Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1102 Run away after teasing

Chapter 1102 Run away after teasing
Chapter 1100: Run away
The martial arts conference was held as scheduled, but during the conference, Wang Mang, the initiator, was beheaded on the spot in front of the heroes of the world by a mysterious white-clothed woman on the grounds that she was ambitious and choleraed the world.

Afterwards, the woman flitted away in white, but none of the thousands of knights dared to stop her.

Not long after this happened, there was an uproar, and after several days of fermentation, people finally knew that the person who beheaded Wang Mang was actually the Little Dragon Girl from the Ancient Tomb Sect. Raise the world.

"This Wang Mang is really cautious."

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly, and said regretfully, "This martial arts conference was held by him, but he didn't even attend in person."

The little dragon girl looked at Qin Hao with her beautiful eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Since you know that Wang Mang is fake, why do you want to kill him?"

Of course, the Wang Mang killed by the little dragon girl could not be the real Wang Mang, but a substitute who looked [-]% similar to Wang Mang. Naturally, it would be no problem to deceive ordinary martial arts practitioners, but it is not easy to deceive Qin Hao, who has a system. possible.

The process of Xiaolongnv beheading this double and leaving was not as exaggerated as rumors in Jianghu, she just got close to him in the name of seeking refuge, then suddenly beheaded him in one fell swoop, and finally retreated according to the established route.

That substitute might have coveted Xiao Longnu's beauty, and after seeing Xiao Longnu, he couldn't even walk. In order to kiss Fangze, he finally gave Xiao Longnu a chance to get close, that's why Xiao Longnu succeeded in assassinating so easily.

Originally, Qin Hao planned to go by himself, but now he has gained Zhao Min's trust, and if he did it rashly, he might be exposed.

And just as Qin Hao was swaying left and right, Xiao Longnv took the initiative to stand up and said that she would share his worries.

Qin Hao considered that with Xiaolongnv's own strength, she was already one of the best among all martial arts knights without the master's master, and with the protection of the six swords hidden in the dark, nothing would happen It was a surprise, so I readily agreed.

As for why Qin Hao didn't send Six Swords forward, it is of course because Six Swords is Qin Hao's trump card. Once they reveal their identities, it means that it was Qin Hao who made a move on Wang Mang. With the attention of all parties, Qin Hao's identity may also be exposed.

Originally, this was just a routine assassination, but because of Xiaolongnv's beauty, and because she killed 'Wang Mang' openly, this assassination was endowed with a legendary color.

Xiao Longnu was not only dubbed the title of chivalrous girl who "served the country and the people", but the assassination became more and more outrageous, and it was even exaggerated to the extent that "no one among thousands of knights dared to stop her".

After hearing Xiaolongnv's words, Qin Hao smiled and said: "Since the real one can't be killed, then of course I can't let the fake one go, otherwise my adventure wouldn't be perfect.

Besides, even if that guy is a fake, as long as he operates properly, he will still cause trouble for the real Wang Mang.

That guy Wang Mang is making trouble for me, so of course I can't let go of the opportunity to make trouble for him. "

Xiao Longnv is pure-minded and doesn't understand the tricks, but as long as she knows that killing the fake Wang Mang, she can still help Qin Hao.

"Brother Qin, now that the fake Wang Mang is dead and the martial arts conference is over, how long are you going to stay by Zhao Min's side?"

The ethereal voice of the little dragon girl came again.

After Qin Hao heard the words, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he said with a light smile, "Hurry up. I have secretly discovered several strongholds of Yuanmeng, and I also found that Zhao Min has another purpose for going south this time. After we figure it out, we will You can go back to Luoyang."

"is it?"

A flash of understanding flashed across Xiao Longnv's face, and she said lightly, "I thought Brother Qin, you stayed until now because of Zhao Min."

The corners of Qin Hao's mouth twitched immediately when he heard the words, and he thought: Say what you think, you are really straightforward!
"How is this possible!"

Qin Hao laughed, looked straight at Xiaolongnv, and said: "Zhao Minmei is beautiful, but compared to Miss Long'er, it is like a firefly compared to a bright moon. Now that the bright moon is in front of you, how can a firefly shine brightly? "

Xiaolongnv is not used to Qin Hao's polite way of speaking, so she didn't react for a while, but after she reacted, her face flushed with embarrassment. When she saw Qin Hao, she found that the person had disappeared, and she couldn't help but stamped angrily. stomped.

Outside the room door, Qin Hao was leaning against the door, thinking: Running after flirting is really exciting!

The next day, Qin Hao took the "Dangxie Sword" presented by Zhao Min, and followed a group of unknown experts to carry out a mission that Zhao Min called "very important".

During the days when he joined Zhao Min's 'Jinyiwei', Qin Hao discovered that Yuan Meng's spy system in the Central Plains was extremely complete. In addition to being deceived, the 'Jinyiwei' also had a very high welfare system.

Treasures, herbs, magical weapons, cheats and other rewards are all free, and even the top palm technique "Mad Dragon Palm" will be used to reward those who have contributed to the organization. It is no wonder that Zhao Min can recruit so many Central Plains masters .

Since Qin Hao was a master when he first joined, he also received the practice manuals for the first eight moves of "Mad Dragon's Palm". As for the later moves, he must complete the tasks assigned by the 'Jin Yiwei' and exchange them based on his contributions.

The task Qin Hao received this time is said to be to assassinate someone who is extremely unfavorable to Qin Hou, and a total of four master masters were dispatched for this operation, except for Qin Hao, they are: Murong Bo, King Jinlun, Jiu Mozhi.

In addition, there are Ding Chunqiu and Murong Fu, these two masters who are half-step masters, and there are four super first-class masters, eight first-class masters...

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Min took Qin Hao to recruit Ding Chunqiu, a master of evil ways, and it was under the intimidation of Qin Hao, the master, that Ding Chunqiu took refuge in Zhao Min.

This time, the lineup of the killer group that Zhao Min dispatched has even surpassed the martial arts conference, so this also aroused Qin Hao's curiosity, who is worthy of Zhao Min dispatching so many masters to kill?So Qin Hao also accepted the task decisively.

Qin Hao had a vague feeling that Zhao Min went south for this talent, and this person might have mastered the core secret of Yuan Meng, so Zhao Min was so impatient to kill him.

As soon as I thought of this, a faint light flashed in my eyes, and I thought to myself: "Who is it?"

Murong Bo was in charge of leading a large army to siege, while Qin Hao led eight first-class masters to ambush the enemy on the only way to escape.

If Murong Bo and the others succeeded, then Qin Hao would not have to show up. If not, then Qin Hao would take the final blow.

(End of this chapter)

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