Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 780 Mixed into the team of mother fans

Chapter 780 Mixed into the team of mother fans

Xu Qingxia's feeling is really correct, although she can't tell what it feels like, but it is true that these three people are the most similar to the game characters.

Others are also trying to imitate being close to the game characters, but it still feels a little bit worse.Su Tianxin and Wei Yanzhi have similar personalities, and Richard is a gifted and eager to learn, this is really enviable and there is no way to do it.

"Aunt Xu, you are really good. You did your homework so well." Su Tian didn't expect that Aunt Xu would actually play games by herself in order to understand the activities. She had never heard that Aunt Xu had played any games before.

The game "Dancer" is not easy to operate, and young people have to be familiar with the operation when they are just getting started.What's more, for someone like Aunt Xu who has never played games, Aunt Xu worked very hard to be her fan.

"It's nothing to me. As a mother fan, I do too little. Those mother fans spend money to watch the show for the cubs. I came here today to get a free ticket. I didn't do anything except play games on the road. By the way, Tianxin, do you know that you have mother fans? I’m still one of them.” Xu Qingxia felt very proud, it’s okay to be a mother fan if she can’t be Tianxin’s mother for the time being, Anyway, she would be happy if she got the word mother first.

Tianxin is more cute than obedient and beautiful. In the past, only Xu Qingxia and Chu Xin chatted. Now there are so many Tianxin's mother fans. They even created a group. Now it is a group of people who "become mothers" for Tianxin in the group Discuss how cute and beautiful Tian Xin is.

No one in the group knew that Xu Qingxia really knew Su Tianxin and watched her grow up.Because Xu Qingxia is really similar to those mother fans, and everyone often communicates whether there are new photos of Tianxin's recent itinerary on the Internet.

Of course, even if Xu Qingxia really knew about Tianxin's itinerary, she wouldn't really share it with everyone. That would not only disturb Su Tianxin's life, but also make her unsafe.

Xu Qingxia mostly just watched what everyone was talking about in the group, and she jumped out to refute rumors when someone said something nonsense.After a long time, many people knew that Qingxia's mother really collected a lot of things about Su Tian's heart.But she only helps people identify whether the news is accurate or not, and never takes the initiative to gossip about Su Tianxin's life in the group.

Some mother fans have privately guessed that Qingxia's mother must know Su Tianxin, maybe she is an aunt of Su's family or a staff member of her studio, or someone she knew before.Or maybe she was beside Su Tianxin but Su Tianxin didn't know this person.

Anyway, there are many speculations, but no one has been confirmed.

But everyone likes that there is such a person in the group who really understands Su Tian's heart, so that they don't have to spread rumors as usual.

Xu Qingxia didn't hide these things from Chu Xin, a good best friend and Su Tianxin's real mother.When Xu Qingxia said this for the first time, Chu Xin almost went crazy laughing. This daughter of hers has loved Tian Xin to the bone since she was a child. .

Later, after discussing the matter of being a godmother, Xu Qingxia thought that it would not be suitable for her to become an in-law in the future, so she let it go.

She has been obsessed with this principle for so many years, just talking and joking, but she did not expect that she has already entered the organization of "mother fans", which is very powerful.

Su Tian was really surprised because it was the first time she heard about this today.

(End of this chapter)

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