Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1056 Cold Face and Cold Spear

Chapter 1056 Cold Face and Cold Spear
Chapter 1054: Cold Face and Cold Spear
"Damn, this guy is so strong..."

Luo Cheng didn't expect to meet such a master as Liang Fang. The other party is not only stronger than him, but also in martial arts realm above him. Luo Cheng has tried his best, but he still quickly fell into the disadvantaged.

"This Liang Fang is probably a master at the same level as General Han Sheng. What's even more frightening is that he is much younger than General Han Sheng. If I were at his age, I might have won, but now I am sure to lose."

Liang Fang is already 27 or [-] years old, and Luo Chengcai is only in his early twenties. However, it is more and more difficult to enter martial arts, so Luo Cheng is not sure that he will reach the same martial arts realm as Liang Fang in six or seven years. .

"If it goes on like this, let alone going back to protect General Su, I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my own life, and if I retreat and let Liang Fang free up his hands to deal with other people, then I'm afraid the whole situation will be defeated..."

As soon as he thought of this, Luo Cheng's handsome face was full of seriousness, and then he seemed to have made up his mind, and said in a low voice: "It's up to you."


After a loud shout, Luo Cheng's whole body surged, and the spear in his hand was quickly wrapped in inner energy, emitting an extremely dazzling brilliant white light.

[Ding Dong, Luo Cheng's skill 'Spear King' activates force +3, basic force 100, five-hook flying spear +1, lightning white dragon horse +1, current force rises to 105. 】

"Release the internal air?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Liang Fang's eyes, and then he sneered and said, "I didn't expect you to become a grand master with a face like yours. God really doesn't have eyes."

Luo Cheng's aura could not help but become a little disordered due to the soaring power in the state of internal energy released, but only in this way can he compete with Liang Fang, after all, Liang Fang's strength is more than one level higher than him.

"If I can survive this battle, you won't even recognize your own mother five years from now."

Luo Cheng sneered coldly, of course he knew that even if he practiced for another five years, he might not be able to beat Liang Fang. After all, although he was improving, it was impossible for the opponent to stand still, but at least he couldn't beat Liang Fang in terms of momentum. Lose to the opponent.

Liang Fang laughed angrily at Luo Cheng's words, pointed his sword at Luo Cheng, and said with disdain: "Young boy, who gave you the confidence to say such big words?

Although you and I are both grandmasters, even grandmasters have their own distinctions. Today, I will let you, a rookie who has just joined a grandmaster, experience what it means to be a real grandmaster. "

After saying that, Liang Fang immediately rode his horse and rushed towards Luo Cheng, and Luo Cheng was relieved to see that Liang Fang didn't use his internal energy and external energy. After all, if the other party did the same, Luo Cheng still couldn't beat him.

The consumption of internal qi and external energy is too great, even a grand master can't handle it, and it is common to fight for a whole day on the battlefield. The two sides compete for stamina.

Therefore, even if a general has reached the realm of a master, he will rarely use external and internal energy on the battlefield. What everyone conducts is the most simple and unpretentious fight.

Luo Cheng could only maintain the release of internal energy for a quarter of an hour, and after exhausting his internal energy, he could only let others slaughter him, so he was betting that Liang Fang would not use his internal energy to release it.

Luo Cheng had no choice but to go all out, but Liang Fang had an absolute advantage, so there was absolutely no need to fight to the death with an unknown person like him.

Luo Cheng was right. From Liang Fang's point of view, this battle has just begun. If he uses his inner energy and releases his energy so quickly, even he can't last until the end of the battle. He still wants to capture Su Lie alive, but he doesn't want to go halfway. Exit.

Boom... The sword and the spear kept colliding with each other, sparking violent sparks every time.

Luo Cheng is in a state of releasing his internal strength to the outside. Although he has the combat power to compete with Liang Fang, it is only a confrontation. There is still an absolute gap between the two.

"Little boy, you won't live for five years. When your internal energy is exhausted, it will be your death."

Liang Fang said with a sneer, but the saber technique in his hand was not chaotic at all. No matter how fierce Luo Cheng's offensive was, he still maintained his steady rhythm.

Luo Cheng stared at Liang Fang with murderous intent in his eyes. He hated people calling him a jerk, but Liang Fang just said a jerk. Although what Liang Fang said was actually the truth, is there something wrong with being handsome?

However, apart from anger, Luo Cheng was still a little bit unwilling. He still couldn't gain the upper hand even if he used his internal energy and external energy. Once his internal energy was exhausted, he would definitely die.

"Could it be that I, Luo Cheng, will really die here today? No, I'm not reconciled!"

Thinking of this, Luo Cheng couldn't help becoming more anxious, and the spear in his hand danced wildly faster and faster, but although his offensive became more violent, his marksmanship became more and more chaotic.

Seeing that Luo Cheng's marksmanship was messed up, Liang Fang couldn't help being overjoyed, and continued to use words to stimulate Luo Cheng, but the more Luo Cheng heard it, the more irritable he became, and after knocking Liang Fang back with a shot with all his strength, he held the gun in both hands and shouted violently: "Shut up!" .”

[Ding Dong, Luo Cheng's skill 'Gun King' has been upgraded to 'Gun God', and his current power has risen to 106]

[Ding dong, Luo Cheng's hidden skill 'Cold Spear' is activated.

Cold Spear: Luo Cheng's cold-faced cold spear is pretty, and he can capture five kings and lock five dragons. This is Luo Cheng's unique skill.

Effect 1. The stronger the opponent you meet when you are fighting generals, the stronger your strength will be. Each time you activate force +3, you can activate it up to 3 times.

Effect 2, when leading the cavalry to fight, the commander +1, the force +2;

Effect 3. When encountering heavy weapons such as hammers and axes, according to the level of the opponent's basic force, it can properly restrain and reduce the opponent's force by 1~6 points. 】

[Ding dong, Luo Cheng's hidden skill 'Cold Spear' activates force +3, and the current force rises to 109. 】

Boom... After another full-strength confrontation, Liang Fang was repelled several steps by Luo Cheng's men and horses, but Luo Cheng was so powerful that he continued to chase and beat him fiercely. For a while, Liang Fang was unable to fight back.

"Damn it, this little boy broke through in front of the battle, so we can't let him go."

There was a cold light in Liang Fang's eyes, and the fear of Luo Cheng in his heart reached its peak. The current Luo Cheng is indeed not his opponent at this time, but if the opponent is allowed to grow, then the future is really hard to say.

"Luo Cheng, you will die today."

After saying these words coldly, an astonishing aura surged from Liang Lin's body, and the big knife in his hand was instantly enveloped by inner energy.

[Ding dong, Liang Fang's skill Bravery launched force +4, and the current force has risen to 113. 】

In order to deal with Luo Cheng's threat, Liang Fang also used his internal energy to vent his energy outward, and under the aura of the two of them, the soldiers around them were blown up and down.

Liang Fang's strength was already far superior to Luo Cheng's. After expelling his internal qi, he should have crushed Luo Cheng at a high speed, but Luo Cheng was much more tenacious than he imagined. Liang Fang couldn't take him down in a short time. , but overall Liang Fang is still the dominant side.

 Thanks to Laolong, the city of the sky is crying, and book friend 150624 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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