Chapter 730 The boy

Su Tianxin wanted to introduce Richard to the people in the studio today. Seeing that it was getting late, she quickly took a few boxes of mung bean cakes and hurried out.

Father and son Su Yuexin and Su Bai also went out to work. Although today is Saturday, but because they went out for a vacation not long after the Spring Festival, they had a lot of things to do when they came back, so they had to go to the company even on weekends. , working overtime today.

When Su Tianxin arrived at the studio, Richard had already arrived.It was Su Hai who sent them here. When the two returned to their original form, they often followed them. Those who are familiar with the road don't even need to ask for the road.

Because Su Hai was going to report to the auction company, although he really wanted to see Su Tianxin before leaving, but yesterday Su Tianxin told him not to be late for work on the first day today, otherwise it would leave a bad impression on others.Qiao Muqing didn't own the company alone. In order to get along better with his colleagues in the future, he also tried his best to behave like an ordinary office worker and not specialize himself.

Su Hai was still very impressed by Su Tianxin's words. It was already late when he sent his 'brother' Richard to the studio. The subway rushes to work.

The little girl at the front desk didn't dare to neglect Su Hai's entrustment, not to mention that Su Hai made it very clear. The two brothers met Su Tianxin, the big boss of their workers, last night. The basic requirements of those jobs will not let her do things that can be neglected if she is not a customer.

Furthermore, these two brothers are very good-looking. The older brother Su Hai is handsome and upright. Although the younger brother Richard is not very old, he has a beautiful face of a mixed race that people can remember at first glance. He has black hair and blue eyes. The skin with thinner eyelashes is better than that of girls. This little brother is really the most popular representative of the soft and cute young lady.

Richard arrived at the studio early. Although people began to come to work one after another, everyone was very busy and no one bothered to ask who the child was. They all quietly glanced at him and hurried to get ready for work.

Because she is not a client and no one has seen him before, it is not good for the lady at the front desk to arrange Richard to wait in Su Tianxin's office.Apart from Su Tianxin's office, the studio does not have a dedicated reception room or meeting room, so the lady at the front desk arranged Richard in the usual visitor waiting area on the first floor.

Richard sat obediently, not playing with his mobile phone or doing anything else, waiting for Su Tianxin.

Attracted by his looks, no one passing by slowed down and took a second look. If he accidentally caught Richard's eyes, Richard would smile back. Everyone thought this child was too good-looking. So cute!

When the work preparations were finished in the morning, Miss Jin also arrived. She also noticed the young boy in the waiting area at the door, and asked the little girl at the front desk what the kid was doing.

The little girl at the front desk said what Su Hai had said before, Miss Jin nodded and took Richard to her office to wait for Su Tianxin.

In fact, in the cooperation with the game company this time, there was no suitable person to play the role of a half-year-old boy among the game characters. After discussing with the game company, if there is really no suitable one, let it be. Fortunately, this is not a player. The character is just an NPC character, but it is very popular with players.

Although it is a bit regrettable, it is troublesome for children of this age to participate in commercial performance contracts, so the studio has been relying on luck from the beginning to use when there is a suitable one, and dare not openly recruit if there is no suitable one.

(End of this chapter)

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