Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 800 Support without buying a ticket

Chapter 800 Support without buying a ticket

"Tianxin, your brother is here. I said that the relationship between your brother and sister is too good? You can't lose your brother if you don't see anyone for a while."

Don't talk about the voice, just listen to the words, you know it's Mi Su.Su Tianxin didn't notice that he was here today.

"Brother, Brother Xiaomi." Although Mi Su's temper is a bit uninhibited and reckless, but overall, after getting to know him during this period of time, he is actually a pretty good person. Su Tianxin saw him coming, but there was nothing wrong with him. Happy, but subconsciously she looked back at Xiao Jin's expression.

I don't know if Miss Xiao Jin didn't hear Mi Su's words, or if she ignored him on purpose, anyway, Jin Li, who happened to be by Su Tianxin's side and talked to Qiao's people about packing up and arranging things, really didn't even glance over. of.

Su Tian felt that it was better for her to just watch silently and not pick things up.

"Tianxin, you are so beautiful today. When I just came back from the train station in the morning, I didn't know that you had a performance today. When I passed by the square, I saw the person on the billboard and felt familiar. When I looked carefully, it was you And that kid Wei Yanzhi, I came home and changed my clothes and came here quickly, don’t you think you’re interesting?" Mi Su approached Su Tianxin with a smile and said, it seemed that the posture of asking for credit made Su Tianxin a little bit Can't help laughing.

But looking at Mi Su again, it seems that Mi Su has darkened and lost a lot of weight. It seems that this period of time is not too chic.

"Brother Xiaomi, thank you for your support. It's hard work to be able to watch our performance just after you come back." Su Tianxin said this sincerely. She didn't expect Mi Su to come to the scene just after returning to Beishi today. A word of thanks.

Jin Li was angry at first, but after hearing what Mi Su said, she had to ask Tian Xin to thank her, so she couldn't bear it anymore, "People pay their own money to buy tickets, even the fans bought tickets to enter the venue today, It’s not like some people who say they’re here to cheer, but still ask us for a ticket or ask us to thank him, that’s thick-skinned.”

As soon as Jin Li's words came out, the atmosphere of the scene was awkward for a moment. Even Su Yuexin, who originally wanted to say that Mi Su was thick-skinned, choked a little.Not daring to speak, not daring to open his mouth, Jin Li was obviously angry with Mi Su at the moment, or he was being fired upon.

How about a thick-skinned person at certain times, this thick-skinned can be considered an advantage.Su Yuexin didn't dare to speak anymore, Mi Su could still defend herself: "Didn't I just come back and found out that the performance will be performed this morning? Even if I wanted to buy tickets, there was no place to buy them. There are a bunch of scalpers selling fake tickets outside." When I came, the police uncles came to catch scalpers. How dare I buy a ticket outside, and I have to thank our little sister Jin for kindly rewarding me with a ticket, otherwise I would not be able to watch such a wonderful performance today. ...Miss Xiao Jin, in order to thank you for giving me the ticket, I will treat you to a meal later."

Mi Su didn't care, and took advantage of the opportunity to thank Jin Li, and took advantage of this opportunity to invite Jin Li to dinner. Su Tianxin, Su Yuexin, and Qiao Muqing were amazed to see that it was possible to do such a thing?

Disrespect, disrespect, they underestimated Mi Su.

But not to mention, Mi Su's operation gave the two men a new skill. Whenever they learned Mi Su's skill in the future, they found that it is really good for men to be thick-skinned when it comes to chasing women. used a weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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