Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 81 The Terrible and Contradictory Jealousy

Chapter 81 The Terrible and Contradictory Jealousy

It's ridiculous to say that although she wants to maintain a 'good friend' relationship with both of them.

But the two of them didn't see her at all.

After three years of hard work, Bai Ya didn't even let the two of them remember her name.

In the eyes of Qiao Muqing and Su Yuexin, there is no difference between Bai Ya and passers-by A, B, and C.

Bai Ya felt angry in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

Finally, when she was about to graduate from high school, Bai Ya found an opportunity.

That is Su Tianxin.

Su Yuexin's younger sister.

At that time, Bai Ya and the others were about to take the college entrance examination in their third year of high school, and Su Tianxin was only in elementary school.

At that time, Su's parents just went abroad. Although there was a driver at home, Su Yuexin was worried about her sister.

Every day, he took his good brother Qiao Muqing to pick up his sister to and from school, and Bai Ya ran into her once.

Su Tian's favorite elementary school is not far from where Bai Ya lives.

Bai Ya saw Su Yuexin picking up her younger sister for a week, and she was very patient when facing her.

Although Bai Ya looked strange.

But for Su Yuexin, a crazy girl who loves her sister, this is nothing more than normal.

At that time, Su Tian felt like a princess living in a fairy tale.

Happiness makes people feel envious, even jealous.

Bai Ya couldn't figure it out, what's so good about that little girl from the Su family?

Obviously nothing has been done, and nothing needs to be striven for.

Everything Bai Ya wanted was brought to her so easily.

The Su family has such a good family background, such parents who love their children, such an excellent brother...


Why even Qiao Muqing, who had never looked at Bai Ya directly, looked very talkative when he saw this little girl.

Qiao Muqing, who never had physical contact with anyone on campus except Su Yuexin, actually let that little girl hold her hands and talk.

At that moment, Bai Ya's heart was sour with jealousy, the two people she couldn't get close to for three years, unexpectedly this was like this in front of this little girl.

What kind of princess, what kind of rich daughter, to put it bluntly, is a careless and silly little girl.

Apart from being jealous, Bai Ya felt that this was also an opportunity for her.

A chance for Su Yuexin and Qiao Muqing to see themselves.

So, Bai Ya deliberately pretended to meet by chance, and went to see Su Yuexin and Qiao Muqing who were Su Tian's heart.

While slowly approaching Su Tianxin.

After a long time, Bai Ya was finally able to talk to that little girl Su Tianxin.

Then I got acquainted with it.

Although Su Yuexin and Qiao Muqing were still existences that Bai Ya couldn't get close to at all.

But at least because of Su Tian's heart, the two of them knew about Bai Ya.

Bai Ya was quite conflicted in her heart.

He also wanted to use Su Tianxin to get close to these two outstanding boys.

Then slowly began to tease the little girl to be stupid from time to time, to calm down her own jealousy.

As long as she saw that this little girl was not so perfect, Bai Ya immediately felt a little more balanced in her heart.

This mentality, I have to say, is a bit perverted.

It's no wonder that Su Yuexin didn't understand early on what this Bai Ya wanted to do.

Speaking of the past, Su Tian's heart is also pitiful.

Just because he got more than Bai Ya, he was killed by Bai Ya's jealousy.

Before, Su Tian swallowed sleeping pills and pretended to commit suicide, but in the end the fake came true.

But it's not just because Qiao Muqing encountered an accident on the way here that day.

What's more, Bai Ya actually lied to her.

The medicine that Bai Ya gave Su Tianxin was much larger than the usual dose.

It was not long ago that her family told her about it.

It was the news that Mi Su gave Su Yuexin for free.

(End of this chapter)

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