Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 789 Why Did Mi Su Come?

Chapter 789 Why Did Mi Su Come?

It has been more than a month since Mi Su left, and he didn't tell Jin Li in advance, one is that it is not convenient to mention this job, and the other is that he also wants to see how Jin Li will react.

Mi Su had also found a girlfriend before, although in the eyes of Qiao Muqing and Su Yuexin he looked like a playboy, with a lot of girls around him, but in fact he had only one girlfriend.

The other girls are really not what they think, they are all his informants.

Mi Su has been picking up jobs since he was in college, either looking for someone or looking for messy things. Those girls and older sisters actually have nothing to do with him, it is because of work contacts that he asks others for help.

As for this matter, Mi Su didn't explain it to anyone else, but she explained it to her girlfriend in school very seriously, but then she broke up with her girlfriend because there were too many things like this.

The first relationship can be regarded as Mi Su’s first love. He actually put his heart into it, but at that time he was eager to make money, and he ignored his girlfriend a lot of the time, and people always saw him with different girls. When we met and met, there was too much gossip outside, and it spread to the girlfriend's ears. After a long time, no matter how generous and considerate his girlfriend was, the two of them would have conflicts.

After the first relationship, Mi Su felt that it was better not to fall in love until he met a suitable girl who could support his work.It's a waste of time and energy, not to mention delaying the other party.

Meeting Jin Li was beyond Mi Su's expectation.At first, he thought that Jin Li seemed to be a very independent and independent girl, and there was a little misunderstanding between the two of them when they met for the first time. It was originally a joke that they wanted to chase Jin Li's Mi Su, but slowly they really moved. Thoughts.

But chasing girls requires skill and time. Before, he often ran to the studio when he had time. Later, when he was busy, he had no time and could only use some skills.

It was Mi Su's skill to suddenly not say hello and not see anyone for more than a month. He wanted to see if he had some status in Jin Li's heart.

If a girl cares about a person and he doesn't show up for so long, either Jin Li's attitude suddenly softens, or her attitude is worse than before.Both of these showed that the girl still missed him in her heart.

The former is because the two of them separated suddenly. The girl thought about it, and felt that she was right and interested in him, so she gave him another chance if she softened her attitude.The latter's attitude was even colder, which only showed that she was unhappy.

A person who doesn't care at all, no one will get angry with the other party.

If there are neither, then Mi Gu either has to give up, or has to adjust his work plan and work hard during this time.

It is temporarily impossible for Mi Su to give up. He is still very interested in Jinli. It has been several years since he met a girl who made him want to get close to her. He doesn't care if he doesn't care whether others take it seriously.

But it's different now, he himself was tempted first, and the old one worked harder to move forward, so that the two of them could have a chance.

Mi Su had planned all three situations in his mind, but after seeing Jin Li in the backstage just now, Mi Su had a headache, and he couldn't see Jin Li's attitude towards him.

Are you going to be angry?But just now Jin Li smiled at him much more gently than before.Let's talk about how good his attitude is, at the beginning he said he wanted a ticket, Jin Li first said that there was no ticket, he borrowed Su Tianxin's name and used the ticket that Jin Li only got.

(End of this chapter)

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