Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1200 Chen Qingzhi VS Guo Fengxiao

Chapter 1200 Chen Qingzhi VS Guo Fengxiao

Chapter 1198: Chen Qingzhi VS Guo Fengxiao

Not long ago, Han Fu and Yuan Shao attacked Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng respectively. Chen and Zhang were defeated and retreated steadily, so they decided to recall the [-] troops to aid the Southern Alliance Army.

For the 15 Confederate Army, although the [-] army is not much, it is not too small. The most important thing is that Wang Mang cannot do without Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian, so naturally he will not let Chen Zhang's [-] army leave easily. .

Although Wang Mang didn't want to let Chen Qingzhi and Chen Ba leave first, but Zhang Shicheng and Chen Youliang's orders had been issued, and Wang Mang was neither their lord nor had any relationship with them.Naturally, there was no excuse for keeping the two of them, and forcibly detaining them would only stiffen the relationship between the three.

Just when Wang Mang was in a dilemma, news came that Long Qie had beheaded Wang Shichong, and then news came that Long Yang had captured Huguan.

Huguan fell, and the road from Bingzhou to Jizhou was blocked. Even if Wang Mang agreed to Erchen's departure, Erchen would not be able to go back.

Chen Youliang is Er Chen's elder brother after all, and Er Chen's heart to leave is very firm. Wang Mang naturally understands that forcing him to stay is impossible, so he decides to send Chen Qingzhi to attack Shangdang and Huguan. Call back.

If Chen Qingzhi really took back Shangdang and Huguan, it would be equivalent to Wang Mang solving his worries. Even if he left at that time, Wang Mang would know it. If he didn't take it back, then he can't blame Wang Mang for not letting them go. It's yourselves. Disappointing.

It has to be said that Wang Mang's calculations were really shrewd. Obviously he sold Chen Qingzhi, but Chen Qingzhi was still counting the money for Wang Mang, taking advantage and not offending both sides.

Although Wang Mang only gave Chen Qingzhi [-] soldiers and horses, it was not because he was stingy, but because he was afraid that if he gave too much, the frontline army would not be able to withstand the offensive of the Qin army.

For the Bingnan Allied Forces, the biggest enemy is Qin Hao. Once the frontline army cannot stop the Qin Army and is defeated, even if Chen Qingzhi defeats the dragon and takes back Shangdang and Huguan, it will be meaningless.

The fall of Shangdang and Huguan caused the Bingnan Allied Army to lose nearly 13 troops, and Chen Qingzhi took away another [-] troops. This also reduced the strength of Wang Mang's troops to [-], but he had to fight against [-] soldiers who were armed to the teeth. Qin Jun.

The pressure in Wang Mang's heart was unprecedented, but at this point, he had no turning back, no matter whether he won or lost, he had to bear it to the death.


After Chen Qingzhi and Guo Tai led the army to leave, they did not attack Huguan immediately, but chose to concentrate their forces to besiege Zicheng, the eldest son of the Shangdang government.

After Long Qie divided his troops to attack the other Shangdang cities, he also divided the strength of the eldest son city. At this time, there were only [-] defenders in the eldest son city.

Wang Shichong was quite supported by the Shangdang family, especially the rest of the Eight Shanxi Merchants, who seemed to have been tied up with the Southern Alliance Army.

Chen Qingzhi originally thought that the aristocratic family in the eldest son's city would help him open the city gate and fight against the Ming army, but he far underestimated the deterrent power of the Ming army to the aristocratic family.

Both the Yellow Turban and the Ming Dynasty relied on slaughtering families to fight against the big man. Thousands of families were slaughtered, which also made the Ming army the most feared force in the world.

Although the aristocratic families in the eldest son city were dissatisfied with the Ming army's occupation of Shangdang, they did not dare to help the coalition army against the Ming army. Obviously Wang Mang couldn't save the lives of their family.

Although the Ming army occupies more than half of the Shangdang, it is rare that they did not take the initiative to slaughter the family. If the Ming army did not provoke the family, the family would have prayed to God and worshiped Buddha, so naturally they dare not take the initiative to offend the Ming army.

Seeing that the Shangdang aristocratic family is so peaceful, Long Jue is satisfied, but at the same time he can't help but secretly think that it's a pity, he is already ready to kill, but he doesn't expect these aristocratic families to be so spineless.

According to the usual practice, the first thing the Ming army does after seizing the city is to investigate the crimes of the family and then act for the heavens. But before Long Qie sent troops this time, the Emperor Ming asked him not to take the initiative to attack the family. Long Qi was puzzled by this But only obey.

Seeing that it was impossible to open the city from the inside, Chen Qingzhi put on a stance to storm the eldest son city, but set up an ambush on the only way between the eldest son and Huguan, and spread rumors that the eldest son city was about to be in danger, preparing to attack Longyang of Huguan. Come to a siege point to help.

Long Yang of Huguan had [-] soldiers in his hands. Seeing that Chen Qingzhi's [-] troops besieged the eldest son city, while his elder brother Long Qie only had [-] troops, and the situation in the eldest son city was very critical, so he prepared to divide [-] troops to go there. Support brother.

Seeing this, Guo Jia, a military officer pretending to be Jia, persuaded with a smile, "Don't worry, General Long. Although Long Qie only has [-] troops in the eldest son city, the eldest son city has high walls and thick defense equipment. Chen Qingzhi only has one With an army of [-], General Long Qie will definitely have no problem defending for three months.

This is just Chen Qingzhi's time to divert the tiger away from the mountain. I predict that Chen Qingzhi will set up an ambush halfway, and once the general leaves the city, he will fall into the trap. "

[Ding dong, Guo Jia's skill 'Ghost' is activated.

Ghosts: born ghosts, no plans left, trying to figure out people's hearts, unpredictable
Effect 1, after this skill is activated, intelligence will be increased by 1~4 points

Effect 2. When serving as a military adviser, increase the intelligence of the commander by 1~3 points. 】

[Ding dong, Guo Jia's skill 'ghost' is activated. When serving as a military adviser, the intelligence of the commander is increased by 1~3 points, and Longyang's intelligence is +3. Currently, Longyang's intelligence is 73. 】


Long Yang was shocked when he heard the words. In his opinion, Jia Guo was a well-known wise man in Ming Dynasty. Both his position and prestige were far higher than his own, so naturally he would not be indiscriminate. He has already said so. It seems that this is indeed Chen Qingzhi's scheme. .

"In that case, I will not leave the city." Long Yang said in a deep voice.

"Do not."

A cold light flashed in Guo Jia's eyes, and he said with a slight smile, "It is precisely because we know that Chen Qingzhi has set up an ambush that we need to divide our troops to support the eldest son city. The general can completely pretend not to know, and then smash Chen Qingzhi's ambush in one fell swoop."

Long Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "The military master has a good idea."

Long Yang acted according to Guo Jia's plan and led an army of [-] to his eldest son. On the way, he saw a frightened bird and did not dare to fall into the forest, knowing that there was an ambush ahead of the enemy.

So Long Yang slowed down his march, and at the same time divided his troops and went back to the opponent's back, preparing to attack the ambush from both sides.

Long Jun's luck was not very good. This time Chen Qingzhi came in person. Seeing that the Ming army slowed down, he guessed that they might have been exposed, so he decisively ordered to retreat.

Seeing that the enemy had discovered his intentions, Long Yang immediately gave up the flanking attack and pursued with all his strength, smashing Chen Qingzhi in one fell swoop and killing nearly [-] enemy troops.

Long Yang kept Guo Jia's advice in mind, and after the victory, he did not continue to expand the results of the battle, and continued to go to the eldest son, but led the army back to Huguan.

Seeing that Longyang was so cautious, Chen Qingzhi knew that it would not be so easy to capture Huguan in a short period of time, so he returned to the eldest son city and prepared to fight steadily.

 Today is really an unusual day. Zhang Ruoyun and Tang Yixin got married, Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo got divorced, Li Chen and Fan Bingbing broke up, and even if they were separated, they would all make headlines.

(End of this chapter)

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