Chapter 978
Just a week after Richard settled down in the warehouse of the manor, he was suddenly arrested one day.

It was very easy to get caught.

Because the cheese he stole left left a special smell, the owner of the manor followed the smell to find his home.

The home where he once lived with his mother and where his mother left warm memories for him.

The owner of the manor not only took it away from his home, but he also searched through the things in the house.In the end, it seemed that they didn't find any other valuable things, so they could only take the little mouse Richard back to the manor in frustration.

Richard was locked up at the manor.At the same time, she found that there were several little mice locked up like her. Although Richard was not exactly the same as them, Richard really panicked at that moment.

Richard didn't know why the owner of the manor wanted to catch so many little mice, or what he wanted the little mice to find at home.

He was really scared at that time, because he had never encountered such a thing, and no one told him how to solve such a thing, how to escape.

At this time, the little mouse Julian appeared, and he rescued all the little mice imprisoned in the cellar. He even told them that the owner of the manor hated mice very much, and took pleasure in hurting and mistreating mice, because there was once a little mouse Steal a ruby ​​ring from him.

Maybe the ruby ​​ring has a special meaning to him. Since then, the owner of the manor has often tried every means to catch mice, and after catching them, he skinned and fleshed them out and hurt these little mice cruelly.

Because Julian can't understand such things, he often fights against the manor owner.

As soon as he finds out that the manor owner has caught new mice, she rushes to try to save them.

Fortunately, Julian's presence saved many little mice from being killed.

Although many little mice are hateful and will steal food, they are not guilty of death.

What's more, many of the little mice caught by the manor owner were just born and didn't understand anything.

It was that life-saving grace that introduced Richard to Julian, and you showed him what was really different about him from the other little mice, because Julian was also an elf mouse.

Many things about elves that no one had taught him before, Julian also told him bit by bit.

For Richard the mouse, Julianne is not only a friend, but also a benefactor.It can even be said to be his teacher.

Listening to Richard's words, Su Tian thought about the scene at that time, thinking about how pitiful Richard was at that time.

"How long ago was that?"

Su Tian asked him heartily.

"It should be more than 300 years ago. I can't remember clearly. After all, we elves are different from you people. We count the days. It feels like time has passed in the blink of an eye, just like yesterday's memory."

Richard thought for a while and gave him an approximate time.

"Could it be that you lived near here before, why haven't I heard from you?"

Now that Richard met an old friend, the place where he used to live should not be far from here, but Richard never said it before coming.

"No, I used to live far away from here. I don't know why I met Julian here."

When Su Tianxin asked, Richard was also a little confused. After all, Julian had said before that she would not leave the place where she lived too far.

Now the place where Julian appeared was thousands of kilometers away from the place where they met.

(End of this chapter)

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