Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1171 The Death of Yang Ye

Chapter 1171 The Death of Yang Ye (End)

Chapter 1169: The Death of Yang Ye (End)

Yang Silang tremblingly picked up the scimitar, walked in front of Yang Ye with heavy steps, and put the scimitar on Yang Ye's neck.

Yang Silang took a deep breath and said shyly, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Father, I really want to chat with you again, my child is proud to have a father like you.

Yang Ye looked at Yang Silang bitterly, and said coldly, "I have nothing to say to you."

Shiro, I have so much to say to you as a father, no matter what, I must live strong from now on.

Yang Ye turned his head to one side, as if waiting to die with his eyes closed, while Yang Silang tried his best not to let the tears fall, he raised the scimitar in his hand several times, but put it down several times, and it was too late to go down hand.

Long before he acted, Shiro had made his own decision, but when this moment came, he realized that he still overestimated himself, making up his mind and making a move were two different concepts.

"I can not do it."

Yang Silang threw down the scimitar, knelt down and cried bitterly: "I really can't do it."

Yang Ye opened his eyes suddenly when he heard the words, and when he saw his son's collapsed appearance, he knew that he had pushed his son too hard, which was beyond Shiro's tolerance.

But now there is only the last step left to success, if you give up here, all previous efforts will be completely wasted, how can Yang Ye be reconciled to this.


After Yang Ye yelled violently, he broke free from the rope on his body, then picked up the machete on the ground, and stabbed Shiro head-on.

"I'm going to kill you, a traitor, and clean up the house."

Although Yang Silang was crying bitterly, he also noticed his father's eyes, so he quickly dodged back, but he was still a step too late, and was stabbed twice in a row.


Yang Silang screamed and hid among the soldiers, and the surrounding soldiers stepped forward to stop him, but Yang Ye became more and more courageous.

After killing more than a dozen soldiers in a row, Yang Silang was already under the protection of a group of soldiers, so instead he killed Temujin who was on the main seat.

Seeing this, Temujin's eyes became colder and colder, but he didn't even intend to move, and at this time Murong Ke was also protecting him.

"Temujin, I'm going to kill..."

Before the word "you" in Yang Ye's sentence was uttered, three consecutive arrows pierced through his legs and right hand respectively, which were the arrows fired by Zhebie, the number one archer in Yuanmeng.

Yang Ye fell to the ground, and Murong Ke walked up to him slowly, stepped on Yang Ye's back, and pushed Yang Ye down who wanted to get up.

"Murong Ke."

Yang Ye roared like a beast, Murong Ke saw that his eyes were full of pleasure, and said lightly: "Yang Ye, pay for my son's life."

After saying that, Murong Ke cut off Yang Ye's head with a decisive sword strike. As the general governor of the Jin Army, Yang Ye died under Murong Ke's sword.

[Ding dong, Murong Ke beheaded Yang Ye, completed the task of 'Immortal and Endless', all attributes +1, current five-dimensional: commander 100, force 94, intelligence 95, politics 94, charisma 100. 】

Murong Ke shed a tear from the corner of his eyes, but he raised his head and sighed: "Shaoer, I have avenged you for my father, you may rest in peace."


Seeing this, Yang Silang completely collapsed, stepped forward and hugged Yang Ye's body and cried bitterly, he lost the last sliver of reason in addition to his grief and indignation.

"Murong Ke, I'm going to kill you."

Yang Silang rushed towards Murong Ke angrily, but he was held up by two generals within two steps, and he couldn't move forward any more.

Murong Ke walked up to Yang Silang with his sword in hand, looked at Yang Silang with a face of hatred, but he said indifferently: "Don't worry, I'll send you to see Yang Ye right away."

The great feud between the Yang family and the Murong family has already been forged, and for Yang Silang, the son of the enemy, Murong Ke is naturally not going to let go, and he is not going to let go of all the children of Yang Ye.

Just when Murong Ke raised his sword high, Temujin said: "Okay, Yang Silang has meritorious service, so he cannot be killed."

Murong Ke frowned, and said: "Your Majesty, Qin Hao once said: Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows deep. Your Majesty, you must not be kind to women."

Temujin looked at Murong Ke coldly, and said lightly: "Is Aiqing teaching me a lesson?"

Murong Ke only felt a chill all over his body, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, he gritted his teeth and knelt down and said: "The last general dare not."

"Hmph, I forgive you that you don't dare."

Temujin snorted coldly, then looked at Yang Silang, and said: "Yang Silang offered up the Zhenbei Pass and captured Yang Ye alive. Today, Yang Silang is appointed as the main vanguard for conquering Han, and Jebe is the deputy vanguard, leading an army of [-] to attack Yinshan Mountain." county."

Yang Silang glanced at Murong Ke with hatred, clasped his fists and responded, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seeing this, Murong Ke also sighed slightly in his heart. His Majesty deliberately prevented him from killing Yang Silang. I am afraid that he intended to use this to beat him. It will be difficult to kill Yang Silang in the future.

Temujin didn't use Yang Ye's body to hit the morale of the Jin army. Instead, he sewed Yang Ye's body up and buried it alive, so as to win over Yang Silang's heart, as if he trusted Yang Silang, But Yang Silang knew that Tiemu was still doubting himself.

Temujin did not keep Yang Silang at Zhenbeiguan, but immediately let Yang Silang lead the army to attack Yinshan County. This was obviously to defend Yang Silang, but Yang Silang had no other choice but to take one step. One step away.

Yang Silang had just finished "killing his father". Although he didn't do it himself, he participated in it after all, and the result was that brothers killed each other so soon.

Yang Silang wanted to swallow Temujin alive, but he didn't dare to show the slightest hatred towards Temujin, he could only secretly pray in his heart that he would not let his brothers.

The news that Yang Silang surrendered and sold his father for glory soon spread throughout Bingzhou and Hetao.

Yang Ye has a very high prestige among the people, so after the common people heard about this, they naturally scolded Yang Silang, but Liu Lang and other generals of the Yang family didn't believe it.

Yinshan City, the seat of Yinshan County.

"Fuck your motherfucker."

After listening to the soldier's report, Yang Wulang grabbed the soldier's collar angrily, and roared: "There is no one in my Yang family who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and my fourth brother is one of the best heroes. How could he betray his father for his life?"

Ningxia County, Ningxia City.

Yang Erlang looked at Wen Tianxiang in disbelief, and then said seriously: "Master Taishou, this information is absolutely false, fourth brother is not such a person."

Seeing this, Wen Tianxiang couldn't help sighing, he didn't know how to persuade Yang Erlang.

Whether it is Erlang, Goro or Liulang, the first reaction after hearing the news is disbelief. They can't believe that the elder brother (younger brother) who grew up together is actually a traitor who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and sells his father for glory.

Yang Ye's wife, She Saihua, who was far away in Jinyang, found Qin Wen immediately after learning the news, and pledged her life as a guarantee for her son Yang Silang.

She Saihua is undoubtedly a strong woman. She can accept that her husband and son died in battle, but she can't accept that her son killed her husband. She firmly believes that there must be something else hidden in it.

(End of this chapter)

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