Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 994 Are you cheating

Chapter 994 Are you cheating

"This matter... I do know that this blood curse is the most powerful curse of our vampires, but I can't solve this curse on him."

The vampire automatically ignored Su Tianxin and the fact that they called him a vampire. He insisted that he was a demon, a majestic demon.

This is an persistence that is almost as important as life.

"Why?" Su Tian frowned.

"Well... Actually, my ability is still limited now. Although I am also a vampire, there is still a gap between me and the big devil. This blood curse seems to be cast by the big devil. I... I can't solve it. of."

Although the vampire didn't want to admit it, he was caught and the other party could kill him at any time. It's not a bad thing to admit that he is not capable enough.

"Didn't it mean that you didn't cast this blood curse, but a vampire stronger than you?"

Su Tianxin roughly understood what he said, but can he believe it?
"Really, I'm not lying. If I cast a blood curse on your ability, you should have seen it when you saw this elf."

The vampire paused for a moment and continued: "The other party should be a powerful demon. There is probably only one demon in our race who can have such an ability."

As a member of the same family, especially a big brother of the same family, it is difficult for a vampire to speak out. If he offends the other party, he must have no good fruit to eat. The bill was on him, so he would choose to hang on for a while longer if he could die late or die immediately.

"There's only one? Are you vampires that weak? I don't think you're lying, right? You cast this blood curse. What did you do to Richard?"

Su Hai obviously had a lot of hostility towards this vampire because of what he was trapped last night. He felt that what this guy said was not credible. There was no such powerful vampire yesterday, and this guy was playing tricks from the beginning to the end. .

Whether the soul orb that was Richard's weakness was given to him by Julian or whoever, it has not been confirmed.

But this guy was the only one who attacked them and wanted to trap them. This guy himself said that this blood curse is a unique spell for their vampires.

Regardless of whether it's him or not, he must know how to break the curse. Now, without saying anything, he directly pushed it to that powerful guy who didn't even know if he existed. Isn't this calculation too obvious?
Did he think they were fools?

"It's not me, it's really not me, I don't know anything, and I was also used. Think about it, if I have the ability to cast such a powerful blood curse on him, can I still be caught now? I'm trapped in Life and death here are all a matter of your thoughts, and lying to me really doesn't do any good except to lose my life faster, and I really have nothing to do."

The vampire felt that he had died unjustly, what did he do?He just planned to accept the sacrifices offered by the royal family, and at the same time shot several elves to sacrifice to the black magician. He was just a little greedy, and he didn't know that he had caused such a big trouble.

"Be honest, we won't believe your rhetoric."

While talking, Su Hai angrily threw his spiritual power towards him, because trapped by Su Tian's heart, the vampire had no power to fight back, and was directly beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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