Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 78 She is not afraid of tearing her face

Chapter 78 She is not afraid of tearing her face

In fact, she also wanted to see in her heart whether this intuition of hers was only applicable to herself, or whether it was useful whether she used it by herself or joined other people.

She didn't react at the time, but later guessed that everyone might just think that she was lucky, so they followed her to buy.

Old people often say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune.

Everyone in the family felt that she had stepped into the gate of hell and was pulled back again, so she became very lucky.

This is her 'back blessing'.

Such things have also been heard.

Fortunately, the family, they found such a reason themselves, and explained Su Tianxin's extraordinary good luck.

Otherwise, Su Tian was afraid that his rebirth would be found out.

She is not the same as her unknowing family.

She felt that her good luck and current intuition should be the benefits of rebirth.

Maybe it was her reward for saving someone.

Unexpectedly, today this intuition has been upgraded with the function of identifying white lotus?

"Tian Xin, don't talk.

It's really not my fault that you committed suicide by swallowing medicine. "

Bai Ya talked sadly for a long time, but Su Tian didn't respond at all.

She was in a hurry.

This is not right.

As far as Bai Ya knew, the Su family blocked the news about Su Tianxin committing suicide by swallowing medicine for a man.

Now she deliberately uses the method of explanation to help Su Tianxin spread the matter.

Even if Su Tianxin listened to the words of his family members, if he wanted to back away from him, it was impossible that he would not react at all.

Bai Ya continued to talk about this matter to stimulate Su Tian's heart.

"what did I say?

Say you gave me a stupid idea and cost me my life?

Sister Bai Ya, although you are kind, your kindness has hurt me not once or twice these years.

If people are stupid, they should read more books.

You better understand this truth sooner.

I can't save you, you'd better go back and read more books.

Don't always use the idea that I'm all for your good, which makes me do stupid things and be misunderstood. "

Since Su Tianxin's intuition tells Su Tianxin that this is a white lotus, why hesitate?

In order to avoid trouble, tear your face and do it directly.

Su Tianxin didn't have any experience with white lotus before, it doesn't mean she doesn't know how to deal with it.

The more kindly you treat this kind of person, the more she pretends to be wronged.

That being the case, it's better to go straight to the hard core from the very beginning.

Anyway, Su Tianxin is behind the Su family, so what is she afraid of.

"You... why are you talking like that?


This little aggrieved appearance, the appearance of crying before saying a word, really looks like a pitiful person being bullied.

If the former Su Tianxin faced such Bai Ya, one would be easily fooled by her appearance.

The other one was also afraid of being misunderstood and losing face, so he followed Bai Ya's wishes and found a secluded place to solve the problem.

But now Su Tianxin doesn't intend to follow Bai Ya's wishes at all.

What is she afraid of?

Although she was the one who did the stupid things, the past will be known one day.

It was the annoying Fang Rong from the Fang family who reminded her last time.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, even if the Su family used their connections to block the news of this matter.

But once word spreads, someone will follow suit.

No one cares whether the rumor is true or not, they just watch the fun and make things bigger.

Instead of being maliciously speculated at that time, I just took advantage of today's opportunity to speak clearly.

 Thanks to "Li Ting", "Great Desolate Girl", "Xicheng" and "Bright De Eggplant" little angels for their rewards, thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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