Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1151 Bullying honest people

Chapter 1151 Bullying honest people

Chapter 1149: Bullying Honest People


As soon as the gate of the Hou's Mansion was opened, Bodhidharma outside the door opened his eyes instantly. Seeing that Qin Hao really came out, he immediately went up to meet him.

"Master Hou, the poor monk is here..."

"Ah, isn't this Master Bodhidharma, long time no see, long time no see."

Qin Hao greeted Bodhidharma first, and then he pretended to be anxious and said: "Your Majesty summoned me to attack Miansheng. If there is any matter, I will talk about it when I come back. I will definitely help the master to solve it when the time comes, for sure."

As he said that, Qin Hao pretended to be embarrassed and got into the carriage with Liu Mu, leaving Bodhidharma alone stunned.

Liu Mu opened the curtain of the car and saw Dharma outside looking into the car, while Qin Hao smiled and shook his hand at Dharma outside, and Dharma smiled wryly when he saw this.


Seeing that he had gone far away, Liu Mu couldn't help laughing, and said to Qin Hao, "Husband, Master Bodhidharma is an eminent monk, but it's too bad for you to torment him like this."

"Ma'am, you think I am willing to torment him."

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly, and said: "When I joined your husband and I went to Chang'an to get married, many Taoist masters surrounded and killed me in Sizhou. It was Master Damo and others who shocked the Taoist school, and my husband was safe and sound. Madam, you have been married before, if there is no Master Bodhidharma, Madam, you may have been a widow long ago."

"It turns out that there is such a thing."

Liu Mu said with a look of surprise that although she knew Bodhidharma was kind to Qin Hao, she didn't know what kind of kindness it was. Now after hearing her husband's explanation, she realized that so many things happened here.

"Husband, since Master Bodhidharma has saved your life, why do you bother him so much?"

Qin Hao couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, and said: "It's okay if you don't torment him, who made him come to intercede for Buddhism, if I don't give up on him now, then Buddhism will torment me in the future, so for my husband I can only apologize to Master Bodhidharma first.

But madam, don't worry, Master Bodhidharma is a man of high morality, so he will definitely not care about these things.

This time I just ran into him. If it was someone else from the Buddhist sect, I wouldn't bother him so much. "

Liu Mu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and his husband knew that the master had a good temper, so he dared to play tricks on him. Isn't this bullying an honest person?

Husband and wife, you talk to each other, chatting and chatting, and then they arrived at the palace.

Although Luoyang has experienced several wars, the palace has been preserved intact, no different from what Liu Mu remembered.

Since returning to Luoyang, although Liu Mu has visited the palace several times, she still feels a lot of emotion every time she comes here. After all, this is the place where she grew up.

After entering the palace gate, the two drove for a long time before finally arriving at Liu Xie's bedroom.


As soon as he saw Qin Hao, little Liu Xie ran over excitedly, surrounded Qin Hao, shouting 'brother-in-law, brother-in-law', his eyes full of admiration.

Seeing this, Qin Hao sighed helplessly in his heart, patted Liu Xie's head, and said with a smile: "Xie'er, you are no longer King Chen Liu, but the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, so you can't be so reckless."


Liu Xie nodded vigorously, and then said eagerly: "Brother-in-law, Xie'er is so boring in the palace, can you often come into the palace to accompany Xie'er?"

Qin Hao resolutely shook his head and refused, saying: "The war in Sizhou is not over yet, and Yuanmeng Temujin invaded Bingzhou again. After Xie'er ascends the throne again in Luoyang, my brother-in-law will probably lead the army again."

Liu Xie immediately showed disappointment when he heard it, and then said angrily: "Wang Mang, Wang Shichong, these rebellious officials and thieves are really abominable. They only care about their own ambitions, but they have no regard for the people of Li. Brother-in-law, you must defeat them! .”

"That's for sure. Your brother-in-law and I have never met an opponent since we were in the army. Naturally, Wang Mang and Wang Shichong will not be opponents." Qin Hao said confidently.

"Enen, when Xie'er ascends the throne again, I will make my brother-in-law a great general, and together we will rejuvenate the great man again."

Hearing Liu Xie's words, Qin Hao agreed on the surface, but sneered in his heart.

Although Liu Xie is small, he has a lot of ideas. In his opinion, among the princes, his brother-in-law is stronger, and his brother-in-law is loyal to the big man. The ZTE of Shi Dahan is just around the corner.

Liu Xie's calculations are beautiful, but he is still too young after all, he doesn't know the sinister heart, he has never seen Qin Hao clearly.

Qin Hao is destined not to be loyal to the big man. Now Liu Xie is still useful to him. After Liu Xie is completely useless, he will naturally change the dynasty and abolish Han to establish Qin. Of course, Qin Hao is not a cruel one, so he must Will give Liu Xie a good death.

When Liu Hong was alive, Liu Xie admired Qin Hao very much, and now he admires Qin Hao even more than before. Now that he finally has the opportunity to get in touch with his idol again, he can't wait to stay with Qin Hao in the palace at night. sleep.

Qin Hao has a lovely wife who warms the bed at home, so of course it is impossible to talk to Liu Xie, a poor kid. He patiently shared with Liu Xie his various experiences after joining the army, and Liu Xie also listened with great interest, and before he knew it, it was already evening up.

After having dinner with Liu Xie, Qin Hao took Liu Mu and left the palace. Before leaving, Qin Hao drank a few more glasses of wine.

"Ma'am, I will act a little bit later."

Qin Hao blinked at Liu Mu, but Liu Mu said with a helpless expression, "Understood my husband."

The carriage quickly returned to the Hou's Mansion, and Bodhidharma at the door immediately went up to greet him, but saw Liu Mu helping Qin Hao, who was smelling of alcohol, get off the carriage.

"Ma'am, don't help me, I'm not drunk, I can still drink, drink..."

As he spoke, Qin Hao fell headfirst, but was supported by Liu Mu, who had quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Master Hou, you promised the poor monk..."

As soon as Bodhidharma opened his mouth, he couldn't continue. After all, people are so drunk, how can they talk about things.

Liu Mu looked at Bodhidharma apologetically, and said, "Master, my husband is really drunk, you'd better come back tomorrow."

With that said, Liu Mu helped Qin Hao back into the mansion, leaving Bodhidharma alone in a daze, and when he regained his composure, the door of the Qin mansion had already closed.

Still have to wait.

Bodhidharma continued to sit cross-legged with an aggrieved face, but he didn't know that Qin Hao and Liu Mu behind the door were all smiling.

In a happy mood, Qin Hao and his three beautiful wives came together again that night, One Dragon and Three Phoenixes.

The next day, early in the morning, Qin Hao personally brought Bodhidharma into the mansion.

Qin Hao can't do it unless he invites him in person. After all, even if Bodhidharma is a person of high moral character, after being tormented by Qin Hao, there will inevitably be resentment in his heart. When Qin Hao wakes up, he immediately thinks of his own affairs. Most of the resentment in my heart disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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