Chapter 1067 Tongfu Inn
Chapter 1065: Tongfu Inn
To Jia Fu, Jia Xu's board was almost the same as scratching an itch, but in order not to make his father's anger worse, Jia Fu deliberately pretended to be in pain and yelled.

"Ah, it hurts so much, father, the child knows it's wrong."

Jia Fu screamed and explained: "Father, my son is also thinking about your reputation, and I didn't intend to hurt Dong Gong. My son has already saved his strength before making a move. It stands to reason that it is impossible to die, but he didn't." think……"

"and many more……"

Hearing this, Jia Fu and Jia Xu immediately interrupted Jia Fu's grievances, and asked with a serious face: "Fu'er, you said that your punch is supposed to be invincible? What's going on? Tell me quickly."

"Yes, father."

After recalling a little bit, Jia Fu said truthfully: "Father, the boy has already stopped his strength. After all, Mr. Dong is also a super-class warrior. No matter how bad he is, he won't be beaten to death by the boy. Is it strange that you said this?" strangeness."

Jia Xu couldn't help shrinking his pupils after hearing the words, and then said in a deep voice: "Fu'er, think about it carefully, remember what happened at the Mianchi meeting that day, and don't miss any details."


After Jia Fu tried hard to remember for a long time, he told Jia Xu in detail, but Jia Xu showed a sneer after listening.

"So that's how it is, it's so calculating, it's so calculating!"

Jia Fu showed doubts and asked, "Father, what do you mean by that!"

Jia Xu glanced at his son, and said calmly: "Dong Zhongying did not die immediately after being punched by you, Fu'er, and there are so many military doctors in the Liang army, not only failed to cure Dong Zhuo, but within a few days He died because of the deterioration of his injuries, what do you think this means?"

Jia Fu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he replied, "Does that mean that the military doctors in the Liang Army are all quack doctors?"


Jia Xu was so angry that a well appeared on his forehead, and raised his hand to slap Jia Fu on the back of the head.

Jia Xu asked himself that in terms of resourcefulness, even if he wasn't number one in the world, there were few people in the world. But it's fine if his own son didn't inherit his intelligence, so why is he still so stupid?Jia Xu really couldn't figure it out.

Nizi, sooner or later he will be pissed to death.

"Don't just focus on practicing martial arts, but read more books when you have nothing to do, but you just don't listen. Look at you, do you still have brains?"

Jia Xu reprimanded him with a stern face, while Jia Fu looked aggrieved. Of course he wasn't really out of his mind, but because he had a father who had no doubts, he took care of everything for him, so he didn't bother to use his brain That's all.

Jia Fu was not stupid. After thinking about it carefully, he discovered the clue, and said in shock, "Father, what do you mean, there is something tricky about Dong Gong's death?"

"It's more than tricky."

Jia Xu smiled coldly and said, "Do you think Hou Yi's arrow was really to save Dong Zhuo?"

Jia Fu couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and said in horror: "Does Hou Yi want to..."

"That's right, Hou Yi definitely wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Zhong Ying, otherwise how could he shoot the horse to death so coincidentally."

The more Jia Fu thought about it, the more he felt terrified. The situation that day was so complicated. Why didn't he realize it before.

"Father, if Dong Gong didn't die at the hands of the boy, then someone in the Liang army wanted to murder him? But under the protection of Li Yuanba and Yu Wencheng, who can do this?"

A cold light flashed in Jia Xu's deep eyes, and he said coldly: "Think about it, who will benefit the most when Dong Zhongying dies."

When Jia Fu heard this, he thought for a while, and then exclaimed, "Yang Jian."

Yes, that's right. After all, Li Shimin had disappeared at that time. If Dong Zhuo died, then Yang Jian was the most likely person to become the leader of the Liang army, and Yang Jian was also the only one who could send Li Yuanba and Yuwen Chengdu away.

When he thought of this, Jia Fu suddenly felt angry, and he said through gritted teeth: "Yang Jian is a sinister and vicious villain. He murdered Dong Gong but put the blame on the child, and then compiled it under the pretext of avenging Dong Gong." Liang Jun is simply despicable and shameless, no, the boy wants to expose his true colors."

As he said that, Jia Fu, who was burning with anger, was about to go out, but was stopped by Jia Xu.

"How do you expose him? Don't forget, you and my father and son are no longer members of the Liang army. No one in the Liang army will believe us. Besides, we have no evidence, and it is impossible for Yang Jian to leave any evidence."

Hearing what his father said, Jia Fu couldn't help being stunned, and then he said powerlessly: "Then father, what do you think should be done? Don't tell me the child will carry this scapegoat for the rest of his life?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to take off this scapegoat."

When Jia Fu heard this, he became anxious, but Jia Xu continued: "However, I can't let it out."

A cold light flashed in Jia Xu's eyes, and he said coldly, "Yang Jian dared to plot against our father and son. If he didn't teach him a lesson, he would be sorry for my title of 'poisoner'."

"Father, how are you going to take revenge back?"

Jia Fu looked expectant, but Jia Xu said: "Father has his own plans for this matter, so you don't want to participate, and it will save you from bad things!"

"Don't, father..."


Qixia Town, located at the junction of Henan Yin County and Hanoi County, was originally just a small market composed of several villages.

However, following the Yellow Turban Uprising, a large number of Kanto families moved westward, and with the influx of a large number of people, this small market gradually developed into a commercial town that communicated with each other.

Tongfu Inn is located in the extremely remote southeast corner of Qixia Town. It is precisely because its location is too remote that even if it is opened in Qixia Town with a lot of people, the business of the inn is still not very good. Few guests.

Lu Xiucai, who was in charge of the accounting room, flipped through the account books boredly, and sighed with self-pity: "Oh, I miss Lu Qinghou, who knew a thousand characters at the age of three, recited Fu at the age of five, read the Four Books and Five Classics at the age of seven, and read the Four Books and Five Classics at the age of eight. Proficient in poetry and poetry... Even if you are not unparalleled in the country, you can still be considered talented, but there are often horses, but Bole does not often have them!"

The shopkeeper Tong Xiangyu who came over, after hearing this, smiled with a Guanzhong accent: "Come on, Qinghou, why don't you tell me what you will do after you are nine years old? Don't talk about those useless people, we are ordinary people, what are you talking about?" Master Ming, becoming an official is just a dream, so let’s work hard.”

Lu Qinghou was also used to being bullied by his shopkeeper, he neither dared nor bothered to refute, but secretly said in his heart: "Look at people, sooner or later, I, Lu Qinghou, will definitely stand out."

At this moment, two men wearing bamboo hats came in. Seeing this, Tong Xiangyu hurriedly went up with a smile, and said, "You two guest officers, are you going to be the top, or stay in the hotel!"

(End of this chapter)

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