Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 997 3 Drop of Blood

Chapter 997 Three Drops of Blood
"Then let's talk about the specific procedure for breaking the curse. Let's see if there is any other way."

Going around and going back to the question, Su Tian decided to see if there were any other breakthrough points.

"To break the curse, you need to use the blood of the vampire who cast the curse as the antidote. The blood of the vampire is very precious. Although we will drink the blood of people, animals and even elves, we only have three drops in total. Blood."

Even if the vampire didn't say anything, he had already handed over the sheep district volume, and there were some things on it.

The race of vampires actually pays great attention to inheritance.

After all, the number of their kind in the current race is getting smaller and smaller.

When every new vampire is born, he will receive such a parchment, which contains the content of the inheritance that all vampires know about.

Although such parchments may be in the hands of humans or foreigners like now, but the vampire thinks that it doesn't matter if the secrets of his own family are leaked out, and there is no way for foreigners and humans to defeat vampires through these. Devil's.

In addition, they are less willing to see interruptions in inheritance than leaking secrets.

"Three drops of blood? I thought you had no blood."

"Our three drops of blood are life-saving. The first drop is heart blood, the second drop is heart blood, and the third drop is life blood."

These three drops of blood sounded quite difficult, especially what life blood was.

"Where is the lifeblood?"

It was also the first time Su Hai heard of this word.

"Life blood is related to the life of a vampire. Only you know where this drop of blood is hidden. No one will know except yourself."

"Won't he tell the others?"

"Lifeblood can move and change its hiding place at any time."

The meaning of the vampire is very clear. Even if someone knows where the life blood is hidden in advance, once the vampire knows that the other party is going to take his life blood, he can change the hiding place at any time.

This seems really hard to do.

"Does it take three drops of blood or just one drop to remove the blood curse?"

Su Tianxin frowned, could it be the worst result?
"Only one drop is enough to remove the blood curse, but none of the three drops is easy to get. It's almost as if you have to catch the big devil with nothing."

The vampire answered happily, but everyone knew that this result was not good news.

"In any case, we have to find the vampire first before we have a chance to break the curse, right? We don't seem to have any other choice?"

Su Tian felt a little depressed, she looked at the little mouse Richard, who had already lost his mind by chance, as if there was nothing else in his world except crying.

Going on like this is not a solution, but it is really not easy to break the curse, not to mention that they don't even know where the vampire is now, not to mention that this may have been a conspiracy from the beginning, a conspiracy to trap her.

Su Tian had a premonition in her heart that the other party might be the Moxiu who she almost met before, even if it wasn't them, she must have shared the news with them and knew that she had something they wanted.

Otherwise, she has been targeted since she first arrived in country Y, and even the trip to country Y was planned to get her into a trap. If this is just for her as the daughter of a wealthy businessman, it will be considered as a student of Avette It's definitely not enough to make them bother so much.

At this time, Su Tian couldn't be impulsive, he was already in the trap, if he was impulsive again, he might fall deeper and deeper.

It's not just her who will be in danger at that time.

Get in touch with Fran first.

(End of this chapter)

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