Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1073 Heroes Save America

Chapter 1073 Heroes Save America
Chapter 1071: Heroes Save Beauty
Outside Qixia Town, Dugu Yuyun's figure was ethereal. At first glance, he was far away, but at second glance, he was almost close. This also made Li Shimin and the three of them extremely desperate.

"Senior Sister, you take General Li to go first, and I will delay for you."

"Junior Sister, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaolong turned around and went to kill Dugu Yuyun, without giving Li Mochou a chance to refuse.

When Dugu Yuyun saw a young girl coming up to meet him, not only was he thinking what was going on in his mind, but he also confronted Xiao Longnu after hearing it.

Seeing that his clothes were neat and tidy, and even the corners of his clothes were not torn, Xiao Longnv suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and asked him, "Senior, what did you do to my master?"

"Little girl, the old man is here, so she is naturally dead."

After all, Dugu Yuyun is also a great master, and he doesn't want to start a fight with a girl, so he persuaded him with rare kind words.

"Little girl, you are still young, why should you sacrifice your life for someone who has nothing to do with you, get out of the way!"

Dugu Yuyun was really kind, but after Xiaolongnv heard the news of Lin Chaoying's death, she lost the last trace of reason in her heart.

Xiao Longnu pulled out the lady sword with a determined face, her beautiful face was full of grief and anger, and she shouted: "Old thief, pay back my master's life."

A sword stabs out, moving forward without hesitation.

Dugu Qiubai sighed and shook his head, he went forward without even drawing his sword, but in his heart he admired Xiao Longnv, who dared to draw his sword in the face of an enemy that was impossible to defeat. I am ashamed of it.

"Jade Girl Suxin swordsmanship."

Xiao Longnv yelled coquettishly, the lady in her hand was like her own arm, instantly forming a huge sword net, piercing Dugu Yuyun's whole body from all directions.

A flash of amazement flashed in Dugu Yuyun's eyes. With such swordsmanship at this age, this girl's talent in swordsmanship is simply terrifying!

Seeing that Lie Xin was overjoyed, Dugu Yuyun went up to meet him instead, and took the initiative to put himself in danger.

Although Dugu Yuyun was under the shadow of the sword net, he was able to dodge it just right every time, no matter how Ren Xiaolongnv used it, she couldn't touch the corner of his clothes.

"Little girl, you have reached a super-first-class level at a young age, and you can be considered a top expert in the world, but it's a pity that you met this old man."

Dugu Yuyun walked around the courtyard to dodge, and said flatly: "That's it."


Xiao Longnv channeled all her internal energy into her hands, and stabbed directly at the opponent's throat, but Dugu Yuyun's two fingers clamped the tip of the sword, no matter how she used it, she couldn't advance an inch.

When she saw the condensed qi wrapped around Dugu Yuyun's finger, Xiao Longnv finally understood what kind of opponent she was facing, and she couldn't help saying in amazement: "You, you are, the Grand Master!"

It's no wonder that the master, who is a master, is still no match for this person even when he joins forces with that expert!
Suddenly, Dugu Yuyun felt several strong auras coming towards him from all directions. After all, he thought in his heart that the other party was not kind, and he didn't have the heart to chat with the little dragon girl anymore.

The next moment, the little dragon girl was directly blown away by Dugu Yuyun's palm, and Dugu Yuyun also swung a sword aura at the little dragon girl in mid-air, but at this moment a figure flew towards the little dragon girl.

Seeing the flying crescent slash, Xiao Longnv's heart was filled with despair. She thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect to fall into a warm embrace.

"Changhong sword."

"Ice Soul Sword."

"Double swords come together."

After two shouts, another burst of sword energy flew from not far away, and it actually canceled out the sword energy emitted by Dugu Yuyun.

After landing, Xiao Longnv slowly opened her eyes, only to see an extremely handsome and gentle man looking at her anxiously and concernedly.

Although she is ignorant of the world, she also knows what caring is, but she obviously doesn't know this person, and this is the first time she has left the ancient tomb. Why does this person seem to have known her a long time ago?
Of course it was Qin Hao who came.

Li Shimin thought he had escaped from the prison, but he didn't know that Qin Hao had left a little thing on him, no matter where he went, Qin Hao could sense it.

Therefore, after determining the approximate location of Li Shimin, Qin Hao immediately brought Li Xiuning, Li Maozhen, Xin Qijian and Dugu Qiubai to Qixia Town, but he did not expect to receive Li Shimin's skills when he was about to arrive. God Bless' launch prompt.

Qin Hao knew that Li Shimin might be in danger, and then he used Li Shimin to attack the cholera army, so naturally he couldn't let Li Shimin die like this. It was Little Dragon Girl.

Xiaolongnv was one of the five candidates for Baimei's summoning, but because her identity was implanted in the Kansai ancient tomb, she had never had any contact with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao thought that after he conquered Guanzhong, he might be able to meet Xiaolongnv, but he didn't expect to meet Xiaolongnv so soon.

Looking at the fairy-like beauty in his arms, Qin Hao found that Xiao Longnv's appearance was [-]% similar to Ren Hongchang's.

Xiao Longnv had never been so close to a man before, and when she noticed the man's eyes, a blush appeared on his jade-like face, and she said softly, "Grandpa, how long do you want to hold me? Let me down."

"Oh, that, no, okay."

Qin Hao also noticed his abruptness, and hurriedly took Xiao Longnu down.

"Engong, do you know me?" Xiao Longnu asked with some doubts.

Qin Hao couldn't help being taken aback, and then explained: "Girl, you look a lot like an old friend of mine, so..."

As he said that, Qin Hao also laughed, what a lame reason, but it should be no problem to fool a simple-minded person like Xiaolongnv.

As expected, Xiao Longnv didn't have any doubts, and even showed anxiety, she said: "Grandfather, go, this person is a great master, even if you and I join hands, we are not his single enemy."

"Don't worry, girl, although Dugu Yuyun is strong, he hasn't reached the point where he is invincible..."

From Qin Hao's mouth, Xiao Longnv finally knew that the great master in front of her was originally called Dugu Yuyun, but who was the son who saved her?

After Li Xiuning followed, she saw a stunning woman in Qin Hao's arms, and Qin Hao also showed a shy expression, and his attitude towards her was surprisingly gentle, which made Li Xiuning's face instantly turn livid.

Sure enough, men are all big pig's knuckles, hum!

When Dugu Yuyun saw Qin Hao, his pupils shrank immediately, resisting the uneasiness in his heart, and the urge to turn his head and run away, he said in a deep voice: "Qin Hou, what are you doing in this remote place? "

Although the only people present are Qin Hao and Li Xiuning, Dugu Yuyun would not naively think that Qin Hao would run out without a guard, otherwise where did the sword energy just come from?
(End of this chapter)

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