Chapter 1040 Chiyou's Three Attacks on Yizhou

Chapter 1038: Chi You's Three Attacks on Yizhou

In order to ensure his own strength, Liu Yan decisively betrayed Liu Ji. This act of betraying his allies also made Liu Ji's Pakistani army very angry. position and pull it down.

At first Liu Ji was also very angry at Liu Yan's betrayal, but after Chen Ping's enlightenment, he was not only not angry but also very happy because of it.

Chen Ping told Liu Ji that Liu Yan was just suffering from addiction, and Chi You was the real enemy of life and death.

Going to war at this time will only benefit Chi You, the fisherman, so it is better to bear with it and digest the Warring States period first, and it will not be too late to capture Yizhou after the strength is further strengthened.

Liu Ji has been defeated by Chi You several times, of course he knows that Chi You's threat is much greater than the incompetent Liu Yan.

Liu Yan is stronger than Liu Ji in terms of territory and population, and this is the period when Liu Yan is weakest. If he really stops the war and concentrates on development, Liu Ji's development speed will definitely not be as fast as Liu Yan.

Liu Ji was afraid that this would cause trouble for tigers, but Chen Ping told Liu Ji with a smile that Liu Yan's collusion with Chi You to betray his allies this time would definitely make him lose the hearts of the people and the army. All belong to Liu Ji.

Hearing what Chen Ping said, Liu Ji finally felt relieved, and ordered the generals not to act rashly, and Xi Ge ceased fighting to concentrate on digesting the new territory.

Seeing that Liu Ji was so 'knowledgeable', Liu Yan finally let go of his hanging heart. After all, if a war really started, even if he could defend against Liu Ji's offensive, he would not be sure to stop Chi You who made a comeback. I don't want Chi You and the oriole to be behind and benefit from it.

Liu Yan and Liu Ji did not start a war right away, and this was completely within Chi You's expectations. As long as there was a foreign enemy like him, no matter how much Liu Ji and Liu Yan hated each other, it would still depend on the situation, so Chi You also withdrew his troops. Return to digest the results.

Chi You's second invasion ended in this way. Although this time he only occupied ten more counties in southern Sichuan, he obtained a large amount of seizures on the battlefield, and also obtained a large amount of food, grass and supplies in the transaction with Liu Yan. .

These are huge victories for the extremely barren Nanman, not only enough to make up for the losses on the battlefield, but even improve the overall strength of the Nanman.

Chi You had established enough prestige through the war with the big Han, so that all the major tribes of the Nanman, including the old rival Gong Gong, were convinced by Chi You.

After all, under Chi You's wise leadership, the living conditions of the Nanman people have indeed become better and better, and the Nanman people could hardly imagine it before. In the end, more than [-]% of the Nanman tribes jointly elected Chi You to become the new Nanman king.

In this way, Chi You became the only Nanman king who successfully unified the Nanman by shifting conflicts.

After the war ended, both Liu Ji and Chi You were digesting the results of the war, while Liu Yan tried his best to recover the losses of the war. After all, both Liu Ji and Chi You were victorious in the First World War, and only Liu Yan was the only loser.

Liu Ji's Berkshire is vast and populated. In order to better manage Berkshire and gain the new Cang County, Liu Ji used Qin Hao's method of dividing Nanyang to divide Berkshire into four parts: Ba County, Padang, Brazil, Dangqu four counties.

Later, Liu Ji changed the subordinate state of Ba County to Fuling County, assigned Fuling County and Zhi County in the southernmost part of Ba County, and the two northernmost counties of Cang County to Fuling County, and made Peilin County the county seat.

After such a division of Liu Ji's power, he also owned six counties, namely: Badong County, Brazil County, Ba County, Cang County, Fuling County, and Dangqu County.

The more states and counties owned by Liu Ji, there will naturally be many more official positions, and Liu Ji will use them all to reward meritorious ministers, which will also greatly increase the loyalty of the civil and military under his command.

Seeing Liu Ji's drastic development, Liu Yan also absorbed his civil and martial arts heart through the establishment of a new county, so he also had the idea of ​​imitating it.

The advantages of subdividing new counties are obvious, but there are also many disadvantages.

Under the strong opposition of some veterans who could not accept the change, Liu Yan decided to temporarily shelve this idea, but his son Liu Yu's persuasion strengthened his determination.

Shu County was divided into three counties: Shu County, Hanjia County, and Wenshan County;

Guanghan County was divided into two counties: Zitong County and Guanghan County;

Qianwei County was divided into three counties: Qianwei County, Jiangyang County, and Yueyi County;

Changed Yizhou County to Jianning County and divided it into two counties: Jianning County and Xinggu County;

It also changed Qian's vassal state to Zhuti County;

In the end, the two counties in central Sichuan were divided into five counties by Liu Yan, while the three counties in southern Sichuan were divided into six counties, and the counties owned by Liu Yan expanded to as many as 12 counties.

Liu Ji and Liu Yan divided the territory even harder than Qin Hao. This is not counting the northernmost Hanzhong County and the southernmost Yongchang Army. Yizhou has been divided into 18 counties, which is definitely the one with the most counties owned by the Han Dynasty. State.

Seeing that Liu Ji and Liu Yan were dividing up the new county, Chi You also divided Yongchang County under his command and the Yizhou counties it occupied into two counties: Yongchang County and Yunnan County.

Compared with Erliu's side who is developing in a hurry, Chi You's side is much more low-key and honest.

After more than a year of digestion, the strength of Chi You's subordinates has further grown.

But Chi You waited patiently for more than a year. Not only did the two Lius not fight, but after more than a year, their strength recovered even more than before. This also made him understand that the divorce plan had completely failed.

In fact, the conflict between Liu Ji and Liu Yan has become more and more acute, but Chi You has no patience to wait any longer. After all, even if he waits longer, the Han people may not necessarily fight, so he simply decided to get his wish directly through war. everything you want.

The Nanman has grown stronger through two wars, and now it is not only strong and strong, but also extremely united internally. Almost all the Nanman want to make a fortune from the war and suck blood from the Han people to strengthen themselves.

In the first and second battles against Yi, Chi You's main purpose was to accumulate, so he only used part of the strength of the Nanman.

But for the third battle against Yi, Chi You's ambition and appetite were huge. He would use all the strength of the Nanman to fight Er Liu in a war of annihilating the country, completely taking the entire Yizhou from the hands of the Han people.

The Southern Man had a population of more than 100 million, but after Chi You's peaceful reunification, as well as these years of painstaking development, plus the Han people in the territory and other foreign tribes in the surrounding area, the total population under Chi You's rule has exceeded 200 How much.

And following the order of Nanman King Chi You, nearly [-] troops came to Yongchang soon, and the number was still rising.

If there is no accident, the total amount of troops sent by Chi You this time will surely reach an astonishing number.

However, the weather was not good, a sudden heavy rain disrupted all of Chi You's arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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