Chapter 773

Miss Xiao Jin came over to ask Richard to do styling, just saw the scene just now, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Our Richard is really cute, this kid will soon become famous, so let's say we Are the two also considered Richard's bole?"

Miss Xiao Jin really has never seen such a cute kid like Richard. He is a genius and has a super imitative ability. Only the people in the studio know this.

Those who were attracted to watch him dance just now thought that he danced beautifully and was very contagious. They loved Richard so much without knowing that Richard was capable. They can only say that Richard Really great.Such a talented and likable boy, once exposed, will definitely become famous very soon.

Su Tianxin didn't expect this. If Richard was recognized by everyone quickly, it would be a good thing for the studio, but it was completely different from her original idea.

Su Tian thought that Richard and Su Hai should try their best not to appear in the public's sight for the time being, so as to avoid being discovered by Wolfe.Su Tianxin decided to use Richard for this commercial performance because Richard himself needs to put on makeup, and he basically changes into a living person before and after makeup. Know what Richard was like.

In the future, if you participate in other activities and appear with other makeup, maybe no one will notice that this is actually a person.

Now that Richard has no makeup, his original appearance has been posted on the Internet, and soon someone will know what Richard looks like. No matter how much makeup he changes, everyone will probably know that it is him.

Su Tianxin would not tell Sister Xiaojin that Richard can't show his face too much to avoid Wolfe. She just said that since Richard is young and doesn't plan to take the path of child star, will being famous too early affect him? study life.

Miss Xiaojin laughed after thinking about it: "You are worried that he will be recognized by others without makeup, then you have never thought that the ability of online games is very strong now. Even if Richard puts on makeup every time Not the same, but dancing so well at such a young age, sooner or later people will be noticed, even if there is no such show today, sooner or later people will dig out his true appearance. You forget how you became Internet celebrity? Don’t underestimate the power of netizens.”

Miss Xiao Jin felt that Su Tian's worries were useless.Because this is something that will happen sooner or later, there is no use worrying about it.

After Xiao Jin said this, Su Tian also understood that her previous plan was impossible to realize.With the ability and vision of fans to discover new stars now.This is an era when people can look like a whole person and their full name can become a star.The Internet is the best carrier, as long as you have something to sell, not even a little bit, as long as it is novel and attractive, you can become a star.

Even though Richard is only twelve or thirteen years old, he has outstanding imitation ability, dancing skills and even dubbing ability. Even if he can keep a low profile for a while, he will be discovered sooner or later. Su Tianxin had thought so long before, so her worries, as Miss Xiao Jin said, were all in vain.

Su Tianxin was now wondering if it was a wrong decision for her to bring Richard to the studio, but when she looked back and saw those staff members who were secretly filming Richard's makeup, she realized that no matter whether she brought Richard Richard brought him to work and brought him to the venue of today's commercial performance. Richard may become an Internet celebrity just because of his appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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