Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1076 A Man's Romance

Chapter 1076 A Man's Romance

Chapter 1074: Man's Romance

Qin Hao saw that Yu Wentuo also called Li Xiaoyao "Hu Ge". Obviously, before he had time to verify his identity, Li Xiaoyao passed out because he couldn't bear the indoctrination of internal force. When he woke up, the "truth" would naturally come to light up.

As for Li Xiaoyao's disposal, Qin Hao was quite troubled.

Unlike Yu Wentuo and Gai Nie who were decisive in killing, Li Xiaoyao was an extremely 'naive' type of person, who was neither suitable for being an official nor a spy.

As an official, he doesn't understand politics and doesn't have any political stance;

As a spy, with his nerves as fragile as a white lotus, once he enters a place where darkness gathers like Jinyiwei and Heibingtai, he may end up completely distorting his three views.

People like Li Xiaoyao are actually very simple. He doesn't have any big ideals and ambitions, and he doesn't care about national hatred and family hatred. He treats whoever treats him well. What he pursues is just like his own name. Just be free and happy for the rest of your life.

Obviously, Qin Hao can't give Li Xiaoyao what he really wants, so the possibility of subduing him is not high, but it is impossible to just let him go, after all, he is a person with half-step grand master potential, so Qin Hao decided to let Li Xiaoyao Xiaoyao was incorporated as an outside staff of Jinyiwei.

What are outsiders?

It is to hang a name in the government, not in the Jinyiwei system, but enjoy part of the treatment and status of the Jinyiwei, and have the right to choose and refuse tasks independently, but major tasks must be subject to recruitment.

In short, external employees are more free than those within the system. Although they are subordinate in name, they are actually cooperative. It is similar to the relationship between hiring and being hired. It is more suitable for those who are powerful, but have no intention of power, and are innocent and kind. , An aboveboard hero.

Qin Hao has already begun to set up Jinyiwei's non-staff personnel organization. The current members are only Duan Yun and Yan Nantian, but heroes like Qiao Feng, Lu Xiaofeng, Linghuchong, Chu Liuxiang, and Hua Wuque are all from this organization. A target to be wooed.

Each of these people is not simple. If they are scattered in the rivers and lakes, they will pose a certain threat to the government. It is better to gather them and turn them into a force that can be used. This is also a win-win situation for both parties.

Therefore, Qin Hao is naturally reluctant to let Li Xiaoyao, a master with great potential, go. Of course, it is still difficult to operate. After all, Qin Hao almost killed his master not long ago.

But Qin Hao believed that Li Xiaoyao would not care, after all, Dugu Yuyun died after instilling internal energy into Li Xiaoyao, and what Yu Wentuo did was to cut off his head... that's all.


"Mochou, Long'er..."

Lin Chaoying was lying on the bed with a pale face, her breath was extremely weak, and the words she spoke were almost inaudible.

In the battle with Dugu Yuyun, Chen Xuanzang was shattered, and his decades of cultivation were wiped out, but his life was saved.

Broken valves and burning internal energy are both Sangong, but they are completely different.

After burning the internal energy, the dantian is completely destroyed and cannot be recovered for life.

After the air valve is broken, the dantian is still there. After more than 20 or [-] years of hard training, there is still a chance to recover.

Xuanzang was undoubtedly lucky, but Lin Chaoying was not so lucky.

Lin Chaoying resisted the grand master with the power of a grand master. It was luck that she didn't die immediately. Her injuries were too severe to be healed, and she only managed to see the two apprentices for the last time.

"Mochou, Long'er, the master is about to die. After the death of the master, you don't have to go back to the ancient tomb."

Lin Chaoying held the hands of the two apprentices, and said softly: "This troubled world is unprecedented. Even a great master can't be alone, and he will also fall. It can be seen that there is no peaceful place in the world. Only the formation of the ancient tomb is Can't protect the two of you."


Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou were already sobbing, they were about to say something, but were interrupted by Lin Chaoying.

"My time is running out, you just need to listen to my teacher."

"Yes, Master."

"As a teacher, Qin Hao and Li Shimin are both the most outstanding heroes in the world, and the safety of the people is in their thoughts."

Speaking of this, Lin Chaoying's face flashed a strange flush, which was obviously the flashback before she died, but she said even more excitedly: "After the death of the teacher, Longer, you follow Qin Hao, Mo Chou , you follow Li Shimin, as a teacher, I ask you to persuade them, treat the people kindly, and don’t do evil.”

"The apprentice takes the order."

Seeing this, Lin Chaoying's eyes were full of relief, and then said: "As for the inheritance of my ancient tomb, you are a person of good conduct, teach your martial arts, and ensure that the inheritance of my ancient tomb is not lost. Just pass it on."

After saying this sentence, Lin Chaoying's consciousness was already extremely weak, but she insisted on saying the last sentence.

"A great hero, for the country and the people, Wang Chongyang, you are not as good as me after all..."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chaoying had completely lost her life force, Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou cried in great sorrow when they saw this.



In the Tongfu Inn, Qin Hao and Li Shimin sat opposite each other, Li Xiuning and Li Maozhen stood behind Li Shimin, while Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang stood behind Qin Hao.

Qin Hao and Li Shimin and Shimin just sipped their tea quietly while chatting wildly, but neither of them said a word about the cooperation.

Not far away, Bai Zhantang, Tong Xiangyu, Li Dazui, Guo Furong, Lu Xiucai, and Mo Xiaobei were all lying in a corner, secretly watching this 'meeting of the century'.

"That is Qin Hou and Champion Hou (later Dong Zhuo bestowed titles on Li Shimin)? They are even more handsome than the legends. I really love them to death. My future husband can have one-tenth of them, and I am satisfied. gone."

Mo Xiaobei is not very old, but she is very nympho, her eyes are almost heart-shaped.

"Not only the Marquis of Qin and the champion, but those guards with swords are also handsome in a mess. Does this leave a way for people to survive?" Guo Furong said with the same red eyes.

"Hey, let me tell you, can you stop being so superficial, can you make a living out of being handsome? A man depends on his ability, not his appearance."

Tong Xiangyu spoke righteously at first, but then changed the tone, and said with a smile: "So I love them too."


Everyone cast contemptuous looks, but at this moment Bai Zhantang frowned and said, "Don't you think this scene is a bit weird?"

Li Dazui was still excited, and said indifferently, "What's so weird about Lao Bai?"

"Qin Hao and Li Shimin are deadly enemies, and they are the kind who will never die, but they can sit together so peacefully. Do you think this is normal?"

"Old Bai, you just know one thing and don't know the other."

Lu Xiucai explained with a serious face: "Qin Hao and Li Shimin, although these two adults are sworn enemies now, they were comrades-in-arms during the campaign against the Yellow Turbans.

During the second battle of Hulao Pass, Lord Qin Hao personally led three thousand horses of tigers and horses, and came to help Lord Li Shimin.

Therefore, the relationship between the two of them has already surpassed that of normal rivals, and has become an enemy and friend, and a confidant in life. "

"Life and death are relative in wartime, and confidant in non-wartime. Is this the legendary..."

Li Dazui obviously had a wrong thought, and he said more and more excitedly: "A man's romance?"

"That's right, that's it." Lu Xiucai said firmly.

All the girls' eyes lit up: "Wow, it's really romantic."


The corners of Bai Zhantang's mouth twitched slightly, with a speechless expression on his face, he thought: Just think whatever you like, as long as you are happy.

(End of this chapter)

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