Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 941 Learning to make money 2 is not wrong

Chapter 941

Su Tianxin was already busy with homework and the news group, and the school had a big school celebration this year. As a famous figure in the school, Su Tianxin was directly found by the Youth League Committee teacher to be one of the person in charge of the school celebration activities. Followed by organizing activities.

Originally, Su Tianxin was not a member of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, and secondly, she was not a member of the Youth League Committee, so it shouldn't be her turn to be in charge of this matter.But there is no way, who let everyone know that she started her own business and opened a studio.

The teacher in charge of the school heard about Su Tianxin's studio from the students before, and also read some public information about the activities that the studio took over. He felt that their studio was really good, so he wanted to get rid of Su Tianxin's relationship. Spend less money to co-host this event.

It is impossible to find a student’s studio to take over the school celebration activities without paying, but the price is definitely much more negotiable than those companies outside. If you save this money, you can invest it in other places, which is good for the school. Naturally speaking, it is good.

On the other hand, it is not a bad deal for Su Tianxin's studio.

Although they didn't make too much money from this event, it was also a good publicity.After all, Tsinghua University, a century-old school that is well-known both at home and abroad, for such a big event, the guests invited are all well-known, not political and business celebrities, but also honorary alumni, and foreign friends. When the time comes for this event Once it's done, everyone will be more impressed with the name of Su Tianxin's small studio.

Although Su Tianxin's original intention of opening the studio was to accept personal styling, but after Qiao Muqing's company's new game interactive activity, Su Tianxin and the others felt that this was a big market, and it was a Very promising and very profitable project.

They may not be able to swallow most of this big cake, but since they have already taken a step, why not do things that make money?

After several people's discussion, the studio has put the work of undertaking big events as important as the work of private styling.

In fact, these two jobs don't conflict very much. Only when there are large-scale events and private styling appointments are relatively intensive, it will be particularly difficult to deploy manpower. This is why Su Tianxin and the others were busy preparing to recruit people.

Fortunately, although the school nominally appointed Su Tianxin as one of the person in charge of the school celebration activities, she told the studio that Su Beibei would help her with this matter, otherwise Su Tianxin would break herself into several pieces. Petal is too busy.

Time flies quickly amidst the busy schedule, and it will be the end of April in a blink of an eye...

"Tian Xin, what are your plans for May Day? Let's go out as a family? Isn't your school's school celebration at the end of May? There is still some time to prepare. You have been too busy recently, so it's time to relax. "

Chu Xin felt sorry for her daughter who had been busy and kept her feet on the ground since then.

Although Qiao Muqing had arranged for many domestic and foreign experts to consult with her daughter to confirm that she was fine physically when the school just started, the doctor also said that sometimes fainting for no reason may be due to too much mental pressure of.

She can see that her daughter is busy these days, but there is no other way. It is all about her child's school and her own business. She has nothing to do to help her. She can only persuade her daughter to take a rest.

After all, the May Day holiday is coming soon, and she thought about taking her daughter to play, no matter where she can let the child put down her study and work and enjoy a few days of vacation, even if she just sleeps in.

(End of this chapter)

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