Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1169 The Death of Yang Ye

Chapter 1169 The Death of Yang Ye

Chapter 1167: The Death of Yang Ye

Outside Zhenbei Pass, there is a large tent of the Yuan Emperor's army.

"Your Majesty, the son of Yang Ye, Shiro, Yang Gui and Yang Yanlang, please meet Your Majesty."

Temujin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sneered, "Let him in."

Tuo Lei stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, our army is about to break through the Zhenbei Pass, but Yang Silang suddenly asked to see him at this moment. It must be that Yang Ye knew that he could not defend the Zhenbei Pass, so he did it on purpose. In the opinion of the subordinates, they can directly detain him and threaten Yang Ye to surrender."

"Don't worry, let's listen to what this Yang Silang said first. No, it should be Yang Ye who wants to use his mouth to say something."

Speaking of this, Temujin's eyes flashed a sneer, and he sneered: "Yang Ye has already started to go to the doctor in a hurry, obviously, my Dayuan's strategy is correct, and it is just around the corner to invade Hetao and destroy the Jin army. "

"Your Majesty Shengming."

The ministers cheered in unison.

After Yang Silang entered the big tent, he just glanced at Temujin and didn't dare to look again. The eyes of the superior were simply breathtaking, and he was afraid that Temujin would see through his inner thoughts.

"Yang Silang sees Emperor Yuan."

Temujin looked at Yang Silang playfully, and said with a light smile, "Why did Yang Ye send you here?"

Yang Silang's heart couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, his heart was suspended immediately, but he forced himself to calm down, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, my father didn't ask me to come, but I wanted to come. "


The corners of Temujin's mouth turned up slightly, which had two meanings at all, so he said playfully, "Then what is your purpose for coming to see me?"

"Without him, I just want to find a way to survive."

Temujin narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous gleam flashed in his pupils. From Yang Silang's words, he faintly smelled a hint of conspiracy.


Like a hunter staring at his prey, Temujin stared at Yang Silang firmly, and said with a smile: "Tell me, how do you plan to find a way out?"

"Zhenbei Guan will definitely be unable to defend it, but my father, Commander, intends to burn Zhenbei Pass and die at the pass.

I persuaded my father-in-law to give up his life for one pass, which is not worth it at all, but he said that he lost Zhenbei Pass, was a sinner of the big man, and would have no face to see Duke Jin.

The father-in-law had made up his mind to die in the pass, and he didn't listen to my good words at all. He transferred all the other brothers out of Zhenbei, but left me alone who was the least valued.

I'm still young, I don't want to die like this, so I can only find a way out for myself,
So I took the initiative to ask my father to come to see His Majesty under the guise of investigating the reality of the Yuan army. "

There was nothing wrong with Yang Silang's words, but Temujin's eyes were even more playful, and he said with a light smile: "Yang Silang, you should know that your words are not convincing."

Temujin's implication is that you have said so much, but it is all false, without any real things. Do you think I will believe you?

Yang Silang knew that success or failure was at stake, so he raised his head and looked at Temujin without fear, and said seriously: "Reporting to Your Majesty, after I return this time, I will truthfully report the situation of the Yuan army to my father. Then open the Zhenbei Pass tonight to let the Yuan army enter, and personally capture my father and commander and hand it over to His Majesty."

Temujin was startled when he heard the words, but he pretended not to care.

Temujin didn't really care about Yang Silang's opening of the Zhenbei Pass. After all, even without Yang Silang's help, the Yuan army could capture the Zhenbei Pass by himself. What he really cared about was Yang Ye, a famous general of the Jin army. , and if Yang Silang could really capture Yang Ye, Temujin could barely trust him.

"Tell me, what are your conditions."

Temujin asked tentatively, but when Yang Silang heard it, he said: "Your Majesty is wise, as expected, nothing can be hidden from His Majesty. Yang Silang has nothing else to ask but His Majesty to spare my father's life."

"Yang Ye doesn't pay much attention to you, but he still drags you to be buried with him, but you still want to save him?"

"Who made him my father? Yang Ye can be ruthless to me, but Yang Silang can't be unfilial."

Hearing Yang Silang's words, Yuan Meng's loyal officials all showed disdain, thinking: Is it your filial piety to betray your biological father?It's really a sign but still wants to set up a memorial archway.

Temujin didn't immediately agree to Yang Silang, but asked many more questions, and Yang Silang answered them fluently without revealing any questions, so he said:

"I agree to your condition, but the premise must be that you capture Yang Ye yourself. If my soldiers find Yang Ye first, then don't blame me for not talking."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Yang Silang left, Hu Chuquan stood up and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, you have eliminated the great enemy Yang Ye without any effort."

"Hmph, do you really think Yang Silang's words are credible?"

Temujin snorted coldly, and said lightly: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Yang Ye is not only good at marching and fighting, but also not weak at playing tricks."

All the ministers couldn't help being startled when they heard the words, but Hu Chuquan said in surprise: "So, what Yang Silang said before was all Yang Ye's scheme?"

Temujin subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with it, but Yang Silang's rhetoric did not have any loopholes, so he said lightly: "Leave it alone for now, let's see if Yang Silang can capture Yang Ye first, and then draw a conclusion. Regardless of conspiracy or No, our army is the one with the absolute advantage."

In the middle of the night that day, the gate of Zhenbei Pass was wide open, but the Yuan army did not rush into the pass immediately.

Temujin was also afraid that Yang Ye would follow Qin Hao's example of burning Yanmen Pass, and then give him such a fire to burn Zhenbei Pass, and Yuanmeng's high-level officials were also scared by the Jin army's fire attack.

Temujin first sent people to investigate, and after confirming that there was no ambush, he stormed into the pass and captured thousands of Jin troops alive, and Yang Silang also captured Yang Ye alive as promised.

At the same time, Murong Ke, who came from the south, saw that Zhenbei Pass had been captured by reinforcements, so he set up an ambush on the only way for the Jin army to retreat.

Murong Ke wanted to capture or kill Yang Ye in one fell swoop, but after waiting left and right, he only waited for some remnants of soldiers, and did not wait for his mortal enemy Yang Ye, and when he led the army into Zhenbei Pass, he realized that Yang Ye had been killed by himself. His son Yang Silang was captured alive and handed over to Temujin.

In Zhenbei Pass, Temujin was sitting on the position of the Jin army's governor, and Yang Ye was tied up into rice dumplings and struggling all the time.

Temujin looked at Yang Ye with a happy face, showed a winner's smile, and said, "Yang Ye, Yang Ye, I'm afraid you never thought that you would end up where you are today."


Yang Ye was like a raging lion, struggling angrily.

Seeing this, Temujin said, "Let him speak."


As soon as the soldier removed the thing stuffed into Yang Ye's mouth, Yang Ye bit the neck of Yang Silang beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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