Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 97 Scholarship is the point

Chapter 97 Scholarship is the point

Su Tianxin went to university, one didn't live in school, and the other didn't even participate in military training.

Among them, there are many opportunities to meet classmates.

Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, she has no relationship.

Now it's almost time to go alone.

Su Beibei was relatively close. In Su Yuexin's view, it was just that her sister was kind and sympathized with that girl.

Friendships that don't pay reciprocally may not have good results.

Perhaps, joining the student union is an opportunity.

Let my sister get in touch with more people.

Whether it is sincerely or superficially, after all, let her adapt in advance and grow up by herself.

University is a kind of exercise before entering the real society.


Brother, do you also think I should try? "

Su Tian thought that he had lived two lifetimes before he finally had a real family.

He still loves her so much and values ​​her family.

So she also cares about her family's opinion.

She knew very well that her brother had always considered issues from her perspective.

What he said just now was definitely not because of Qiao Muqing's presence, and his brother deliberately said it to give her and Wei Yanzhi a chance to get in touch.

She must have sincerely felt that she should give it a try.

"My advice is my advice, you still have to decide for yourself.

Why don't you ask classmate Wei to find you some information about the work of the student union, see if you are interested, and then make a decision. "

Although it was for the sake of Tian's heart that he spoke to persuade him.

But Su Yuexin still couldn't do what she decided for her sister.

"I will sort out some materials tomorrow and send them to Su Xuemei on Monday to see if there are any positions in the department I like.

I heard that Su Xuemei didn't join the club, so joining the student union is indeed a good choice for you.

It won't take up too much of your time, and it can help you add some activity points.

Our school's scholarship system, one of which requires a certain amount of points for participating in school activities.

This year, our school station wants to recruit a new female anchor from among the freshmen.

Everyone thinks that you have a good image and good temperament, and this position is very suitable for you.

If you choose to join the Propaganda Department, you only need to record a news program once a week.

There is no need to do anything else, this is less time than club activities.

Very good deal.

you can think about it. "

Wei Yanzhi tried so hard to persuade Su Tianxin that Qiao Muqing looked sideways when he stood aside.

Didn't I hear that the grandson of Wei's family didn't talk much?

This is less talk?

I'm afraid this kid isn't, does he really like the little girl Tian Xin?

"Scholarships also have extra points for on-campus activities?

Then I'll consider it.

Sorry for the trouble, senior. "

Su Tianxin never thought before that the scholarship system of Tsinghua University is not only based on academic performance.

This is to cultivate all-round talents.

It is true that among the students of Tsinghua University, it seems that there are really few students who are dead-educated, and they can't do anything else.

Let's not talk about all-rounders, at least in addition to learning, other abilities are also good.

That being the case, Su Tian accepted everyone's persuasion in his heart.

For the scholarship, I have to try it too.

"Okay, junior girl, let's leave a contact information, and I'll give you the information on Monday."

Wei Yanzhi didn't expect that Su Tian's heart would be touched by the scholarship that he suddenly thought of.

Although I don't understand, the daughter of the Su family will care about the scholarship.

But at least there is hope for recruiting Su Tianxin into the student union.

He didn't think too much, he just took out his phone and wanted to add Su Tianxin's WeChat.

This kid is so active?

Qiao Muqing glanced at Su Yuexin, this guy didn't care?

Is this seriously giving two people a chance to get in touch?

(End of this chapter)

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