Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 753 Jade Chi Belt

Chapter 753 Jade Chi Belt

Some people feel a little uncomfortable thinking about it in their hearts.But being uncomfortable is just a matter of a moment, what's wrong with picking the rest?That's a good thing, and it's not left over from Su Qiao's family, but isn't this antique something left over from previous generations?If they really dislike it, will they come here?

Thinking about it this way, everyone lost the depression just now, and only thought about how to build a good relationship with these two families in the future, maybe they can receive good things in advance, and there is no need to come to this auction to accompany them for a little bit. There is no gain.

It is said that this auction company was run by Qiao Muqing, the boss of the Qiao family, and he found ways to collect the auction items. Although it is important to have a good relationship with Qiao Su and his family, it might be more effective to connect with Qiao Muqing.

Huh?What about Qiao Muqing?Everyone was thinking about finding the right target and waiting for the auction to end for a while to talk about their presence, when they realized that Qiao Muqing was no longer here.

Forget it, I’m sure I’ll be able to meet people later, so let’s go all out to shoot the last two things.

Fortunately, it was Qiao Muqing who left the banquet to go behind the scenes, otherwise, he might have felt the baptism of everyone's enthusiastic eyes.Although, as the heir of the Qiao family, it is not that he has not been sought after on weekdays, but in fact, there are many people who admire him, who treat him like a god of plague in front of his face and behind his back.

Qiao Muqing is really not interested in getting in touch with this kind of people who do one thing in person and another in another's back. If he has the time, he might as well think about how to chase after his heart.


After fierce bidding, the emerald head mask was finally sold at a price of [-] million yuan.

It was taken by a young lady. Su Tianxin didn't know her, so she didn't seem to be a local. Later, Su Tianxin asked Qiao Muqing and found out that she was an overseas Chinese. This hairstyle was photographed for her grandmother.

Before rebirth, in Su Tian's mind, the unit of money was one yuan, but after she was reborn, she suddenly felt that the unit of money might be ten thousand yuan.After participating in two auctions now, she feels that for many rich people, the money may be in tens of millions or [-] million yuan.

I have to say that she not only broadens her horizons, but also deeply stimulates her every time.Forget it, work hard to make money and don't say anything.

The seventh lot was finally sold, and everyone can take a breather. I was too nervous and tired just now. Although I didn't get it in the end, I was really excited.

The last lot of today's auction will be released soon - a pair of Hetian jade chi belts.

Only one of the top Hetian jade chi belts with such a complete shape is on display in a certain national museum, not a pair, and being placed in the finale also proves its precious value.

This pair is not exactly the same, one is a carved dragon, the other is a carved phoenix, and the size, width, and length of the two are obviously different for men and women.According to the analysis of experts, the two chi belts of the standard are the lowest, which can only be used by princes and concubines.

The experts were actually very curious about how Qiao Muqing received this pair of chi belts, but this was a commercial secret, and Qiao Muqing did not satisfy their curiosity.

Since it is a commercial secret, the experts also know that there is no way to find out why, so they can only appreciate and touch it a few times.After all, they are just poor experts who know enough about cultural relics and like them, but they can't afford them or keep them.

It is also lucky to have the opportunity to have a close contact with things that could only be worn by the royal family hundreds of years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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