Chapter 1048

Chapter 1046: Destruction of Buddha

The screen shifted to Qin Hao's side again.

Li Shimin was kidnapped. The sudden news surprised both Qin Hao and Li Xiuning.

Qin Hao experienced extremely complicated psychological struggles, and decided to release Li Shimin first to obtain greater benefits, but he did not expect that Yao Mo appeared again at this time, but what made Qin Hao even more puzzled was how the other party found him. place of detention.

"I absolutely didn't reveal any flaws. Could it be that there is a traitor in Jinyiwei? You know that the only person in Jinyiwei who knows about this is Dugu Qiubai, and it is absolutely impossible for him to betray me."

What Qin Hao didn't know was that the location of Li Shimin's detention was not revealed, but Wang Mang finally analyzed three possible locations based on the traveler's psychology, and Xuanzang got him right like a blind cat hitting a mouse to death.

Different from Qin Hao's suspiciousness, when Li Xiuning learned that Li Shimin had been taken away, a gleam of joy flashed involuntarily in the depths of his eyes.

"Stick monk? Could it be someone from the Buddhist family? But why did they go to save the second brother?"

Li Xiuning thought secretly in her heart. Although she didn't know what the purpose of the Buddhist school was, it was obviously better than agreeing to Qin Hao's conditions in exchange for his second brother. After all, Qin Hao's conditions must be based on harming the Liang army. on the basis of interests.

At this moment Li Xiuning turned around suddenly, she wanted to see what kind of expression Qin Hao would have on his face, was it anger?Or disappointed?
But what Li Xiuning didn't expect was that after Qin Hao learned that Li Shimin had been taken away, he returned to calm after being slightly surprised, and instead looked at him jokingly.

"Xiu Ning, did you do this too? It seems that I underestimated you!"

Qin Hao's nonchalant tone caused Li Xiuning to frown slightly, and then said lightly, "This time, it really has nothing to do with me. Besides, the vicious person has been seriously injured. Even if I want to, I can't do anything about it."

"Ha ha……"

Qin Hao couldn't help laughing when he heard that, of course he knew that Li Xiuning didn't have the ability to mobilize the Buddhists, the reason why he asked this question was just to make sure.

"It's okay, otherwise we really can't play happily."

Qin Hao took Li Xiuning's hand and said with a smile: "The conditions for exchanging Li Shimin back are still the same as before, but now you can't make the decision, Xiuning, so I'm afraid I have to talk to Li Shimin in person."

Li Xiuning frowned, frowned and said, "Why, are you sure you can still see my second brother?"

"Ha ha……"

Qin Hao smiled proudly, and said very domineeringly: "Who do you think I am? I am Qin Hao. In my territory, no one can leave without my nodding, even if a hundred families come."

Looking at the domineering Qin Hao, Li Xiuning's delicate body couldn't help but startled. She didn't understand where Qin Hao got the confidence to fight against the hundred schools, or did he already have the strength to fight against the hundred schools?
Impossible, absolutely impossible!Li Xiuning thought to herself.

When Qin Hao brought Li Xiuning to Zilanxuan, Pei Ju, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Huang Yaoshi and others had been waiting here for a long time, and even Li Maozhen was escorted by Hua Daochang.

After seeing Qin Hao, Li Maozhen couldn't help but a strange look flashed in her beautiful eyes, no wonder she made her cousin forget about eating and drinking!
Qin Hao didn't pay attention to Li Maozhen's gaze, instead he looked towards Zilanxuan's position, but all he saw was ruins.

It was obvious that there had been a great battle here, and the intensity of the battle even shook the dungeon, which led to the collapse of the three-story luxury restaurant.

Seeing Qin Hao coming, Huang Yaoshi immediately came to report: "My lord, among the thirteen stick monks who kidnapped Li Shimin this time, there is one grand master and two masters, and the other ten are all top-notch masters.

Because the lord had ordered that Li Shimin should not be moved, Dugu Qiubai's command could not be used arbitrarily, and he was restrained, so that Li Shimin was robbed by these thieves and monks.

Of the thirteen stick monks who came to rob the prison, eight of them were killed by our side, and two were captured. At present, Commander Dugu has personally led people to chase them, and he will be captured again soon. "

Qin Hao touched his nose in embarrassment. After all, it was because of him that the current situation was caused. Of course, Qin Hao would never admit this.

As a lord, knowing your mistakes, correcting them, but not admitting your mistakes, benefiting yourself, and giving back to your subordinates if you have the blame, these are the basic qualities necessary for a lord.

"My lord, please order me to seal the city gate immediately, so that Li Shimin will be searched out sooner or later."

Huang Yaoshi spoke again, but Qin Hao's eyes flashed brightly, and then he sneered and ordered: "No, just keep everything as usual."

"But my lord..."

Huang Yaoshi was taken aback for a moment, and was about to persuade him immediately, but Qin Hao said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

After hearing what Qin Hao said, Huang Yaoshi stopped talking.

The reason why Qin Hao didn't block the city gates was, of course, to let the big fish out for a long time. After all, the enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrifying, and the radius of hundreds of miles is his sphere of influence, so it's better to lure the dark people out first.Xuanzang represents another Buddhist school, so there will definitely be people who will come to meet him.

Qin Hao's guess was right, this time Sakyamuni also came in person, but he has been hiding in the dark.

"The subordinates are incompetent. After being stopped by Sakyamuni, Li Shimin was allowed to run away."

After Dugu Qiubai returned, he immediately reported to Qin Hao how he went to pursue him and was stopped by Sakyamuni.

Qin Hao was furious after hearing this, and left a deep palm print on the table with a slam, and said coldly: "The Buddhist family is really brave, but because of this, they want to save people under Ben Hou, but It's not nearly enough."

After Li Xiuning and Li Maozhen heard the words, they couldn't help but a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes. It's already like this, what else can Qin Hao do?
Pei Ju said with a serious face: "My lord, even Sakyamuni has taken action. It seems that we must be careful of the Buddhist family in the future."

"Be careful? It's just a bunch of stinky monks, not yet qualified to make Benhou careful."

Qin Hao's eyes were full of coldness, and then he said coldly: "This time, I will definitely teach the Buddhist family a profound lesson, let these stinky monks know what fear is, and let the scholars know the price of playing with the princes. "

"Where are Tan Daoji, Gao Chong, and Pei Yuanqing?"

"The end is here."

"The Buddhists intend to assassinate the Marquis, which is tantamount to rebellion. Now Tan Daoji is appointed as the chief general, and Gao Chong Pei Yuanqing is the deputy, leading an army of [-]. They must destroy all the Buddhist temples around Luoyang within two months."

"Qin Shuang and Huang Yaoshi lead the Jin Yiwei to assist the army in action."

"In addition, the prefects of Jingbei counties are also ordered to send troops together. This Marquis does not wish to have any Buddhist temples under his rule."

(End of this chapter)

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