Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1163 Capture Yuwen Chengdu alive?

Chapter 1163 Capture Yuwen Chengdu alive?

Chapter 1161: Capture Yuwen Chengdu Alive?

Although Qin Hao speculated that Gao Chong's strength is stronger than Yuwen Chengdu, but before Gao Chong's second skill broke out, he was just guessing, but if the current battle continues like this, Gao Chong's second skill will break out It's just a matter of time.

Although Qin Hao is full of curiosity about Gao Chong's second skill, it may take dozens of rounds for Gao Chong's second skill to explode. The most urgent task now is to defeat the Liang army's attack, and the best way is naturally to defeat Yuwen Chengdu hit the morale of the Liang army.

"Pei Yuanqing, go and help Gao Chong."

Qin Hao ordered decisively, although this will destroy the duel between Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu, but the most important thing on the battlefield is the battle situation!

Pei Yuanqing took the order with an excited face, but when he was about to leave, Qin Hao added lightly.

"Remember, killers are not allowed, and Yuwen Chengdu must be captured alive."

Pei Yuanqing was taken aback for a moment, swallowed his saliva immediately after realizing it, looked at Qin Hao in shock, and asked, "Master, are you sure?"

Qin Hao didn't answer, just glanced at him, and said lightly, "Is there a question?"

Of course there is a problem.Pei Yuanqing roared in his heart.

It is extremely difficult to defeat a peerless general of Yuwen Chengdu's level, and it is more than ten times more difficult to capture him alive.

To put it bluntly, in Pei Yuanqing's opinion, even Li Cunxiao, who was number one in the world, or Li Yuanba, who used to be number one in the world, may be able to defeat Yuwen Chengdu, but they are not capable of capturing him alive.

After all, in a confrontation on the battlefield, if one does not hold the mentality of killing the opponent, it is difficult to fully display one's strength.

When the lord orders the enemy general to be captured alive, the general of one's own side will definitely have concerns and be unable to use it. It is not bad to be able to exert [-]% of his strength with his hands tied.

The enemy generals will not have these worries, and will still fight with all their strength, and under the long and short of each other, they can even exert [-]% of their combat power.

It is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Pei Yuanqing to fight against an opponent who is stronger than him with [-]% of his strength, but he can't say that he can't do it in front of the lord, so he can only pat his strong breastplate and grit his teeth. Supported: "No problem."


Qin Hao said softly, he naturally knew what it meant to capture Yuwen Chengdu alive, and if he was not careful, it might be the end of Cao Cao in Changbanpo, but he had a reason why he absolutely couldn't kill Yuwen Chengdu.

Yuwen Chengdu's super magical skill 'Tianbao' endowed him with the characteristic that whoever kills him will die. Qin Hao doesn't want his generals to die from heaven's punishment, so Yuwen Chengdu is absolutely impossible to kill, and it's best to deal with him The only way is to capture him alive.

Qin Hao knew that relying on Pei Yuanqing and Gao Chong might not be able to capture Yuwen Chengdu alive, so as soon as Pei Yuanqing left, Qin Hao immediately recalled Arthur with the highest basic force, and ordered: "Arthur, you also go to help Gao Please give me a helping hand, you must remember, you must capture Yuwen Chengdu alive."

Arthur's eyes couldn't help flashing a bit of solemnity when he heard the words. After all, this task was much more difficult than defeating the Liang army, but she had no intention of refusing.


Pei Yuanqing and Arthur's basic force are 104 and 103 respectively, and both of them have the potential to become war god level warriors. If the two of them make a move together with the super god general Gao Chong, it should not be a problem to capture Yuwen Chengdu alive.

Qin Hao thought secretly in his heart, but he was not absolutely sure, after all, Yuwen Chengdu was a super master.

After Pei Yuanqing and Arthur left one after another, Qin Hao took over the command in Arthur's place, and personally commanded the army to resist the Liang army's offensive.

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Vertical and Horizontal' effect 2 activates, when leading the battle, if the opponent's commander is lower than his own, the opponent's commander will be -3; if the opponent's commander is higher than himself, his own commander will be +4;

Qin Hao's commander is 100, and Yang Lin's commander is 95. Qin Hao's commander is more familiar than Yang Lin, so Yang Lin's commander is -3, and the current commander has dropped to 92. 】

[Ding dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Holy King' effect 3 is activated. When serving as the main general, he can bless all the generals under his command, and all negative effects received are halved. In addition, the morale, combat power, and fighting spirit of the whole army... all have been greatly improved . 】

"The Liang army on the right is charging up again. This Liang army is equipped with a large number of shields. Now the crossbowmen continue to shoot flat, and the archers listen to my general. Don't shoot at a 45-degree angle, and shoot arrows without distinction..."

With the blessing of Qin Hao's 'Holy King' and 'Zongheng', the Qin army's morale and combat power doubled for a while, and the hit rate of the archers and crossbowmen was greatly improved.

Yang Lin at the bottom of the hillside only felt that his heart was bleeding. No matter how he commanded, he could only rush up to [-] meters on the hillside and never go up again. The Qin army's defense was impeccable.

Yang Lin didn't know what happened in the Qin army, the commander's command style changed drastically, as if he had been replaced by another person, but he knew that if he couldn't break out before Bai Qi arrived, he would definitely lose this battle .

"Brothers, kill for your life."

Yang Lin roared angrily and committed suicide himself. Even though the morale of the Liang army was once again aroused, it still couldn't let the Liang army break through the Qin army's defense line.

Seeing this, Qin Hao couldn't help but sighed. These soldiers of the Liang Army are all elites. It's a pity to waste them here so meaninglessly.

On the other hand, Pei Yuanqing's joining did not determine the victory, but because he brought the order to capture Yuwen Chengdu alive, it put Gao Chong in shackles instead.

Even if Gao Chong joined forces with Pei Yuanqing with his hands tied, they only had a slight upper hand in the face of Yuwen Chengdu who was going all out, let alone captured him alive.

Just when the stalemate was about to hit, Arthur's joining became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. The three joined forces to fight Yu Wencheng, who had no power to fight back.

"Yuwen Chengdu, Dong Zhuo is dead, Yang Jian doesn't trust you, sending Yang Lin to seize your military power is proof, so why do you bother to work for him?"

Arthur disturbed his mind with words, but the offensive in his hands did not weaken at all, but no matter how she tried to persuade him to surrender, Yu Wencheng just fought calmly without any reaction.

"No, I really can't hold it anymore."

Yu Wencheng's eyes were full of exhaustion, but he secretly said in his heart: "I can't retreat. Once I retreat, the morale of our army will definitely be affected. If this breakout fails, our army will be surrounded by the Qin army." , can no longer break through."

Although Yu Wencheng knew about this, he didn't have the power to change the situation.

Facing the siege of Gao Chong and the other three, the reason why Yu Wencheng could persevere for so long was entirely because the other party had the intention of capturing him alive, otherwise he would have died in battle long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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