Chapter 1179
Chapter 1177: Employment is not suspicious
Seeing Yu Wencheng's cold and violent look, Qin Hao knew that there was resentment in his heart, and couldn't help but sneered and said: "Brother Yuwen, although the methods below are a bit despicable, this is because of the thirst for talent, and he has no choice but to do it. .

If you can really get brother Yuwen's help, even more despicable things, I can do it, so I ask brother Yuwen to let go of the past. "


When Yu Wencheng heard this, his heart was both angry and moved. He was angry that Qin Hao was plotting against him secretly, but he was also moved by Qin Hao's attention to him.

As a courtier, who doesn't want to be valued by the monarch, and Qin Hao, as a prince in control of one side, can do this to subdue a surrendered general, at least Dong Zhuo and Yang Jian can't do Qin Hao's level, and this is for anyone It is a great honor for everyone, and Yuwen Chengdu is no exception.

Although Yuwen Chengdu played for the Liang Army, and Liang Army and Qin Army were mortal enemies, he didn't have much hostility towards Qin Hao. On the contrary, he still admired him very much in his heart. Qin Hao's achievements at this age were really too great.

And when Qin Hao went to Guanzhong to get married, Yuwen Chengdu personally escorted him to Chang'an, so the relationship between the two is relatively good in private.

Yu Wencheng knows that Qin Hao is the master, at least he is much wiser than Dong Zhuo, but the loyalty in his heart does not allow him to change to another master because of the inadequacy of the master, but now Dong Zhuo is dead, and Qin Hao has done something for him To the extreme of being a master, this naturally moved Yu Wencheng's heart.

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu's tangled expression, Qin Hao knew that he was moved, so he persuaded: "Brother Chengdu, you are loyal to Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo is dead now, and Yang Jian is now in charge of the Liang army, and he Not your allegiance.

Yang Jian seized your military power as soon as he took power, and he asked Yang Lin to replace you as the general. It is obvious that he doesn't trust you, so why should Brother Chengdu serve him.

What's more, Dong Zhuo's death itself is full of doubts. Jia Fu did not kill him, but he died, but Yang Jian benefited the most from it. It can be seen that he was suspected of murdering Dong Zhuo, and before Yang Jian's suspicion was cleared ..."

Yu Wencheng's frown became tighter and tighter. He had also considered these issues, but he was not capable of solving them at the time, and he had no intention of betraying the Liang army, so he didn't pursue it further, but now he had to. face up.

Qin Hao continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Brother Chengdu, have you forgotten your father, Yu Wenhuaji's enmity?"

A trace of hatred flashed in Yu Wencheng's eyes. Naturally, he couldn't forget the revenge of his father's death at the hands of Yuan Shao. It's just that the Liang army is dying, and now it's being beaten back to Guanzhong by the Qin army. This also makes him have no revenge at all. Opportunity.

"Yang Jian is not the master of the Ming Dynasty. After he returned to Chang'an, he has been suppressing dissidents, causing everyone in the Liang Tang faction to feel insecure. Now that the Liang army is in civil turmoil, it will only become weaker and weaker in the future."

Qin Hao looked at Yuwen Chengdu, and said seriously: "Brother Chengdu, it is impossible for you to take revenge if you stay in the Liang army, and if you take refuge in me, brother Chengdu, after my Qin army is in the unified division, you can borrow Just march into Hebei, and Yuan Shao will definitely fight against Yuan Shao at that time, and then you will naturally be able to avenge your hatred."

Qin Hao's implication is that you should take refuge in me as soon as possible. Only by taking refuge in me can you take revenge.

Under the persuasion of Chu Qiao and Yu Wentuo, under the influence of the unborn child, Yu Wencheng was already ready to bow his head, but he was still a little reluctant in his heart, and after feeling Qin Hao's importance to him, Yu Wencheng felt Don't pinch it and it will dissipate naturally.

But after hearing Qin Hao's willingness to help him avenge him, Yuwen Chengdu didn't hesitate any more, and immediately knelt down and said in a deep voice: "Yuwen Chengdu will see the lord, and from now on he will be smashed to pieces in order to repay the lord's great kindness."

"Good, good, good."

Qin Hao laughed and helped Yuwen Chengdu up, saying: "Brother Chengdu alone is helping, even more so than a hundred thousand troops."

Chu Qiao and Yu Wentuo on the other side were relieved seeing this, especially Chu Qiao, Yu Wencheng's decision was about her and the future of the child in her belly. Fortunately, everything was moving in a good direction.

"Brother, my younger brother has been busy with affairs since he joined Jinyiwei. From now on, I will leave the Yuwen family to take care of you."

Yu Wentuo said with a smile, but what he meant was to let Yuwen Chengdu become the head of the Yuwen family in Luoyang.


Yu Wencheng shook his head helplessly, but did not refuse, because this was his responsibility.

In the afternoon of the same day, General Qin Hao's middle and high-level officials summoned them, and publicly announced that Yuwen Chengdu had officially joined the Qin Army.

"Congratulations, my lord, our army has another general in the future."

Under Bai Qi's lead, all the generals congratulated one after another: "Congratulations, my lord..."

Ran Min walked in front of Yuwen Chengdu and said with a smile: "Brother Yuwen, there was no winner last time, and we will have a chance to compete in the future."

In the battle against Dong, the two had fought against each other, but there was no winner, but in that battle Yuwen Chengdu took the upper hand.

"Accompany you at any time." Yuwen Chengdu also responded with a smile.

It was Gao Chong who also came over, and said with a smile: "We haven't decided the winner yet."

In the battle between Gao Chong and Yuwen Chengdu, Gao Chong had the upper hand, but Yuwen Chengdu was still very impressed with this person who suppressed him.

Although Yuwen Chengdu was a surrendered general, he quickly integrated into the Qin army by virtue of his super strength and noble character.

Seeing this, Qin Hao was also very relieved, the generals under his command were relatively pure.

"Okay, there will be more opportunities to communicate in the future, General Yuwen, I have an extremely important task for you."

Hearing what the lord said, Yu Wencheng immediately said: "This subordinate will definitely do its best."

Qin Hao nodded, and said: "I have decided that the [-] prisoners of the Liang army will be organized in disorder and reorganized into an army. As for the candidate for the chief general, you, Yu Wencheng, will be in charge for the time being."

Yu Wencheng couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "My lord, my subordinates are not capable enough to take on this important task..."

Seeing that Yu Wencheng wanted to decline, Qin Hao immediately interrupted, saying: "If you don't doubt the employment, if you don't, it's up to you."

Yuwen Chengdu almost burst into tears when he heard it. He had just surrendered and his loyalty had not yet been tested, so he was ordered to accept this important task. How courageous it must be.

Yu Wencheng suppressed the emotion in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, what is the virtue and what is the ability of this subordinate?"

"There is no one more suitable than you here." Qin Hao said sincerely.

After Yu Wencheng took a deep breath, he kowtowed and said, "This subordinate will definitely live up to my lord's expectations."

 The counterattack is about to begin
(End of this chapter)

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