Chapter 88

"I'll get something for my mother.

Yue Xin, do we have to do this? "

Qiao Muqing looked at her best brother since she was a child, and now seeing her avoiding like a snake, she said in her heart that she didn't feel uncomfortable, it was a lie.

But he was also innocent in this matter.

"I'll take Tian Xin back first.

I have something to say next time. "

From a matter-of-fact point of view, Su Yuexin really couldn't blame Qiao Muqing for what happened before.

But he couldn't afford to gamble.

In case my sister can't think of anything because of him.

It's really hard to escape the blame.

He brought his sister here today.

"Okay, let's meet again."

Su Yuexin has made her words so clear, can Qiao Muqing stop them from leaving?

"Brother, are you playing a game of eagle and chicken?"

Su Tian knew that there were some things that might not be explained clearly all at once, but he couldn't just let his brother and Qiao Muqing go on in such a stalemate.

Besides, she just said what she said today, so these two people acted it out for her.

If someone sees her, won't her lie today stand up?

"How old is your brother, and you still play that childish game?

Okay, you are tired from shopping too, go home. "

Su Yuexin knew what sister meant.

But he didn't want his younger sister to have too much contact with Qiao Muqing, so he simply took her away by force.

"Let's just find a place to sit for a while and say everything we need to say.

Otherwise, if you are so awkward, I will be talked about behind my back.

What Bai Ya said at school today, others are worrying that they won't have a chance to catch my fault.

Hiding, can you hide for a lifetime?

If this matter is not resolved, will I have to watch other people's itineraries every time I go shopping? "

Su Tian didn't intend to just go back like this.

Did she make a mistake, why should she do this.

The original body's death was actually an accident.

Qiao Muqing might be responsible for this, but it wasn't his fault.

At that time, he didn't turn his back on death, nor did he dismiss Su Tianxin's words on the phone as nonsense.

Bai Ya deliberately harmed others, and that ignorant Su Tianxin who bet her life on love was totally wrong.

If someone is really responsible, it can only be Bai Ya and the original Su Tianxin.

The three of them ran into each other in public today, and it must be impossible to make such an ugly scene.

It doesn't need to be until tomorrow, maybe there will be a bunch of rumors coming out tonight.

The more you hide, the more difficult it is to untie this knot.

Just let the three of them speak clearly in person.

"go home.

Mom and Dad are already waiting for you at home. "

Su Yuexin misunderstood that her younger sister fell in love with Qiao Muqing after seeing him.

He frowned, feeling even worse.

"Brother, I don't mean what you think.

You see so many people watching.

How ugly.

Shall we go to the coffee shop downstairs and sit down first? "

Su Tianxin carefully pulled his brother's sleeve, and quietly hinted at his brother. There were so many people watching, it was only when Su Yuexin realized it.

My sister is now the person who has been on the hot search twice.

Their current situation is indeed easy to be misunderstood.

"Go home and say.

Qiao Muqing, you go to my house too. "

Instead of talking outside, it is better to go home.

"No, my parents should have misunderstood the same as you when I got home.

Let's deal with it outside.

The younger generation's matter, the younger generation can solve it.

Why let them worry about it. "

Su Tianxin didn't want to expand her influence any longer.

Besides, parents are not as easy to convince as my brother.

What she was trying to do was to defeat each other, and she would definitely not be able to do it when she went home.

(End of this chapter)

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