Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1050 Wang Mang VS Su Lie

Chapter 1050 Wang Mang VS Su Lie
Chapter 1048: Wang Mang VS Su Lie
Wang Mang's life has been quite difficult recently, and he even regrets crossing again.

Under Liu Bowen's calculation, the Qin army did not directly fight against the Binan princes, but pointed the finger at the Liang army in Yewang City. This also made Wang Mang and the Binan princes feel relieved, but what happened afterwards It exceeded Wang Mang's expectations.

Wang Mang also knew that his alliance was not strong. After all, no one understood the internal filth better than him, but he never thought that this alliance would be so fragile.

The Qin army hadn't even called yet, but just sent an envoy, and within a few words, all the contradictions within the alliance were drawn out, and even the alliance reached the point of disintegration.

Are all of you pigs?Could it be that no one saw such an obvious estrangement?
It’s okay if Qin Jun’s divorce method is extremely clever, but the key is that Qin Jun’s divorce strategy is not clever, and his lobbying rhetoric is also extremely naive. Willing to jointly govern Sizhou with the southern princes' and so on.

But even such a naive lie, there are still princes who are willing to believe it.

What about the brain?
What about IQ?
Wang Mang was also afraid that Qin Hao would use alienation tactics, so he had already been vaccinated in advance. He and the four major princes in Bingnan urged him not to believe any words of Qin Jun's envoy, and he must bear in mind one thing:
The four counties of Bingnan are sandwiched between the Qin and Jin armies. The Qin army can only border Bingzhou by occupying Sizhou and Bingnan. Therefore, there is no room for relaxation between the princes of Bingnan and the Qin army...

Wang Mang had said this truth more than once, but the feudal princes of Bingnan were fooled by his two words, and they all fell on deaf ears.

What else can Wang Mang say about this?

Wang Mang was speechless to these pig teammates, but after all, he was the one who came here on his own initiative, so even if he knew that the gang of mud couldn't be lifted up at all, he could only continue to forcefully help them down with tears in his eyes.

Oh, my heart is so tired!

Wang Mang knew that the feudal lords of Binan were not brainless, but that Qin Hao's record was too terrifying, and they had no confidence in themselves, so they believed in Qin Hao's promise as self-consolation.

Wang Mang must build confidence in his allies, otherwise the coalition forces will be disbanded before the war begins, and the best way to build confidence is naturally to win the battle.

The Qin Army has only 15 troops on the northern front, but the Southern Alliance Army has a total of [-] troops, which is three times the strength of the Qin Army, so why wait for the Qin Army to attack on its own initiative?

Before, Wang Mang wanted to wait for the Qin army to take the initiative to attack, and then rely on the superior force to defend the city, so as to consume the vigor and strength of the Qin army.

However, the Qin army did not fight the weaker and southern coalition army, but chose to gnaw at the obviously more difficult Liang army. This also made Wang Mang's many calculations useless. He could only guard the city gate, recruit and train the army , Improve the overall quality of the army as much as possible.

Now the southern princes have completed their army expansion, 11 combined with the Southern Alliance Army, plus 15 mercenaries, for a total of [-] troops.

All the supplies of the [-] mercenaries will naturally come from the southern princes, and this is not a small expense.

If it was during the war and the southern princes, they would hold their noses and admit it, but if there was no war, it would be a bit unacceptable to raise an army of [-] for nothing.

Therefore, Wang Mang must take the initiative to attack the Qin army, whether it is to build confidence for the southern princes or to make the [-] mercenaries worth their money.

It took Wang Mang a lot of effort to persuade the shaken princes to support him to send troops again, but before he sent troops, he found that there was not enough food and grass.

The foundation of the four southern counties is too weak, and it is only natural that they will be short of food. It is strange that there is no shortage of food.

The consumption of grain and grass in wartime is not a concept in peacetime, but the grain and grass that support the 15 army to go to war, even if the southern princes are really throwing pots and selling iron, they can't get it out.

In desperation, Wang Mang could only go around to borrow food, but now the only princes who can lend food to Wang Mang are Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng from Jizhou.

Wang Mang had never been so aggrieved in his two lifetimes. He humbly said what he should say and what he shouldn't say, so he borrowed 15 shi of grain and grass from Chen Zhang, but this was still a big deal for an army of [-]. A drop in the bucket.

Forced to do so, Wang Mang could only learn from Zhang Jiao and Dong Zhuo, raising food and grass by slaughtering aristocratic families, but his methods were much more clever, and he did not bring himself any notoriety.

Relying on a self-written and directed drama, Wang Mang charged nearly half of the aristocratic families in Binan and Sizhou with the crime of being in Qin Dynasty, and then ransacked the family in the name of his cheap brother Wang Shichong. It is no wonder that such aristocratic families are now To Wang Mang's head.

I have to say that the aristocratic families in this era are really unlucky. Zhang Jiao will destroy the aristocratic family whenever he lacks something, Xiang Yu will destroy the aristocratic family, Dong Zhuo will also destroy the aristocratic family, Qin Hao and Wang Mang will also change their ways to destroy the aristocratic family.

In short, no matter what is lacking, as long as the aristocratic family is destroyed, everything will be there.

In this way, Wang Mang finally got together more than a month's military rations by borrowing money and searching his family, which was barely enough to support two months' expenses even if he was frugal.

As for two months?
Wang Mang reckoned that the plan to rescue Li Shimin would be over in two months. If it worked out, he could borrow it from the Liang army.

After Wang Mang got the grass and grain, he immediately launched an offensive against the Qin army, but he had to think carefully about the opponent's choice.

Of the [-] troops on the northern line of the Qin Army, Su Dingfang led [-] to guard Hanoi, and Xue Rengui led [-] to guard Hedong.

For these two famous generals of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Mang is naturally very popular, especially Xue Rengui, who has both military and military skills, is one of his favorite generals.

Although Su Dingfang is also an extremely powerful famous general, Wang Mang thinks that Xue Rengui is more powerful, and he is not sure how to deal with an opponent like Xue Rengui, so he naturally left it to Chen Qingzhi to deal with.

Wang Mang's attack on Qin this time can be said to be an all-out force, mobilizing a full 13 troops, leaving only [-] troops to guard Hanoi and Hedong.

Wang Mang personally led an army of [-] to attack Hanoi, and ordered Chen Qingzhi to lead an army of [-] to stop Xue Rengui in Hedong.

Wang Mang knew that Xue Rengui's force was extremely high, but Chen Qingzhi didn't have many strong generals, so he sent Ju Wuba to Chen Qingzhi to make sure nothing would go wrong.

Wang Mang felt that there was no reason to lose when his [-] army was against [-], but when the battle started, Wang Mang was stunned by Su Dingfang. He still overestimated his command ability.

(End of this chapter)

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