Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1147 Meeting an Assassin is Like Seeing a Relative

Chapter 1147 Encountering an assassin is like seeing a relative

Chapter 1145: Meeting an assassin is like seeing a relative

When Qin Hao returned to Luoyang, the people of the city lined up to welcome him.

But when Qin Hao walked to Qinglong Street, a ragged civilian held up a wooden board with the word "injustice" written on it, and forcibly broke through the soldiers' obstruction.

The man rushed towards Qin Hao's bicycle frame not far away, and kept shouting: "I am wronged, I beg Qin Hou to be the master of the grassroots. I am wronged..."

The soldiers who maintained order couldn't help being anxious when they saw someone breaking through the barrier, and hurried forward to try to persuade them, but the civilian refused to leave.

Seeing that Qin Hao's frame was approaching, the soldiers had no choice but to forcibly pull him to vomit, and the civilian also let out a miserable roar, and everyone around couldn't bear it.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Seeing this, Qin Hao couldn't help but focus his eyes, and immediately asked Liu Bowen beside him, "Military teacher, is this also arranged by you?"

"of course not."

Liu Bowen couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words, and then said: "There is a yamen who refuses to go, but dares to block the lord's carriage, maybe this commoner has a great injustice, or maybe he was just used by others to become an outcast to plot against the lord. "

"There are so many possibilities."

Han Fei on the side said with certainty: "There is definitely something wrong with this person."

"Oh? Why is Brother Han so sure?"

"The word 'wronged' is so beautifully written."

Liu Bowen: "..."

"Since that's the case, then Benhou won't show up..."

Before Qin Hao finished speaking, the little dragon girl on the side said: "Brother Qin, I don't think the expression of that commoner seems to be lying. He must have some grievances to appeal, so you can give him a chance to redress his grievances."

After saying that, the little dragon girl was afraid that Qin Hao would refuse, so without giving Qin Hao a chance to speak, she rode her horse and ran towards the commoner, and shouted: "Let him go."

Seeing this, the soldiers couldn't help but lose their minds, and the commoner also showed gratitude, but just as the little dragon girl was about to help her up, several people around suddenly jumped up and stabbed at the little dragon girl with daggers in their hands. The assassins attacked Qin Hao's position.

"There are assassins, protect the lord, catch the assassins..."

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

A large number of Qin troops held shields and surrounded Qin Hao, not giving anyone a chance, but it also prevented Qin Hao from supporting Xiaolongnv.

It was also the first time for Xiao Longnv to face this kind of situation, and she couldn't help feeling a little confused for a moment. She just pulled out the lady sword on her waist, but found that Wei Zhuang had already killed him, and severely wounded all the thugs in an instant.

"Come here, tie these up and torture them severely. There must be a messenger behind them."

After saying that, Wei Zhuang walked up to the commoner, and said indifferently: "This person participated in the assassination of the lord, and he will also be taken back to Jinyiwei prison for strict interrogation."

"No, I'm not an assassin, I'm just here to avenge my grievances, I'm really not an assassin..."

The people cried out in horror, but Xiao Longnv stood in front of him and said to Wei Zhuang: "Mr. Wei Zhuang, please give him a chance to seek justice."

Seeing this, Wei Zhuang frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Miss Long, please don't make things difficult for me."

As he said that, Wei Zhuang was about to go forward to arrest that person. The little dragon girl was captured by Wei Zhuang's icy aura, and she couldn't help but feel fear in her heart. Feminine momentum.

"Miss Long, don't be afraid of him..."

Seeing that everyone looked at her encouragingly, Xiao Longnv immediately looked at Wei Zhuang with a stubborn face, and said, "Mr. Wei Zhuang, please give him a chance to seek justice."

The same words, but "please" and "begging" have very different meanings, but Wei Zhuang still remained unmoved and continued to move forward.

Seeing that the conflict was about to happen, Qin Hao came over and said, "Let him talk."

At this moment, most of the assassins who attacked Qin Hao were beheaded by Gai Nie and others, and only a few were arrested. They didn't even get close to Qin Hao.

Seeing Qin Hao's speech, Wei Zhuang stopped insisting, and Xiao Longnv and others were also relieved, after all, they didn't dare to fight Wei Zhuang.

Xiao Longnv gave the man an encouraging look, and seeing this, the man quickly complained about his grievances in front of Qin Hao.

The man was afraid of missing details, so he talked blabberingly for more than ten minutes, but Qin Hao showed a very painful expression after listening.

How should I put it, this person did have grievances, and he was very resentful. His daughter was robbed, his family was killed, and there were people in the government who shielded his enemies, leaving him with nowhere to redress his grievances.

In addition, the NPC did not know a single word, and it was under the bewitchment of others that he dared to stand on the street. Obviously, he was also used by these assassins.

This person is indeed very miserable. For a prince of Qin Hao's level, such a level of cases are nothing more than trivial matters. No matter what, it is not his turn to personally take action.

"How about this, seeing that you are also being used by others, this Marquis will pardon your crimes. In addition, Wei Zhuang, I will entrust you to investigate this person's injustice case, and you must give him justice."

Hearing what Qin Hao said, the man immediately bowed his head in thanks, while Wei Zhuang was even more stunned.

Regardless of whether this person is being used or not, but after all, he helped the assassin cause chaos, so it's fine if he is not punished, but let him personally help him investigate the case?
Think of him as the majestic commander of Jinyiwei in Weizhuang, even a prefect-level official would respectfully see him, but now he wants to avenge an ordinary person?This is too much talent!

"My lord, isn't this a little unruly, and my subordinates still have a lot of tasks to do..."

Before Wei Zhuang finished speaking, Qin Hao glared at him, and said righteously: "What's not in line with the rules, there is nothing more important than redressing the people's grievances, and redressing the people's grievances is the biggest rule."

"But my lord, that's not what you said before..."

Seeing Wei Zhuang's rare aggrieved face, Ge Nie immediately suppressed the smile in his heart and interrupted: "Xiao Zhuang, what the lord said is correct, your awareness still needs to be improved."

Wei Zhuang: "╰_╯╬"

Qin Hao looked at Gai Nie with a smile and said, "You also go together."

Ge Nie: "﹏"

Wei Zhuang: "∩_∩"

After handling an unjust case, Qin Hao led the crowd to continue the parade.

Seeing that Qin Hao still had a gentle smile on his face, Xiao Longnv couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Brother Qin, why are you so calm in the face of the assassination?"

"Just get used to it."

Qin Hao didn't care about it, but Xiao Longnu's eyes widened and she asked, "Can I get used to this?"

"Since I joined the army at the age of 14, I have experienced at least a dozen assassinations every year. This time the lineup is considered weak."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao couldn't help flashing a smile in his eyes, and continued: "The more assassinations I've experienced, the more I'll see it, and now when I see an assassin, it's like seeing a relative.

Longer, don't look at the fact that most of the assassins who assassinated me were weak, they couldn't even defeat the guards around me, let alone assassinate me.

But in fact, each of these assassins is a talent, not only good at speaking, but also versatile.

If they follow the right path, whether they are in the army or in politics, they may do something, but it is really a pity that they come to me to die. "

The corners of Xiao Longnv's mouth couldn't help twitching. These words undoubtedly showed that Qin Hao was actually quite miserable. He had to guard against other people's tricks even though he was in a high position, but why did she have the urge to laugh instead?
(End of this chapter)

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