Chapter 92

I was calling the elevator repairman on the phone, but the call was not finished, but it was all right.

A few people were taken aback, and quickly confirmed it.

It's really all right.

After hanging up the phone, a few people took the elevator on the other side, and hurried down to have a look. My boss and the Su family brothers and sisters just entered the cafe.

It's really all right.

All right, they'll just wait outside.

No matter why, it's none of their business anyway.


Su Tianxin followed her brother and Qiao Muqing to the cafe.

My brother still looked unhappy.

She knew that if she didn't speak, the three of them would be exhausted.

"Brother, don't act like this.

I'm already fine.

What happened before was that I was self-willed, but now I really feel like a righteous brother to Brother Mu Qing.

Today Bai Ya came to our school and said a lot of things.

If you want others to know, the stupid thing I did before.

I want people to know that because of me, you and Brother Mu Qing fell out.

Even if you don't care about the relationship between our two families, then you will continue to lose your temper. "

Su Tian knew that her brother loved her the most.

Sure enough, my brother couldn't bear to let her be wronged, so he just talked about it.

Say nothing else.

It was the fact that Su Tian swallowed the medicine and went to the hospital, and when it got out, people made gossip behind his back, Su Yuexin must have felt distressed.

He will definitely compromise for his sister in the end.

"I'll see who dares to speak against you!"

Su Yuexin's face became even more stinky.

"Sealing is temporary, the mouth grows on other people, can we really seal everyone's mouth?

Even if it's for me, brother, we should let it go.

Besides, the more we avoid, the more awkward Mu Qing and I will be.

He doesn't owe me anything, and I don't owe him anything.

Why bother? "

Su Tian pretended to be wronged.

Su Yuexin thinks about it too.

These days, in order to let my sister hide from Qiao Muqing and the people from the Qiao family.

They tried their best to prevent the two from meeting each other.

Also try to keep my sister from appearing on the same occasion as the members of the Qiao family.

But from the younger sister's point of view, it seems like she did something wrong, who should hide like this?

Looking at it this way, doesn't my sister feel wronged?

Even coming to the Pearl City, which I used to like to visit the most, I had to choose when Qiao Muqing was not in China.

This happened accidentally, and I had to go home immediately.

It just became a little pitiful.

His sister Su Yuexin, when did she want to wrong herself so much?

"I'm sorry, it's my brother who wanted to go wrong."

After Su Yuexin figured it out, she felt even more distressed about her sister.

"So, what happened to us in the past, what should we do in the future.

There are so many good men in this world, and I don't have to fall on a tree.

Besides, I'm not bad, am I?

Brother, are you still afraid that no one likes me?

There are many people who like me now.

As long as I choose slowly, I can always meet a suitable person.

There are some excellent seniors in our school.

Wei Yanzhi is very good, you have seen it too.

I went to report at the beginning of school. As soon as I entered the school, I saw the handsome guy on the big poster welcoming freshmen. "

Su Tian didn't know why such a person suddenly appeared in his mind.

Oh, maybe that big poster is quite impressive.

Intuitively, this person's name might be useful.

"Wei Yanzhi seems to be the grandson of Wei Lao, a master of Chinese studies.

He is indeed a handsome young man.


Have you taken a fancy to him?Or is he interested in you? "

Although no matter which boy it is, Su Yuexin may not be very satisfied.

But right now, in front of Qiao Muqing, he couldn't tear down his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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