Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1060 Brave Zhao Zilong

Chapter 1060 Brave Zhao Zilong
Chapter 1058: Brave Zhao Zilong
Although Wang Li's spear speed was not as fast as Zhao Yun's, he was equal in strength. With all his strength, he could barely compete with Zhao Yun.

"Very good, just keep going like this. As long as I survive twenty rounds, I can retreat with confidence."

Wang Li secretly calculated in his mind, but what he didn't expect was that after only ten rounds of confrontation with Zhao Yun, a crack appeared on the silver spear in his hand.

Zhao Yun's sharp eyesight was so sharp that he spotted the crack on Wang Li's gun shaft at a glance. He immediately took the opportunity to hold the gun with both hands, and then jumped into the air, striking Wang Li with all his strength from top to bottom.

[Ding dong, Zhao Yun's skill 'Inverse Scale' effect 1 Longwei's second attack force +3, the current force rises to 120. 】


Under Zhao Yun's full attack, although Wang Li's silver spear was enveloped by internal force, it still couldn't withstand the blow, and the body of the spear broke apart.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Li's head flew upside down, while Zhao Yun landed firmly on the horse's back.

Ranked No.11 at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Li, known as the bravest of the eight Wang Mang brothers, with a basic force of 102, died under Zhao Yun's gun.

[Ding dong, Zhao Yun, with a weak enemy and a strong opponent, drew two generals Liang Lin and Wang Li, and finally killed Wang Li. The special reward is a permanent +1 base force. The current base force is: 104. 】

"I said you couldn't escape, and it will be Liang Lin's turn next."

After Zhao Yun sighed at Wang Li's corpse, he was about to continue chasing Liang Lin, but at this moment, Liang Lin's mount Yinhe Beast went berserk, and finally knocked down more than ten soldiers and ran away.

Zhao Yun saw that the escape route of the Galaxy Beast was not in the same direction as Liang Lin, and he was eager to catch up with Liang Lin, so he didn't care about the whereabouts of the horse.

But what Zhao Yun didn't know was that Liang Lin changed his direction soon after he escaped. What he was chasing was not the direction Liang Lin fled from, but the Galaxy Beast had an inexplicable connection with its master, so the direction he was going was Liang Lin. The direction of Lin's escape.

After chasing and chasing, Zhao Yun found that even the horseshoe prints were gone, so he naturally realized that he might have lost it after chasing him.

"Huh? This direction is..."

Zhao Yun's eyes lit up, but he accelerated his speed.

After Liang Lin and Wang Li parted, he had a bad premonition in his heart. Just in case, he changed the escape route, but when he fled, he found that his Galaxy Beast was chasing him, but there was nothing on the horse. one person.

Seeing this, Liang Lin didn't understand why Wang Li must have died in Zhao Yun's hands, so he couldn't help roaring in grief and indignation: "Zhao Zilong, I swear to kill you."

On the other side, Wang Mang saw that the front army was going to be overwhelmed, so he ignored Chen Baxian's dissuasion and stubbornly transferred [-] troops to the rear to join the battle.

What Wang Mang didn't expect was that the front army was completely defeated before the rear army arrived on the battlefield, and what made him collapse even more was yet to come.

After the rear army was dispersed by the front army, it was almost defeated at the touch of the already red-eyed Qin army, and no effective resistance was formed at all.

Seeing his [-] troops being chased and hacked by [-] Qin troops, Wang Mang closed his eyes in pain.

"Why did this happen? How did this happen?"

Wang Mang kept questioning himself, he really couldn't figure it out, in this battle, whether it was troops or generals, I had an absolute advantage, but in the end he was still beaten by Su Lie, and even the entire army was wiped out.

Fifty thousand and ten thousand can't fight, which not only makes Wang Mang doubt his ability to command troops, but also deeply understands the truth that the traverser is not omnipotent.

"Maybe I shouldn't expect to be successful in leadership."

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing at himself.

The battlefield is a man's romance. As a man, who doesn't have the dream of being undefeated on the battlefield?

Naturally, Wang Mang also longed for gold and iron horses, but not all traversers were as good at fighting as Qin Hao, and Wang Mang obviously did not have the talent for commanding troops. Su Lie's suspicious life after being beaten.

Wang Mang couldn't help wondering whether it was right or wrong to fight against Qin Hao?

After all, it was just Su Lie who beat him to the point of doubting his life. Bai Qi, Yue Fei, and even Qin Hao hadn't been dispatched yet, and if these people attacked together, wouldn't he be dead?
Wang Mang also felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have provoked Qin Hao so quickly, and faced the ultimate big boss right away, this wasn't courage, but an attempt to die!

But it's too late to regret it, Wang Mang has already faced Qin Hao, and it won't end if it's up to you.

"Wang Mang, cheer up, now is not the time to think wildly, hurry up and find a way to solve it!"

After all, Wang Mang has traveled twice, his willpower is much stronger than ordinary people, so he quickly walked out of this blow, and in the end he only thought of one way, that is...

"Chen Baxian, now that the command power is entrusted to you, the general has only one requirement, and that is to minimize the loss as much as possible."

Wang Mang has already understood the gap between himself and the famous general, but now this situation is obviously not something he can handle, so it is better to hand it over to the more 'professional' Chen Baxian.

Chen Ba was really afraid that Wang Mang would not admit defeat, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Mang handing over the command to himself. Although he had no ability to reverse the defeat, at least he could reduce casualties.

Now that the [-] coalition army is on the verge of being defeated, it is impossible to preserve the entire army, so a trade-off must be made at this time.

Chen Ba first resolutely abandoned the [-] former army at the forefront, and instead tried his best to ensure that the [-] rear army had not been completely defeated. In this case, at least [-] rear troops could be kept. luck.

Wang Mang saw that the rear army retreated in an orderly manner under the command of Chen Baxian, and he couldn't help comforting himself: "As long as the entire army is not wiped out, it will be fine."

But at this moment, Wang Mang saw a rider coming towards him, and that man was Zhao Zilong with the white horse and silver spear.

Zhao Yun was also overjoyed when he saw Wang Mang. He didn't expect to find the enemy general, so he rode his horse and galloped towards Wang Mang's position.

Wang Mang saw that his eyes were full of horror, but he quickly calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Baxian, the army will be handed over to you. I will go to lure Zhao Yun away."

Chen Baxian's eyes were full of disbelief, and when he was about to say something, Wang Mang had already rushed out.

"Zhao Zilong, if you are really a hero, don't you want to kill my soldiers? Wang Mang is here, if you want to kill me, come here."

Wang Mang was courageous, and after yelling at Zhao Yun, he turned his head and began to run frantically for his life.

Seeing the puppet's respect flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes, Zhao Yun shouted: "Wang Mang, today I will be the young master, get rid of your serious trouble, and die."

(End of this chapter)

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