Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1205 The Second Battle of Changping

Chapter 1205 The Second Battle of Changping
Chapter 1203: The Second Battle of Changping
Although Qin Hao took away the five super generals, he kept Su Lie and Xue Rengui behind. In addition, Bai Qi, who was in command of 105, was in charge of the overall situation. Maybe he escaped under Bai Qi's nose.

In terms of fierce generals, Bai Qi's army is indeed slightly weaker, but with Xue Rengui, Qin Wu, Arthur and many other strong generals present, it is enough to deal with Ju Wuba and Liang Lin.

As soon as Qin Hao's army left, Bai Qi immediately launched an action. He ordered Su Dingfang to lead [-] troops to station on the Shangdang border to prevent the Ming army from suddenly entering and disrupting the battle. Fortifications were deployed around the mountainous area of ​​more than ten miles, blocking all the roads for the coalition forces to escape from Changping.

Not long ago, Bai Qi was still at the junction of Hongnong and Luoyang, completely trapped the [-] Liang army with an army of [-], and besieged the [-] coalition army with an army of [-] so quickly, and it was still at the Changsha that he knew very well and was very kind to. The ground is flat, so Bai Qi is naturally very familiar with the layout.

In the land of Changping, there is a basin sandwiched between two mountains. Bai Qi and Xue Rengui blocked the front and rear exits one by one, and then deployed heavy troops in the dangerous place on the two mountains.

The reason why Bai Qi arranged this way is not to prevent the coalition forces from breaking out from both sides. The purpose of setting up defenses on the mountain roads of the two mountains is to prevent the enemy from attacking from both sides of the mountain. The combination of Zheng and Qi may cause damage to one's own side. .

Of course, it is impossible for the [-] troops to break out of the encirclement by taking the mountain road. Any ambush on this road may wipe out the entire army, so Wang Mang only has two ways to break through.

On the Changping defense line, which is more than ten miles long, the most pressured one is directly in front of Bai Qi, so Bai Qi is assigned the most generals.

As Bai Qi expected, before the Qin army's defense facilities were fully equipped, Wang Mang rushed over impatiently.

Now the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it is to the coalition forces, and a decisive attack may still be able to fight a bloody road.

Wang Mang ordered Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian to lead an army each, trying to deploy their troops, and dozens of Changping mountain roads were ignited everywhere.

The command ability of Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian is unquestionable, but there are no mediocre generals in the Qin army, and in the case of occupying a favorable location, even if Chen Qingzhi and Chen Baxian personally command, it is difficult to break through the Qin army in the short term. line of defense.

"It can't go on like this."

A trace of solemnity flashed in Wang Mang's eyes. He watched his army attack a stronghold of the Qin army four times with his own eyes, but was shot back by the Qin army's strong crossbow as soon as he rushed to the middle of the mountain.

The range of the Qin Army's powerful crossbows far exceeds that of the Allied forces' bows and crossbows. Coupled with the condescending position and wide field of view, the range is naturally farther. It is good that the Allied forces do not appear within the range. start.

"Damn it, why does the Qin army have so many powerful crossbows? Qin Hao is too willing to increase the combat power of the army."

Wang Mang clenched his fists unconsciously. According to his observation, among the [-] Qin army on the opposite side, there are at least [-] crossbows. This number is extremely huge, but this is not the total number of crossbows in the Qin army. The Qin army spent a lot of gold in the aspect of the crossbow alone. It is no wonder that the Qin army's combat power is so strong.

Seeing the archers of the Qin Army shooting arrows without stopping, Wang Mang's eyes were full of envy. This is the difference in background.

Qin Hao was born several years earlier than him, and has accumulated much richer background than him. Looking at the rich and rich, it is like spending money to fight a war!
Seeing his own army's offensive being repeatedly retreated, Wang Mang knew that he could not continue. After tonight, the Qin army's deployment and command became more stringent, and the possibility of breaking out by then would be even lower.

"Send Ju Wuba and Liang Lin to join the battle," Wang Mang said in a deep voice.

For Ju Wuba and Liang Lin, when they were prepared, the crossbow arrows fired by ordinary soldiers were not very threatening, and they were easily retained and killed in the Qin army, and the next step was naturally a one-sided massacre.

Even if the soldiers of the Qin army had excellent weapons and strong armor, they could not withstand Ju Wuba's scissors and Liang Lin's sledgehammer.

After the two entered the Qin army, they killed a soldier every step they took. Hundreds of elite swordsmen holding horizontal knives couldn't stop the two of them.

With Ju Wuba and Liang Lin holding fire in front, the coalition forces naturally easily attacked the top of the mountain, and then broke through the Qin army's defense line in one fell swoop. The Qin army suffered hundreds of casualties and retreated to the next hill, while Ju Wuba and Liang Lin took advantage of the victory to pursue .

After Ju Wuba and Liang Lin joined the battle, the situation of the coalition forces really improved a lot. They captured three hills of the Qin army in a row, but the terrain here in Changping is one mountain after another, and each mountain is higher than the other. To completely break out, there are still some fights.

The rapid fall of the three hills naturally aroused Bai Qi's vigilance, so he quickly convened all the generals to discuss the countermeasures.

"Qin Wu, Luo Cheng, Ding Yanping, Arthur, Lin Chong, Qin Ming, Hua Mulan, Hu join forces to block Ju Wuba and Liang Lin."

Bai Qi glanced at the generals in the hall, seeing that everyone was puzzled, he immediately explained: "Ju Wuba and Liang Lin both have unworthy courage, and the generals who can rival them in our army were all taken by the lord. Going to deal with Yuan Meng, General Xue Rengui led the army and couldn't get away.

Now that our army has no generals who can fight against them alone, there is no need to worry about the invincibility of victory when facing these two people. We will swarm up and kill them first. "

Chen Qingzhi took Ju Wuba and Liang Lin, and after breaking through three hills of the Qin Army, they aimed at a hill guarded by the Women's Army.

This time the Qin army was fully prepared, and Qin generals arrived not long after the coalition forces launched an attack. Seeing this, Liang Hongyu personally beat drums for the entire army.

[Ding dong, Liang Hongyu's skill 'Drum Exercise' is activated, and the Qin army's morale, attack power... and other comprehensive abilities have been partially improved. 】

Seeing that Ju Wuba and Liang Lin had already killed them, Qin Wu smiled to his wife Yang Paifeng beside him, "Liang Lin let your women army, Ju Wuba belongs to us."

Yang Paifeng's beautiful eyes gave her husband a blank look, and hummed, "Virtue."


After Qin Wu let out a long roar, he shouted: "Brothers, don't let the girls of the Detachment of Women look down upon you. Those who still want to marry a wife should do their best and kill them."

Lin Chong and Qin Mingli followed Qin Wu to fight against Ju Wuba, while Yang Paifeng teamed up with Hua Mulan, Hu Sanniang, and Dong Yue'e to fight against Liang Lin.

Seeing a large group of Qin generals killing him, Ju Wuba could not help cursing angrily: "Qin general is shameless, he has the guts to challenge me one-on-one."


Qin Wu snorted coldly, swung his knife and slashed, and at the same time cursed back: "Single out your uncle, hit anyone who wants to hit, what a waste of words."

Qin Wu jumped up, slashed down with the White Tiger Saber in his hand, and slammed it fiercely on the God of Winding Scissors.

Nail... Sparks sparked after the two soldiers collided.

(End of this chapter)

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