queen feel that these things would make her have other thoughts.Unexpectedly, the little girl was quite caring and prepared a gift for the queen.

It's one thing to think about it yourself, it's another thing to be delivered to your door by others.Seeing these gifts that Su Tian entrusted teacher Aiweitt to the queen, the queen was still very happy.These things may not be prepared according to their value, but in the eyes of the little girl, they must be things that the queen can use.

Although most of those silks are too fancy and gorgeous at the queen's age, women always like beautiful and luxurious things at a certain age.As a queen, she may not be able to make these things into clothes and wear them on her body, but it does not prevent her from liking these fabrics.

This is not a conflict.Only a woman can understand that a woman, the queen of a country, no matter how lofty she is, is still inseparable from the most basic preferences of women.

When the queen looked at the bright and eye-catching fabrics and the young and luxurious jewelry in the box that had not been given to her for many years, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She didn't expect that those who had been with her for many years and always speculated about her preferences were not as good as this little girl.She is a queen, she is old, but she can also like fresh and beautiful things, why has no one thought about this problem?

After such a comparison, the queen felt that Avette's student was lucky or not. She was not sure, but this little girl was very caring but true.

A polite and caring little girl, plus she is her nephew's favorite student, Su Tianxin gained a lot of goodwill in front of the Queen.The really pleasing nephew is so pleasing to find a student.

Later, in the process of looking at the gifts, the queen and Avette also talked about their impressions of Huaguo with regard to these objects.The queen is also very fond of porcelain from the Hua Kingdom. Although she has collected some, she has never been able to get a complete set of porcelain tableware like this time.The queen happily took out each piece to have a look, and there was a little excitement between her words.

(End of this chapter)

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