Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1037 State War Situation

Chapter 1037 Ten State Battle Situation
Chapter 1035: Battle of the Ten States
Most of the people in Kanto believe that as long as Dong Zhuo dies, peace will be brought, but the result is just the opposite. Dong Zhuo's death will not bring peace, but will start a more terrible chaotic world. Peace is destined to become a very extravagant words.

The lords are naturally not as superficial as the common people. They had been smearing the living Dong Zhuo before, but now they tacitly stopped their smearing behavior. After all, the dead Dong Zhuo no longer poses a threat.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to clean up Dong Zhuo, otherwise wouldn't the princes be slapping themselves in the face?
Jizhou, Bohai Sea.

"My lord, there is definite information from Sizhou that Dong Zhuo is dead." Yuan Tiangang reported in a deep voice.

"What? Dong Zhuo is dead?"

After hearing the news of Dong Zhuo's death, Yuan Shao excitedly stood up from his seat and said with a big laugh, "Good death, good death."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Shao quickly ran out of the hall again, knelt down facing the direction of Chang'an, and shouted: "Father, I was incompetent at first, and I couldn't personally kill Dong thief to avenge you..."

After venting, Yuan Shao felt much better, and then he said to Yuan Tiangang who followed him, "How is the situation in Yecheng?"

"My lord, Han Fuzhi has great talents, short-sightedness, and nepotism, so it is difficult to make the best use of all the heroes of Jizhou. This has already caused dissatisfaction among many people, and made it very easy for his subordinates to win over many important ministers of Jizhou."

After hearing Yuan Tiangang's words, Yuan Shao's eyes flashed coldness, and he asked with a sneer, "If our army goes to war with Han Fu, will these people have the guts to fight back?"


Yuan Tiangang couldn't help being startled, and after a little thought, he replied: "If the battle goes well, there will be many people responding to our army. If it doesn't go well, I'm afraid..."

"As expected..."

Yuan Shao seemed not surprised at all, and continued to sneer: "Next, we will focus on the generals who control the military power, such as Qu Yi, Zhang Yun, and Han Meng.

If they can turn against each other, even if Han Xin really has the ability of Huaiyin, he still can't defend Jizhou if he can't support it alone. "

After Yuan Tiangang pondered for a while, he said: "My lord, my subordinates think that the focus should be on the civil servants."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"Han Fu is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He looks forward and backward. He still has luck and wants to negotiate peace with our army. It is only after listening to the words of Han Xin, Ju Shou and other main combatants that he regards our army as the primary enemy of life and death. .

If the lord can win the hearts of most of the civil servants in Jizhou, with the help of these civil servants in Jizhou to persuade Han Fu, it can not only shake Han Fu's determination, but also make his internal instability. Han Fu might be forced to surrender. "

Yuan Shao nodded unconsciously and asked, "Is there any more?"

"Han Fu is indeed weak and incompetent, and has no qualifications to be a leader, but his son Han Xin is majestic, and he is deeply loved by the generals of Jizhou. As long as Han Fu does not do stupid things that destroy the city wall, it is possible to successfully win over the generals of Jizhou I'm afraid it will be small."

"Makes sense..."

Yuan Shao frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Since this is the case, you can do as Tiangang wants, but you can't relax the wooing of Jizhou generals. Although the possibility of success is not high, if it happens Woolen cloth?"

"Understood." Yuan Tiangang said seriously.

"There is not much time left for us, so we must be quick and keep it secret."

The situation Yuan Shao is facing now is not optimistic either. Liu Che in Youzhou in the north is about to completely defeat Liu He, Huang Chao in the east is about to become the overlord of Qingzhou, and there is even a veteran prince Qin Wen in the west.

Therefore, if Yuan Shao can't unify Jizhou as soon as possible, it will be difficult for him to develop it once he faces a three-sided attack.

It is not so easy to unify Jizhou. After all, Jizhou not only has the three princes of Han, Chen, and Zhang, but also the remnants of Taihang are just around the corner.

In fact, Yuan Shao also thought about going to Qingzhou to develop temporarily, and then turn his guns to attack Jizhou when his strength grows stronger, but the situation in Qingzhou is even more chaotic than Jizhou.

Although Yuan Shao is a shepherd of Qingzhou, his main territory is in Jizhou. His power in Qingzhou is not the strongest, and he does not have the strength to directly dominate Qingzhou. If too much power is transferred from Jizhou, Jizhou's territory will be in danger. stable.

After weighing the pros and cons, Yuan Shao finally decided on the strategy of first Jizhou and then Qingzhou. After all, although Qingzhou and Jizhou are not easy to fight, Han Fu is the only prince Yuan Shao can defeat in a short time.

First of all, Han Fu himself came from an old official of the Yuan family, and more than half of the officials under his command also came from the Yuan family. Once Yuan Shao won, he didn't even need to digest it, and he could directly receive the strength of his subordinates.

Secondly, from Yuan Shao's point of view, Han Fu is too cowardly, without the slightest aura of being a prince. If Han Fu had not had a good son to help him, he would not even be qualified to compete with him.

Therefore, even if Han Fu's strength ranks second among all the vassals living in Qingji and Qinghai, after the strongest Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao still regards Han Fu as a soft persimmon.

As long as Han Fu's power is annexed, Yuan Shao's unification of Jizhou will naturally be just around the corner. If it works properly in the future, it is not impossible to dominate Hebei!

Yuan Shao was busy dealing with Han Fu, but the other princes were not idle either.

Liu Xiu's attack on Jingnan was not smooth, after all, he only had so few troops, and Zhang Xian naturally didn't dare to leave the city after losing several rounds in a row.

Facing the enemies who were huddled in the city and refused to come out, even if Liu Xiuzhi had all kinds of tricks, there was no other way except to attack by force.

Liu Xiu would definitely not waste his limited force on endless sieges, so Jingnan's offensive naturally came to a stalemate.

After Liu Che returned to Youzhou, he quickly gained the upper hand in the battle with Liu He, but just when Liu He was about to surrender, although Gongsun Zan did not form an alliance with Liu He, he secretly provided Liu He with various kind of support.

In Yangzhou, Wang Lang, who was attacked by Sun Jian, had no power to fight back. It was only a matter of time before he completely occupied Kuaiji, and this also aroused the fear of Liu Yao and Lu Kang. I am afraid that the two families will unite against Sun in the near future.

Huang Chao in Qingzhou attacked Kong Rong in Beihai. Kong Rong was not an opponent, so he invited Liu Bei as foreign aid, and the two forces joined forces to fight against Huang Chao.

In Xuzhou, Zhu Yuanzhang was attacking Tao Qian;
In Yuzhou, Yuan Shu was attacking Li Mi;

In Bingzhou, the Jin army fought against Yuanmeng;
In Yanzhou, Cao Cao is also confronting the princes, and a decisive battle is imminent;
Sili and Qin Hao fought alone against the Allied Army of the Southern Princes and the Liang Army.

Of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, except Liang, Jiao, and Yi, which have not yet been in war, the other ten prefectures are all at war, and the peace in Yizhou will not last long.

(End of this chapter)

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