Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1191: Spy Impossible

Chapter 1191: Spy Impossible
Chapter 1189: Spy, Spy
As he said that, Wang Yun was about to salute, but Chang'e hurriedly stopped him.

"Father, what are you doing? If you can do your best for the big man, Chang'e is duty bound."

Hearing this, Li Shimin was also filled with admiration, so he bowed and said, "Girl Shimin admires her high righteousness."

Chang'e forced a smile and said, "This is what a little girl should do."

Seeing this, Li Shimin felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

It has to be said that in the eyes of any man, Chang'e is almost perfect, not only Yang Jian, but even Li Shimin will fall in love with her.

It's just that Li Shimin is more rational, and clearly understands which one he cares more about, Jiangshan or beauty.

Now that the final plan is about to start, although Chang'e is the most critical part of it, it is not the most important part, so after getting some necessary information from Chang'e, it is natural not to waste too much time.

After Wang Yun and Li Shimin left, a black shadow fell from the roof and quietly descended behind Chang'e.

Chang'e turned around and saw someone behind her, and subconsciously prepared to scream for help, but the warrior in white covered her mouth.

"Don't call, it's me."

The familiar voice reassured Chang'e.

"Mr. Dugu, if you broke into Situ's mansion in broad daylight, you will know the consequences of being discovered." Chang'e said coldly.

The warrior in white is Dugu Qiubai, who was sent by Qin Hao to stare at Li Shimin. After the Qin army captured Hangu Pass, Dugu Qiubai released Li Shimin as promised, but he did not return to Chang'an, but served as a guard of Jinyi. The sharp knife sneaked into Chang'an.

After Jia Xu was assigned by Qin Hao to be in charge of Guanzhong affairs, Dugu Qiubai naturally obeyed Jia Xu, and Jia Xu's only task for Dugu Qiubai was to contact Chang'e.

The arrival of Dugu Qiubai is both a pleasant surprise and an uncomfortable thing for Chang'e.

Fortunately, after coming here for so long, she finally got in touch with the people around the princess, and she was satisfied with the princess's happiness.

What is uncomfortable is that she will also become Jia Xu's pawn in the future, and the biggest calculation in the entire Kansai will be centered on her.

Liu Mu didn't know that Jia Xu was in touch with Chang'e in private, and Jia Xu didn't use Liu Mu's banner to coerce Chang'e. He just asked Chang'e to choose between Wang Yun and Liu Mu, and Chang'e wisely and decisively chose Entong. The recreated Liu Mu.

Chang'e is the most critical part of Wang Yun and Li Shimin's plan, and Li Shimin's plan to overthrow Yang Jian has not even begun, and Chang'e has been instigated by Jia Xu.

Wang Yun and Li Shimin thought they were praying mantises to catch cicadas, but they didn't know that it was Jia Xu who was really behind the oriole.

After hearing Chang'e's words, Dugu Qiubai looked disdainful, and said lightly: "Didn't Li Shimin also come in broad daylight? Why don't you see that he is afraid of the consequences of being discovered by Yang Jian?"

"This..." Chang'e was speechless for a moment.

"Don't worry, even if the number of guards in Situ's mansion doubles, they won't be able to find me." Dugu Qiubai said calmly.

There are two hundred guards in Situ's Mansion, which can be regarded as heavily guarded for most people in this world, but for Li Shimin and this person in front of him, they can come and go as they want, and it is impossible to be discovered.

"Wang Situ wants you to use beauty tricks to seduce my brother-in-law. I don't know what the result is now?" Dugu Qiubai asked.

Chang'e's eyes could not help revealing a strange look, Dugu Qiubai came from the Dugu family, and was related to Dugu Jialuo as a cousin, but he was in the same situation as everyone in the Dugu family.

Chang'e was not at all curious about the mess between Dugu Qiubai and Dugu's family, so she honestly replied, "It's done."

After Dugu Qiubai looked Chang'e up and down, he couldn't help showing surprise, and asked, "But you are still a virgin."

"Love is love, love comes first, and lust comes later. Besides, who said that a woman must perform Zhou Gong's rituals before a woman can win the trust of a man?"


Dugu Qiubai couldn't help being speechless, for a person like him who has been loyal to the sword all his life, the feeling of love is really hard to understand.

"Well, what you said makes sense."

As he said that, Dugu Qiubai took out a letter and handed it over, "Hey, this is written to you by Master Jia Xu."

Between Jia Xu and Chang'e, communication is through Dugu Qiubai, not even flying pigeons to send letters, and this is just to ensure that Chang'e's identity is not exposed, after all, carrier pigeons are also very likely to be intercepted.

Chang'e took the letter with a sigh, and after reading it, her face suddenly became serious.

"What did the letter say?" Dugu Qiubai asked.

"You didn't see it?"

Chang'e responded in surprise, while Dugu Qiubai nodded.

"Master Jia Xu gave me a very interesting task, but I am not going to do it according to his instructions."

A strange look flashed in Chang'e's eyes, and she said calmly, "I have a more interesting idea."

Seeing this, Dugu Qiubai said: "You can control your own proportions, just don't go too far =."


After Chang'e left, Yang Jian's mind was full of Chang'e's figure, and he felt a little regretful about his actions just now.

Chang'e also likes me.

No, you already have Galo;
It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

No, you swore to love only Galo.

But I can't forget Chang'e.

No, are you worthy of Jia Luo?
I'm sorry, but I won't abandon Jia Luo...

In Yang Jian's mind, two voices were constantly clashing. After returning to his mansion in a trance, he bumped into the expressionless Dugu Jialuo head-on.

The two have been husband and wife for more than 20 years. Yang Jian knew that the situation was not good when he saw Dugu Jialuo's face, so he lowered his head and walked away as if he didn't see her.


Dugu Jialuo sneered coldly, Yang Jian subconsciously stopped, and Dugu Jialuo immediately asked unkindly: "Husband, have you gone to see that vixen Chang'e again?"

Dugu Jialuo has met Chang'e before, and for Chang'e, she only has two words to describe her, that is 'perfect', such a perfect woman, I am afraid that there is no man who will not be tempted.

Dugu Jialuo is also very confident in her beauty. When she was young, countless talented people also worshiped her under her pomegranate skirt.

But in front of Chang'e, not to mention the old self, even the young self would feel ashamed.

The appearance of Chang'e made Dugu Jialuo feel the crisis. She forbade Yang Jian to meet Chang'e in private, but she didn't want her husband to go to see her anyway.

Yang Jian was a little guilty at first, but Dugu Jialuo's stern tone made Yang Jian feel angry.

"When did you have to tell your wife who you are going to see as a husband?"

After Yang Jian asked a question in dissatisfaction, he turned his head and left. He knew that every time he quarreled with his wife, he would always be the one who suffers, so it's better not to talk too much.

 Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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