Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 778 I'm Used To Watching Shows Of Love

Chapter 778 I'm Used To Watching Shows Of Love

Just as Su Tianxin hung up the phone, she saw Aunt Xu in a short while.

"Auntie Tianxin is here, so don't bother you." Xu Qingxia looked at everyone who put on makeup, did their hair, and practiced dancing. They were all very busy.She just wanted to take a look at Tianxin. When she first tried on the outfit, she felt that Tianxin was very suitable for Chang'e's look, and she had a special classical beauty.

Xu Qingxia grew up watching Su Tianxin, and she always felt that Tianxin was a sweet little princess in her heart. She never realized that Tianxin's appearance was actually more classic.Now with the shape of Chang'e, it really magnifies the beauty of Tianxin itself.

Xu Qingxia resisted the thought of complaining about her son's lack of vision in the past, and smiled and pulled Tianxin to talk.

"Don't bother me. I have nothing to do now, so I'll be on stage later. Is Aunt Xu and Uncle Qiao here?" Su Tian saw that Aunt Xu was alone. Didn't Uncle Qiao also come?

"I'm here, your Aunt Xu was in a hurry to find you and lost me." Qiao Duheng had a sad face, his wife really forgot about Tian Xin as soon as she saw him.No, to be precise, I lost Tian Xin before I saw him.

"Ah, I forgot about you, no, didn't a subordinate come to look for you just now? Where did I lose you, is it because you have something to do?" Xu Qingxia was very confident.Blame her?Obviously it's Old Qiao who lost it even more, okay?

"Yes, yes, it's because I didn't change myself and lost myself. It's not your fault. Madame calm down. Is it because I can't leave you for a moment and I'm so lost and talking nonsense." Qiao Duheng is the only one who admits his fate share.

"In front of the children." Xu Qingxia almost blushed in front of Tian Xin with her husband's good attitude of admitting mistakes and her almost sweet words, so she hurriedly reminded him that it was a public place and Tian Xin was still there.

Su Tian smiled heartily: "It's okay, I like it and my parents are so clingy too. Speaking of which, my brother and I also have the habit of watching our parents show affection when we grow up."

When Su Tianxin said this, Xu Qingxia's face really turned red.It's a big deal, usually at home with two sons, they don't think it's a big deal, but she feels a little embarrassed when Tian Xin is beside her.

Obviously, Qiao Duheng has a thicker skin than his wife, "You see, the children are used to it. With our kind of family education, the children will definitely have a happy marriage in the future."

This guy doesn't think it's wrong to show affection in public, not to mention that he hasn't seen the children before, and his wife is embarrassed, but he is quite proud.

"Go, go, I'm here to talk to Tian Xin, not you." Xu Qingxia expressed her admiration for her husband's thick skin, but she didn't want to talk to him right now.

Qiao Duheng automatically stood aside and said: He doesn't disturb, you can talk.

"Tianxin, are you still partnering with the Wei family boy today? You two will host together? I remember that you two cooperated well at the New Year's party at your school. Is it because of this reason that you invited him to cooperate this time?" Xu Qingxia Turning around, he saw Wei Yanzhi who had just changed and looked like a scholar in white.

The reason why Xu Qingxia wanted to come to the backstage to take a look was to see Tianxin and to see Wei Yanzhi's child.

In all fairness, if her own Mu Qing hadn't figured it out early, even she would have wanted to help Wei Yanzhi chase Tianxin.Wei Yanzhi's child doesn't say anything else, but his face is too good-looking, even at the age of being a mother or aunt, Xu Qingxia also likes to look at young boys with good looks.

(End of this chapter)

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