Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1173 Wanyan and Aisin Gioro

Chapter 1173 Wanyan and Aisin Gioro

Chapter 1171: Wanyan and Aixinjueluo

She Saihua brought her nine daughters-in-law to seek refuge, and was naturally warmly received by Qin Liangyu. After all, these female generals of the Yang family were once the backbone of her command.

Before the Detachment of Women's Army was divided, there were so many female generals in the Three Thousand Detachment of Women's Army, and the female generals of the Yang family held up most of the sky of the Detachment of Women's Army.

As Qin Hao established the Qin Army, the Detachment of Women also split into two.

Qin Liangyu stayed in Jinyang with an army of two thousand women and most of the female generals, while Mu Guiying led an army of one thousand women and a small number of female generals to Nanyang.

Before the division of troops, Qin Liangyu's power, whether it was men or generals, was far above Mu Guiying's.

But with the growth of the Qin Army, the Qin Army's Detachment Army also grew.

Now the Qin Army's Women's Army not only has a scale of 5000 people, but also recruits many capable female generals, and has won many victories one after another.

In contrast, the Jin Army's Detachment Army has been stagnant. Naturally, it was left far behind by the Qin Army Detachment Army.

The Jin Army Detachment Army had the advantage, but was overtaken by the Qin Army Detachment Army. The most important thing was that Qin Wen did not support the expansion of the Detachment Army.

Although Qin Wen's character is not conservative, he does not approve of women forming an army. In addition, the cost of forming an army for women is indeed higher than that of men, but the combat power is not stronger than that of men.

The Jin army itself was not short of troops. Qin Wen felt that instead of expanding the Women's Army, it was not worthwhile to recruit more reserve soldiers, so he rejected Qin Liangyu's request to expand the army.

It is precisely because of Qin Wen's lack of attention that the Detachment of Women Army can only maintain a lineup of 2000 people, and has not played missions for a long time. Most of the female generals are either married or go home to teach their husbands and children. Big loss.

Now that the female general of the Yang family is back again, this is naturally a great thing for the Detachment of Women. Qin Liangyu welcomed the female general of the Yang family with both hands.

The reason why She Saihua took her daughters-in-law and chose to return to the Detachment of Women at this time is actually because the [-] new army has been reorganized.

Zhenbeiguan fell, and after the 20 yuan army went south, nearly [-] foreign cavalry ravaged Hetao.

In this regard, Qin Wen quickly responded, and ordered all the three counties of Hetao to enter military control, and all the people were soldiers until Yuanmeng was defeated.

With the 10,000+ elite Jin army in Hetao alone, even if all the people are all soldiers, it is still difficult to repel the 30 yuan Mongolian cavalry. After all, the temporarily recruited men can only defend the city but cannot fight.

Therefore, in order to repel the Yuanmeng iron cavalry as soon as possible and prevent Yuanmeng from wantonly destroying Hanoi, the [-] new troops must arrive at Hetao as soon as possible to participate in the war.

The [-] new army is about to march to Hetao, but the choice of the main general has not been decided. The reason is that most of the famous generals in the Jin army have gone south to Sizhou, and the other mainstays have also been sent to Hetao, so that This has caused the embarrassing situation of today's Jin army with many soldiers and few generals.

Qin Wen thought about it but couldn't find a suitable candidate, so he wanted to lead the army in person, but because of his physical problems, he was unanimously opposed by his advisers.

Considering that if he was exhausted on the way to lead the army, it would only hit the morale of the Jin army again, so Qin Wen gave up his plan to lead the army himself, but now that the army is about to go out, the position of the general can no longer be suspended.

Among the remaining generals in Jinyang, apart from Qin Liangyu, there is no one with prestige who can lead an army of [-].

In fact, Qin Liangyu's prestige is not enough, but her reputation is big enough, coupled with Qin Wen's eldest daughter, and the identity of the commander of the Detachment of Women, it is enough to command and deter a hundred thousand new troops.

In desperation, Qin Wen had no choice but to let his daughter Qin Liangyu lead the army, but fortunately Wang Meng was still in control of the Hetao side, so he didn't have to worry about Qin Liangyu commanding indiscriminately.

In addition to Qin Liangyu, Qin Wen also sent Mu Guiying's father Mu Feng, Shi Yiguang's younger brother Shi Long, and the Qin family's young general Qin Lie.

Mu Feng used to be one of the eight captains of the Yanmen Army, and one of the oldest generals in the Jin Army.

Shi Long used to be a lieutenant in the Po Barracks, and later became a general because of his military exploits. He is one of the rising stars in the Jin Army.

Needless to say, Qin Lie is one of the most outstanding young children of the Qin family.

These three are the last remaining generals in Jinyang. Qin Wen has sent them all out now, which shows how firm he is in resisting Yuanmeng. Hetao.

After Qin Liangyu led the [-] Detachment Army and a group of female generals from the Detachment Army to join the [-] new army, they immediately rushed to Hetao without stopping, but they received a general order from Wang Meng on the way.

Wang Meng did not let Qin Liangyu's [-] women's army enter Hetao, but ordered Qin Liangyu to set up camp at the junction of Hetao and the three northern and central counties to prevent Yuan Meng from entering the three northern and central counties.


On the black land in the far Northeast, since the establishment of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, under the semi-nomadic and half-cultivated land, the national power has been growing rapidly.

Nurhachi arbitrarily divided Liaodong and Northeast China into Liao, Jin, and Manzhou, and named the land of Sanhan as Hanzhou.

The land of Three Koreas is not a big place, but it has a lot of influence.

Goguryeo, Buyeo, Jibo, Zhimu, Chenhan, and Mahan, more than a dozen forces, large and small, are all over the land of Sanhan, and the overlord is naturally Li Yuanhao's Goguryeo.

The three northeastern states of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were sparsely populated, and there was an urgent need to fill the population of Sanhan in order to develop the huge land resources under the rule.

Therefore, not long after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, Nurhachi sent his general Wanyan Agu as the main general, and his son Huang Taiji as the deputy general, leading [-] troops to conquer the countries of the Three Koreas, which naturally aroused panic in the countries of the Three Koreas.

The Wanyan family that Wanyan Aguda belongs to is the old aristocratic family of the Wuhuan clan, and is still related to the Aixinjueluo family where Nurhachi belongs, and the Wanyan family also made great contributions during the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. , so Wanyan Aguda is more suitable to be the main general than Huang Taiji.

The countries in the three Koreas have always been divided, and whoever is strong will be attached to them. Seeing that the Qing army is so powerful, they naturally handed in surrender forms, expressing their willingness to become a vassal state of the Manchu Qing.

Nurhachi intends to completely conquer Sanhan and use the population of Sanhan to develop his country's land, so he does not accept the request of the dependent country at all.

The countries of the three Koreas were not able to be subordinate countries. In the end, under the leadership of the Goguryeo king Li Yuanhao, the countries of the three Koreas formed an allied force to jointly resist the aggression of the Qing Dynasty.

After more than a dozen countries united, the total military strength was already higher than that of the Qing Dynasty. However, because the coalition forces had their own ideas, they were repeatedly defeated by Wanyan Aguda.

Wanyan Aguda conquered Sanhan repeatedly and won many battles, and destroyed many small countries in a row. Just when he was about to continue to expand his victories, Nurhachi transferred Wanyan Aguda back from the front line on the grounds of using important military affairs, and let him His son Huang Taiji will continue to conquer Sanhan as the master.

Wanyan Aguda knew that Nurhachi was actually afraid of himself, fearing that he would make greater achievements, so he transferred himself back at this time, but Wanyan Aguda dared not not come back.

Although Wanyan Aguda is the tiě, maò, zi, wàng of the Qing Dynasty (I really don’t understand why these four words are also blocked), but everything about him and Wanyan’s family is given by Nurhachi, and if he dares to violate Nurhachi If not, everything he currently has will be taken away.

Wanyan Aguda is not willing to be controlled by others forever, but before Wanyan's family has the power to fight against Aixinjueluo's family, Aguda can only listen to Nurhachi honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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