Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 951 Those National Treasures

Chapter 951 Those National Treasures
As a fairy, when Su Tianxin heard that these foreign invaders plundered the property and even treasures of the Hua Kingdom, it was a pity at that time.

But gods cannot interfere with human affairs.Moreover, the biggest difference between being a human being and being a fairy is that human beings are rich in emotions, while gods have fewer emotions and six desires.

It's not to say that the gods have no feelings at all, otherwise the koi fairy would not be loved by the queen mother.

Immortals are more rational than emotional. Although they occasionally rely on their own emotions to judge things, after all, that is a very small number of behaviors.

Moreover, those gods who once acted on their emotions will have no good results in the end. At least they will be sent to the lower realm to re-experience self-cultivation and gain immortality, and at worst they may fall into demons.

After the koi fairy became a fairy, the first thing she was taught was not to be emotional, not to have too many thoughts of her own.

Speaking of it, although the heavenly realm is in charge of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, generally speaking, as long as there is no major disaster in the world, the heavenly realm basically does not intervene.

When the foreign invaders entered China, some immortal families wanted to intervene. After all, it was the common people who suffered the most.

But the upper echelons of the Heavenly Court blocked their actions, saying that this is a catastrophe that must be endured in the world.This is a catastrophe of [-] reincarnations, and no one can intervene except the mortals themselves. Once an outside force intervenes in this catastrophe, the Hua Kingdom may face a more serious blow in the future, and even the destruction of the country is possible. .

The affairs of the world must be resolved by ordinary people themselves, and no one can afford this great cause and effect.

The Kingdom of Hua is the oldest and most affectionate country under the rule of the Eastern Heavenly Court. Although the Heavenly Court also manages some small countries around it, the Kingdom of Hua is considered the foundation.

There are quite a few fairy families in the Eastern Heavenly Court today who come from Hua Kingdom.

No one is willing to watch Huaguo be destroyed, so even if they can't bear it, they still give the right to resolve this catastrophe and the initiative to mortals themselves.

Su Tianxin knew about this when she was a koi fairy, so now she still feels very unbearable when she thinks about it. She has no way to stop the tribulation and calamity that Huaguo experienced at that time, and she can only try her best to see if there is any A way to get back a few things that belong to Huaguo in this palace?

Once this idea came into being, Su Tianxin began to think harder, what can she do?

To ask the queen?That's stupid, right?How is it possible, not to mention that country Y is now saying that those rare treasures and precious antiques are stored in museums, even if people admit that they are in the palace, why should she want them?
If it was really that easy to get back, Huaguo would have already wanted it.

It is obvious that the other party snatched the stolen things, but we have no way to get them back in a fair manner. Thinking about it is so depressing.

There were a few collections in the hands of private collectors that were bought by Hua Guohua at a high price. Su Tianxin listened to Mi Su complaining that those so-called private collectors were actually descendants of some declining royal families, and the things in their hands were also rewards from the royal family. Those who went out are now in decline and use these things for money.

Some things are really precious, and some things are really just grasping our mentality of wanting to get back those robbed treasures, and we have to keep up with the sky-high prices.

The other party never thought of reflecting on the mistakes they had made, and even threatened us triumphantly with the things that were stolen by them, negotiating various conditions, asking for money and things, it is really disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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