Chapter 1126

1124 Chapter [-]: Adding kitchen counters

Temujin has been victorious in all these years across the grasslands, and under this series of victories, the Yuan army has also developed an invincible trend.

Therefore, Temujin just gave a simple encouragement, and the morale of the Yuan army immediately exploded to the peak, and they all roared frantically to launch the most violent impact on Zhenbei Pass.

"Kill it..."

The Yuan army first charged the cavalry, and then suppressed it with bows and arrows. After a few rounds, the cavalry retreated. The infantry behind carried the ladder, pushed the well rail, and the top of the catapult to go up, while the cavalry assisted from the side.

Almost all Yuanmeng soldiers are good at riding and shooting. They mount their horses as cavalry and dismount as infantry, so these Yuanmeng infantry are actually dismounted cavalry.

As for those who are so extravagant to use cavalry as infantry, apart from Yuanmeng, I am afraid that no other force is willing to do so.

Looking at the army that was attacking the city, Temujin couldn't help flashing a gleam of joy in his eyes, touched the scar on his face and said to himself: "Qin Hao, I, Temujin, have come to seek revenge on you, so I will accept it this time." Benefits, take the Jin army first, and next time it will be you."

Since the establishment of Yuanmeng, Temujin has been cultivating, but it was only accumulating strength. He never gave up his goal of going south to the Central Plains, and he never gave up his plan to seek revenge on Qin Hao.

Temujin knew that the Jin army was the biggest obstacle for him to go south, so he did everything he could to win over the aristocratic family and Jin merchants, and more than half of Xuanjingsi's missions were also arranged for Bingbei.

The political and business circles of the Jin Army are relatively clean compared to other states, but Qin Wen still arrested so many Shanxi businessmen and officials in this big purge. The main reason is Temujin's external efforts.

Qin Wen was strict with the aristocratic family and Shanxi merchants, and Temujin was so tempting outside, and the moral integrity and will of the Shanxi merchants was just like that, so it was quite normal for Temujin to bribe him.

Temujin wanted to corrupt the Jin army's political and business circles, leverage the foundation of the Jin army, and delay the development of the Jin army, but he didn't want Qin Wen to control Bingbei too strongly. No matter how hard he tried, he could only Let the Jin army suffer for a while, it will not achieve the effect of shaking the foundation of the Jin army.

Yuanmeng's national strength grew rapidly under Temujin's governance, and although the Jin army's strength has not expanded much in recent years, its overall strength has also continued to grow, and Hetao has contributed the most to the development of the Jin army.

The land of Hetao is rich in water and soil, which can be described as a natural granary. Coupled with Qin Hao's high-yielding grain seeds, the grain and grass produced every year are simply countless.

Although Temujin did not know the specific amount of grain produced in Hetao, until the Jin army relied on the huge amount of grain produced in Hetao, it not only easily fed more than 300 million soldiers and civilians in Bingbei, but also maintained a very high development speed.

Although the current Yuanmeng has a strong national power, the problem of food and grass is still a big problem because of its nomadic state system.

The huge output of Hetao also made Temujin covet Hetao's granary, and once the large granary of Hetao is regained, Yuanmeng will no longer have to worry about food and grass in the future.

Temujin knew that the longer the time dragged on, the stronger the rule of the Jin army in Hetao would be. When he was ready and decided to launch a war to retake Hetao, a young man named Wang Mang appeared in front of him. He also persuaded him to send troops to prevent the Jin army from going south with the threat of the Jin army.

Temujin knew that Wang Mang just wanted to use Yuan Meng to hold back the Jin army, but Wang Mang was using him while being used by him.

Temujin wished that the Han people would fall into infighting and kill each other. Now that the Han people can fight on their own without provocation, this is exactly what he meant.

Temujin agreed to Wang Mang without even thinking about it, because even without Wang Mang's appearance, he still wanted to take back Hetao, and with Wang Mang's participation, his plan would go smoothly.

After that, everything went as Temujin expected. The main forces of the Jin army were attracted by him to the two passes in northern Xinjiang, and Yang Jian also agreed to his request to use the road to attack Jin. Murong Ke and Murong Chui successfully entered Loop.

"Now the defense of Zhenbei Pass is weaker than ever, and there are [-] Yuanmeng troops outside the Hetao, and [-] cavalry inside. Qin Wen is destined not to be able to defend the Hetao this time." Temujin said confidently to himself. .

When Zhenbei Pass was closed, Yang Liulang looked at the Yuan army's offensive, although it was crazy, but the formation was orderly without the slightest mess, and his heart couldn't help being extremely dignified.

"Archer, prepare for three-stage shooting, let..."

"Get ready to throw stones and roll logs, smash them for me..."

"The catapult, use kerosene bombs, aim at the enemy's well..."

Yang Liu commanded the defense of the city calmly and calmly. Although the Yuan army's offensive was fierce, it was almost impossible to capture the town and be imprisoned in a short period of time, but it would be hard to say if it took a long time.

Now Yang Liulang can't guarantee that he can hold on for a month.

After facing the activation of skills, Temujin, who commanded 102, and Yang Liulang, who commanded 94, were naturally forced to be miserable. If he was not on the side of the city, the Jin army might have been defeated by Temujin.

Yang Ye didn't know what a terrifying opponent his son was facing, and he was about to officially have the first round of confrontation with Murong Ke.

"Father commander, the stove left by the Yuan army was found ahead." Yang Dalang reported.

Yang Ye's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said, "Take Ben to take a look."

After walking quickly to the stove, Yang Ye reached out and grabbed a handful of stove ashes, rubbed it and said with a smile: "This should be left by the Yuan army yesterday. It seems that we are not far away from the Yuan army. Count it How many stoves did the Yuan army leave behind?"

When fighting in ancient times, they always carried iron pots with them. After camping, they built earthen stoves on the spot, and then lit fires for cooking. Therefore, the number of troops can be inferred from the stoves.

"Father commander, the statistics have been completed, and the Yuan army has left a total of one thousand stoves."

Yang Ye frowned when he heard this. One stove can provide food for twenty soldiers. If there were one thousand stoves, wouldn't it mean that the Yuan army had 2 soldiers?
After pondering for a long time, Yang Ye sneered and said: "During the Warring States period, Sun Bin used the trick of reducing stoves to defeat Pang Juan, but now Murong Ke wants to use this trick of increasing stoves to frame me.

If this partial division of the Yuan army has [-] troops, the main force will definitely give us a warning, but so far there has been no one. It can be seen that the number of Yuan troops will never exceed [-].

Murong Ke must have known that our army was chasing him, so he used such a small trick to trick our army into retreating. How could I, Yang Ye, fall into his trap so easily. "

Speaking of this, Yang Yechang breathed out a foul breath, and then ordered: "March immediately, and we will definitely be able to catch up before dark. Tonight is Murong Ke's last night in Hetao. He was going to prevent him from seeing the sun tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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