Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1026 Women's Army VS Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 1026 Women's Army VS Xiliang Iron Cavalry
Chapter 1024: Women's Army VS Xiliang Iron Cavalry
The range of the Women's Army crossbow was far beyond that of ordinary crossbows. It could have been fired five times, but Arthur gave up the last chance after the crossbowmen attacked four times.

"The crossbowmen backed up, Mo Daoshou stepped forward to block the enemy, the sword and shield soldiers followed closely behind, the spearmen split into two lines and attacked from both sides, and the archers changed their weapons to prepare for close combat."

Following Arthur's order, Qin Wu's wife, Yang Paifeng, immediately led five hundred crossbowmen to retreat in an orderly manner, and within a very short period of time, retreated to the end of the army.

At the same time, Hua Mulan ran forward with five hundred swordsmen and was at the forefront of the Detachment of Women. Qin Yong's wife, Yang Jiumei, Yang Ying, followed closely behind with one thousand swordsmen.

As for the 750 pike teams in total, Hu Sanniang and Yang Sanlang's wife Dong Yue'e each led [-] pikemen on the left and right sides of the army.

The [-] archers who were originally in the front army turned into the middle army of the Detachment of Women, and under the command of Liang Hongyu who had put down the drumsticks, they quickly retracted their bows and arrows, each holding a horizontal knife.

When Li Yuan saw a row of bright Mo Dao soldiers appearing at the front of the Women's Army, he was shocked and said, "What? There are Mo Dao soldiers in the Women's Army? How is this possible? How can a woman serve as a Mo Dao soldier?"

Before the Mo Dao appeared, the infantry could only rely on bows and arrows to fight the cavalry, and there were still numbers and lives to fill. After the Mo Dao was born, the infantry had another way to deal with the cavalry.

After the Battle of Jingbei, the Mo Dao became famous all over the world along with the trapped camp. It can be said that it is the iconic equipment of the trapped camp, and the princes naturally coveted this sharp weapon, especially You Liang, who was threatened by the northern alien cavalry. The princes of the two states.

It is naturally impossible to hand over the forging method of a sharp weapon such as Mo Dao. Although the princes do not have the forging technology of Mo Dao, it does not prevent them from imitating Mo Dao. After all, Mo Dao is characterized by being heavy and sharp. Even if you can't make exactly the same, it's fine.

Of course, no matter how imitated the princes are, the imitations they create are still not as good as the real Mo Dao, because this is the gap in forging technology.

Although the Mo Dao imitated by the princes is far inferior to the Mo Dao of the Qin Army, it also has a certain restraint effect on the cavalry.

But the princes later discovered that the Mo Dao Shou had too high requirements on the quality of the soldiers, and the speed of movement was too slow. It had to cooperate with other arms to bring out its true power, so the number of Mo Dao soldiers was doomed. Not too much.

Because the use of Mo Dao requires too much quality of soldiers, it is even more difficult to become a Mo Dao hand than a cavalry soldier. Every Mo Dao hand is an elite selected through thousands of selections.

Therefore, when Li Yuan saw that there were actually five hundred Mo Daomen in the Women's Army, he couldn't believe that what he saw was true.

The average physical fitness of women is much weaker than that of men, and most men can't use Modao, let alone women.

There are only [-] female warriors in the Women's Army, but they have trained [-] Mo Dao fighters. In Li Yuan's opinion, this probability is too high. You must know that even if they are trapped in the camp, there are only [-] Mo Dao fighters.

Because Arthur deliberately concealed the existence of the Mo Dao Army, Li Yuan didn't know that there were Mo Dao soldiers in the Women's Army. If he had known, he would not have fought head-on. After all, Mo Dao was the nemesis of the cavalry.

But now that Li Yuan was already facing a difficult situation, the horn of attack had already sounded, and the Xiliang iron cavalry and the Niangzijun Modao army were about to meet, so it was obviously impossible to turn back.

"I don't believe that women can also display the power of Mo Dao."

Li Yuan gritted his teeth and said, after all the matter has come to this, he can only comfort himself like this.

In front of the Detachment of Women's Army, Hua Mulan stared at the cavalry of the Liang Army who were close at hand, and then shouted: "The Detachment of Women, Modao Squad, attack."

Facing the world-famous Xiliang iron cavalry, the infantry women's army not only did not back down, but went straight to the challenge and took the initiative to attack the Xiliang iron cavalry.

Under the command of Hua Mulan, the Mo Dao Shou of the Five Hundred Women's Army swung the two-meter-long sharp blade at the same time, forming several walls of swords in an instant, shouting the slogan of the Women's Army, and began to push forward like a wall hacking.

The Xiliang iron cavalry just ran straight into the knife wall of the Detachment of Women's Army Modao team.


For a while, people turned their backs on their backs, and the screams continued to ring out, but under its violent impact, the Modao team also suffered certain casualties.

Li Yuan guessed right. The Modao is a weapon that relies heavily on strength, and women are naturally weaker. Although they can improve their strength through acquired training, there is still a long way to go before they can fully exert the power of the Modao. Way to go.

If it was the Yiqian Mo Daoist who was trapped in the camp, let alone be able to withstand the impact of the three thousand cavalry, he could even directly penetrate the three thousand cavalry directly.

In comparison, the Modao team of the Detachment of Women is much worse.

Although the [-] Modao Squad led by Hua Mulan had caused a lot of damage to the Liang army, it was obviously unable to withstand the impact of [-] cavalry.

Of course, Arthur also knew that only five hundred Mo swordsmen would not be able to stop three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry.

Therefore, at the moment when the Modao team and the cavalry fought, Arthur in the rear immediately waved his sword and shouted: "The whole army is attacking."

Following Arthur's order, Yang Jiumei's [-]-blade shield soldiers and Liang Hongyu's [-]-blade sword soldiers followed closely behind the Modao team and launched an attack.

And Hu Sanniang and Dong Yue'e led the spearmen, and also attacked the Xiliang cavalry from left and right.

"Sisters, kill!"

Yang Jiumei stabbed repeatedly with long spears, Hu Sanniang wielded double knives, Liang Hongyu danced wildly with silver spears, and any Liang army cavalry who approached them were all killed by them in an instant.

The female soldiers of the Detachment of Women saw that their generals were so brave, their morale soared, and they became more and more courageous as they fought.

The Mo Dao and Dao Shield soldiers were like two walls, blocking most of the cavalry's impact, greatly reducing the pressure on the other Women's Army soldiers.

Under the multi-military tactics of the Detachment of Women, the Xiliang cavalry's impact became weaker and weaker, and they were finally stopped completely.

Four thousand female warriors of the Detachment of Women blocked three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry head-on, which can be said to be an absolute feat.

Once the cavalry loses its impact, its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and even infantry can defeat it.

And at this moment, the [-] heavy armored female cavalry who were wandering outside finally arrived, and under the personal leadership of the chief general Arthur, they launched a final charge against the Liang army cavalry who had lost their impact.

(End of this chapter)

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