Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1145 Huang Zhong's Arrow Falls to Liang Fang

Chapter 1145 Huang Zhong's Arrow Falls to Liang Fang

Chapter 1143: Huang Zhong's Arrow Falls Down the Falling Beam

Qin Hao summoned only meteorites this time with the 'Mandate of Heaven', not the meteor shower Liu Xiu summoned last time, but the size of this meteorite was ten times larger than Liu Xiu's largest meteorite. times.


The huge meteorite fell directly among the three thousand cavalrymen, causing a devastating impact.

After a deafening loud noise sounded, mushroom-shaped air waves mixed with gravel and wood were seen, sweeping away like a tsunami.

Within a radius of 50 meters, everyone and their horses were instantly shattered into pieces;

Everyone between 200 meters and [-] meters was directly blown away by the air wave;
There are also a large number of people and horses 200 meters away, injured or even disabled by debris.

In just an instant, 500 people died directly under the meteorite, and more people were crying in pain.

The place where the meteorite fell seems to have turned into a hell on earth.

"This this……"

After Xiao Longnv saw the tragic situation in front of her, she couldn't help showing sympathy in her eyes, miserable.

It was really miserable.

Compared with those who were stoned to death, there were obviously more disabled people, but their ending was worse than being stoned to death.

Being crushed to death is naturally liberating, but the disabled are dying in endless pain, which is simply worse than death.

"Okay, don't read any more."

Qin Hao covered Xiaolongnv's eyes, he actually had some lingering fears in his heart.

When the meteorite fell just now, although Qin Hao and the others were relatively far away from the location where the meteorite fell, they were still blown away by the air wave, and they were not injured when they fell into a small river. If they were closer, they would not die. It is also half disabled.

When Qin Hao and others went ashore again, when they looked back, they found that the human world was already a Shura hell, and people seemed so insignificant and powerless in the face of natural disasters like meteorites.

"Sure enough, the absolute life-saving effect of destiny, when facing a single person, no matter how strong the opponent is, even Li Yuanba can't exert the effect of natural disaster level. Only when facing the army can he exert the power of natural disaster level."

Qin Hao secretly calculated in his heart, and then said to Gai Nie: "Remember the location where the meteorite fell, and when our army completely occupies Sizhou, send someone to move it back and melt it into a weapon."


Meteorite cast from meteorites is the best material for weapons.

Before Liu Xiu summoned the meteorite rain in the northern boundary of Jingbei, all the meteorites left behind have now become the materials for the weapons made by Qin Jungong, so of course Qin Hao will not let go of the giant meteorite he summoned.

"My lord, our luck is really great. This meteorite at least caused nearly a thousand casualties to the enemy army, and the rest of the troops were all frightened. We couldn't form combat power in a short time. It was because we took advantage of the chaos It's a great time to stand out from the siege." Ye Gucheng said excitedly.

Qin Hao nodded on the surface, but secretly said in his heart: It's not our luck, it's your lord, my luck.

The mounts were all injured by the impact of the meteorite, and they could no longer continue to ride, so everyone could only walk to the intersection, but found that the enemy guarding the intersection was in a mess because of the meteorite falling from the sky, and everyone was easily confused past.

The crowd fled on foot for another hour, and there was another large-scale sound of horseshoes from behind. It was obvious that the enemy cavalry had chased them, but Qin Hao and the others had no way to escape without horses.

"Qin Hao, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I, Liang Fang, will kill you."

Liang Fang yelled angrily, the armor on his body was torn and no part was intact. Obviously, although he saved his life under the meteorite, he suffered serious injuries under the shock wave of the air wave.

"Damn it, you caught up so quickly."

Seeing that the chasing cavalry still had a lineup of thousands of cavalry, Qin Hao couldn't help thinking to himself: "Are you going to use up your third destiny so soon?"

Just then, a familiar voice came.

"My lord, don't panic, Huang Zhong is here."

[Ding dong, Huang Zhong's skill 'Arrow God' is activated, force instantly +6, base force 103, equipment +2, current force rises to 111. 】

Before Huang Zhong's voice came, the arrow arrived first, and the target was Liang Fang.

Liang Fang was injured by the impact of the meteorite, and he could not use half of his strength. Seeing that the enemy was about to stab someone in the back, he quickly blocked it with all his strength.


Although Liang Fang knocked away the first arrow aimed at the throat, Huang Zhong's second and third arrows hit the abdomen, heart and lung respectively.

Looking at the arrows pierced into his body, Liang Fang had a look of disbelief, and said unwillingly, "I never thought that I, Liang Fang, would die here..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Fang fell directly on the horse's back and killed Huang Zhong's Lianzhu arrow.

[Ding Dong, Huang Zhong, who has a basic strength of 103, shoots and kills Liang Fang, who has a basic strength of 103, with a round of arrows. The reward is a permanent +1 strength. Currently, Huang Zhong's basic strength is 104. 】

Killing at the same level, leapfrogging to a draw or defeat, all have a great possibility to get permanent force rewards.

Huang Zhong was very lucky this time. Although he shot and killed Liang Fang who was seriously injured, his basic force was still permanently improved by 1 point, and he was a big step closer to the position of God of War.

As soon as Liang Fang died, the enemy cavalry was thrown into chaos. The lieutenant quickly retreated with Liang Fang's body. Huang Zhong did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but quickly came to protect Qin Hao.

Huang Zhong quickly dismounted, came to Qin Hao, kowtowed and said: "My lord, the future is too late."

Qin Hao immediately helped Huang Zhong up, and said with a smile, "It's not too late, General Han Sheng came just in time."

Huang Zhong did not come too late. In a few seconds at night, Qin Hao must have launched his third Mandate of Heaven, so Huang Zhong not only shot and killed a general of the enemy army, but also saved a chance of Mandate of Heaven for Qin Hao, which can be said to be an indirect rescue. Killed Qin Hao.

Under the protection of thousands of cavalry led by Huang Zhong, Qin Hao and his group quickly retreated towards Chaoge, preparing to refresh in Chaoge before returning to Luoyang, but there were no accidents on the way.

On the other side, Wang Mang had long lost his usual calmness, and was anxiously waiting for the news from the front line.

"Report, General Qi, because of the meteorite falling from the sky, Qin Hao and others took advantage of the chaos to escape, and our army lost nearly a thousand cavalry due to the meteorite. In addition, General Liang Fang, he..."

Seeing the soldiers hesitant to say anything, Wang Mang had a bad feeling in his heart. He grabbed the soldier's collar and shouted, "What's wrong with General Liang Fang?"

"General Liang Fang was seriously injured by the impact of the meteorite, but he forcibly pursued Qin Hao, and died under the arrow of Huang Zhong who came to rescue him."

When Wang Mang heard this, his face was full of ferocity, and he raised his head to the sky and roared angrily: "The sky is not fair!"

(End of this chapter)

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