Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1165 The Soldier Without Fighting

Chapter 1165 The Soldier Without Fighting

Chapter 1163: The Soldier of the Conflict

The Qin army didn't need to take the initiative to attack at all. As long as it continued to drag until the Liang army ran out of food, the Liang army would naturally collapse on its own.

As Qin Hao expected, although Yang Lin knew he was in a desperate situation, he still did not sit still.

That night, Yang Lin organized a large army to launch a night attack, but the Qin army had already guarded against the Liang army's night attack, so Yang Lin and Yu Wencheng did not succeed.

The next day, the Liang army's food and grass were exhausted, but under the appeasement of Yang Lin and Yuwen Chengdu, the Liang army did not collapse immediately, but they also lost control of the entire army.

After night came again, Yang Lin launched a night attack again, but under Bai Qi's strict defense, the Liang army's operation also ended in failure.

Since then, the Liang army has gradually collapsed due to food shortages, and can no longer pose a strong threat to the Qin army.

In the Liang army camp, Yang Lin's face was pale. He could no longer control the entire army, and the only ones who could command and move were the personal guards.

Now the Liang army's camps are in chaos, hunger and panic are flooding the whole army, if they are not surrounded by Qin army regiments on all sides, there is no place to set up, the Liang army may have dispersed in a hurry.

"General Yang, after our army's two failed night raids, the Qin army still didn't intend to take the initiative to attack. It just tightened the encirclement and the defense became tighter." Yu Wencheng said in a deep voice.

"Bai Qi is a soldier who wants to surrender without fighting."

Yang Lin looked defeated, and said miserably: "In the current situation where we can't break out and we have run out of food, if our army doesn't want to starve to death, we can only voluntarily surrender to the Qin army.

Bai Qi, you are so cruel. "

At first, Yuwen Chengdu wanted to ask Yang Lin for countermeasures, but looking at Yang Lin's current state, it was obvious that he didn't seem to have a solution, and he couldn't help but feel more confused. What should he do?

Two days after Liang's army ran out of food, there was a scene of fighting for food in the army, killing and injuring hundreds of people, but Yang Lin couldn't do anything about it.

After three days of food deprivation, the soldiers in the army were hungry and turned their attention to the corpses of their compatriots. Hundreds of corpses were eaten up in an instant, but there was still nothing left to do.

On the fourth day, the Qin army rolled out grain carts filled with steamed buns and meat porridge, and the soldiers shouted to lure the enemy to surrender.

Under the temptation tactics of the Qin army, the soldiers of the Liang army who were frantically hungry all walked out of the camp gate and surrendered to the Qin army.

In just one day, there were as many as [-] people who surrendered. Although Yang Lin tried his best to stop it, it was not only useless, but the tendency of surrender was getting bigger and bigger.

On the tenth day, in just six days, more than 5000 people surrendered to the Qin army one after another, and several battles broke out within the Liang army, resulting in more than a thousand casualties. Now there are less than [-] remaining troops in the camp.

"Everyone, under our army's blockade, the Liang army has been out of food for ten days. In these ten days, a total of more than [-] people surrendered to our army, but this did not include Yang Lin and Yu Wencheng. , obviously they are determined to fight to the death."

After Qin Hao looked around the generals, he continued: "Yang Lin still wants to continue, but our army doesn't have that much time, so we will continue to drag on here with him. I announced that we will launch a final attack on the Liang army tonight. one strike."

All the generals showed excitement when they heard the words. If it weren't for reducing losses, the Liang army would have been wiped out ten days ago. Now that the Liang army has less than [-] troops left, it is almost impossible to cause losses to the Qin army. It is also time to wipe out the Liang army in one fell swoop.

"Where is Bai Qi?" Qin Hao said in a deep voice.

"The end is here." Bai Qi stood up.

"Tomorrow, except for the [-] troops left to guard the prisoners, the remaining [-] troops will be handed over to the Commander-in-Chief to direct the attack from all directions at the same time. I must end the battle within an hour."

Bai Qi's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "No."

Facing the hungry and exhausted army of five thousand mountains and rivers, but sending out [-] elites who have been recharging their energy, in Bai Qi's view, there is no suspense at all in this battle.

"Jiang Song, Ran Min, Gao Chong, where are you?"

"The last general is here." The three generals stood up and responded in unison.

"Yu Wencheng is a talent, it's a pity to die here, so the three of you make a move together, and you must capture Yu Wencheng alive for me." Qin Hao ordered with a serious face.

The three of Jiang Song were taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing bitterly. They didn't expect that the lord would appreciate Yuwen Chengdu so much, and they would definitely capture him alive even if the three of them teamed up.

You must know that with the three of them working together, even Li Yuanba can only walk around, and Yu Wencheng must be honored to be able to enjoy such treatment.

The next day, under Bai Qi's command, [-] Qin troops were divided into four routes in the southeast, northwest, and directly surrounded the Liang army's camp with three floors inside and three floors outside, and then sent soldiers to carry out the final propaganda to persuade them to surrender.

The surviving generals and soldiers in the camp, seeing the crowds of Qin soldiers outside the camp, could not help swallowing in fear, then glanced at General Jin Jia behind him, and thought to themselves: It would be great if General Yuwen was not there.

After Yu Wencheng saw the reaction of all the soldiers, he couldn't help sighing: "If you want to surrender, you can surrender."


All the soldiers were in disbelief. No one would have thought that their own general would take the initiative to let the soldiers go out and surrender.

"Go, instead of dying meaninglessly, it's better to live on with one last breath." Yu Wencheng said lightly.


All the soldiers looked at Yuwen Chengdu with tears in their eyes. At this moment, the image of Yuwen Chengdu in their hearts was extremely tall.

Soon, another 2000 people left the camp and surrendered, but more people stayed.

Seeing this, Yu Wencheng wondered, "Why don't you surrender? If you stay, you will die in vain."

"Our Liang army is not afraid of death..."

"Wish to die with the general..."

The remaining soldiers shouted one after another, but after Yu Wencheng heard it, he was also moved by his own soldiers.

"Good good."

Yu Wencheng brandished his weapon and pointed it at Qin Jun, shouting violently: "Brothers, in today's battle, there will be death but no life, but Mr. Dong will definitely be proud of us."

"There is death without life, there is death without life..."

The roar of the Liang army resounded through the sky, and the soldiers in the prisoner-of-war camp, after hearing the determination in the shout, couldn't help showing guilt and a trace of remorse. Some prisoners even became agitated, but they were caught in an instant. The guarding Qin army was suppressed forcefully.

Seeing that no one came out to surrender, Bai Qi decisively gave the order to attack, and this was the only time he attacked the camp without using tactics.

The three generals Jiang Song, Ran Min, and Gao Chong rushed to the front in the shape of Pin, brandished their weapons and blasted a big hole in the Liang army camp, then left the army behind them and rushed into the barracks.

When he saw Yuwen Chengdu's voice, Gao Chong immediately roared angrily: "Yuwen Chengdu, if you don't let go, you will be arrested, when will you wait?"

Immediately, the three of them killed them together, almost ignoring the three thousand soldiers around Yu Wencheng, but then the soldiers of the Qin army also rushed into the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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